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She was scared for her Diamond as more and more gems began to rebel on the Diamonds.

White Diamond looked out of her base, looking down at all the gems yelling at her, asking her where Pink Diamond was.

Pearl looked down below them with White Diamond. "My Diamond-"

"Not now Pearl. Call Malachite for me, tell her I want to speak with her as soon as possible," White Diamond said as she turned around and walked away from the gems sight.

"Yes my Diamond..." Pearl walked to the Diamond Cominicator, the only thing White Diamond gave her to call anyone. Pearl tried her hardest to call Malachite. She even tried to hack into the communicator, but it wouldn't work. Pearl sighed and walked out of the base and down a long hallway with glass walls. Gems surrounded the wall, yelling and screaming, and as soon as they saw Pearl they began to scream at her. Ordering her to tell her Diamond to find Pink Diamond. Pearl ignored all of them and walked down the hallway, until she reached another base. She pushed two curtains out of the way and walked inside. White Diamond was gone.

"Looking for someone?"

Pearl turned around and saw Yellow Pearl.

"I'm looking for my Diamond. Where did she go?" Pearl asked.

"She went off my Yellow Diamond and left me here to watch the bases for her while she's gone. I'm surprised White Diamond would just leave you unattended," Yellow Pearl said. "I have some things to watch over while my Diamond is gone. Like making sure non of the rebels come."

"The rebels?"

"That's what we call the gems that are leaving us to protect Earth and go on Rose Quartz side. I heard Rose Quartz was going to stop by Pink Diamonds base and talk to her. I think where White and my Diamond are going," Yellow Pearl opener the curtains leading to the hallways and sighed when she saw all the screaming gems.

"Should we go too?" Pearl asked. "We can't stay here! What if our Diamonds need us? We can't just stay here and wait for those gems to break through the glass!"

"My Diamond told me to wait here, I can't disobey her orders!" Yellow snapped.

Suddenly there was a loud boom. The screaming got louder, as Pearl heard gems dying. The curtains opener and Pink Pearl walked in. She held the curtain open and held it open for Pink Diamond. She walked in and looked down at us.

"Where are your Diamonds?" Pink Diamond asked.

"P-Pink Diamond?! What are you doing here?" I
Pearl asked. "Not that I question you, Pink Diamond. It's just dangerous here..."

"I heard that Rose Quartz was going to my base, I figured White Diamond's would be the safest for me," Pink Diamond said as she walked passed them, just a few inches taller than them. "Do any of you have access to Yellow Diamond's space shuttle?"

"I do... Why do you need it Pink Diamond?" Yellow asked.

"How else am I going to hide? I don't have a space shuttle, Blue Diamond's sucks, and White Diamond would shatter me if I took hers. Yellow Diamond is my last option. Even though she'd hate me more, I have nowhere to go," Pink Diamond looked at her Pearl. "And you stay here, I want to be alone."

"My Diamond! You can't be alone, I'll come with you!" Pink Pearl said.

"Yellow Diamond's slave shuttle is small, it's not meant for her it's meant for her best guards like her quartz and stuff. So it's only able to fit about ten quartz-"

"That's huge my Diamond! Look at how skinny I am, I can fit in the space shuttle with you!" Pink Pearl said.

"No! I want to be alone when I leave. Why would you want to stay with one gem for the rest of your life?!" Pink Diamond sighed and she pulled back the curtains and have the gems outside the finger. "I don't want to let another Diamond take Earth. I know for sure if I back down then the others will take it. They will just shatter anyone who displeased them."

"I suppose I can give you Yellow Diamond's shuttle, but you can't tell Yellow I let you in," Yellow said. "I'm only doing this to protect you."

Pink Diamond looked away from Yellow.

"I forgot to call Malachite!" Pearl cried. "My Diamond told me to call her before."

"There's a communicator in the shuttle, follow me," Yellow said, leading them to a warp pad. They stepped on the warp pad and a few seconds they were at Yellow Diamond's base. "We must hurry, I don't know when my Diamond will get back."

They walked down a long hallway and pushed back some yellow curtains and walked out into the open. No crowd, no noise, no hatred.

"Follow me Pink Diamond," Yellow said as she walked to a medium sized space shuttle. Yellow opened it and they all crawled inside. Yellow walked over to the side and motioned Pearl to come to her. "This is a communicator, but you only have a minute to chat for each call."

"Uh, okay," Pearl said, pressing a button. A gem popped up on a little screen. "Who is making this call and who is the call for?" A Peridot asked with her gem on her head.

"This is the Pearl. I want to call Malachite 6-29," Pearl said.

"Oh! Oh course White Pearl," Peridot said. The screen went blank. A few moments later another gem came up. Another Yellow Pearl.

"Who is this?" The Yellow Pearl asked.

"This is the White Pearl. I want to talk to your Malachite," Pearl said.

The Yellow Pearl glanced over. "My Malachite, the White Pearl wants to speak with you."

There was the sound of heavy walking and then the screen was being lifted and then Malachite finally appeared. "White Pearl?"

"Malachite, my Diamond, White Diamond, wants you as soon as possible. She wants to speak with you."

"What does she need?" Malachite asked. Her bright green eyes seemed to be staring through Pearl though the screen. The dark green strip over her nose and mouth lead down around her neck and her to right shoulder. Her gem was on her navel, like Pink Diamond.

"She didn't say-"

"Well... shouldn't you know? You're her Pearl aren't you?" Malachite asked.

"Sh-she didn't say what she needed..." Pearl said.


"I'll call White Diamond soon," then she hung up.

"Everyone leave!" Pink Diamond snapped. "I want to go now."

Pearl walked out of the shuttle, and fell over as something huge shook the ground.


Pearl looked up to see Yellow Diamond standing there, just as the three Pearls got out of the shuttle.

"M-my Diamond!" Yellow cried. "I can explain!"

"Why are three Pearls and Pink Diamond in my shuttle?!" Yellow Diamond snapped.

"I want to leave!" Pink Diamond said, getting out. "I'm not safe here! And I'm not calling it off. Earth will be mine!"

Yellow Diamond rolled her eyes. "I don't have time for this. I understand you want Earth but if you really do, then you can't hide!"

Pink Diamond looked up at Yellow Diamond. "I don't want to be here!"

Yellow Diamond lifted her foot up and slammed it down on the shuttle. Sending pieces flying everywhere. "If any of you try to take my stuff again I'll shatter you all! Pearl!"

Yellow Pearl followed Yellow Diamond as they walked away. Leaving the three alone.


I know I said if publish the last chapter of the story but I felt bad for not publishing anything for almost a month. So here are some chapters, about 6 more to go!

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