4•A Heart

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I had chosen almost twenty different outfits to look like a Crystal Gem. I didn't know anything about them though, I didn't know what outfits they wore, if they had to be a specific gem?
Blue Pearl told me a Rose Quartz could heal my gem. I also told Pink Diamond she'd be shattered by one of her own Rose Quartz, is the Rose that's going to save my gem also the one that'll shatter Pink Diamond? I didn't want to think about it. I turned against my Diamond over a control room.
I felt hot tears in my eye, I'd probably already be on Earth if Peridot hadn't left me sixteen years ago. I wonder if Pink Diamond is still looking for me after all these years. I thought I'd be at Earth by now. Hell, I don't even know how much longer I'll be in here for.
At least the launch pad was still in its destination, there was a map, showing a blue line where I started from, and a yellow line to where I was going.
Suddenly the yellow line caught my eye, it was so small. Was I really that close to Earth?
I looked around, and realized I had missed a planet right below the launch pad. It was green, white, and blue. It was so beautiful, no wonder why the Crystal Gems would want to live here.
"Destination has arrived. Landing in 1 minute"
I sat back and smiled. I have went through sixteen years without getting caught by Pink Diamond or anybody else. Then it hit me. Maybe Pink Diamond was already shattered, maybe that's why I haven't gotten caught yet.
I looked back down at the planet Earth, Peridot should be on Earth by now since she got at least a ten minute head start.
Suddenly, the launch pad started falling at a fast speed. I didn't buckle myself up and I fell at the back of the launch pad. Fire began to grow in front of the launch pad, making it hard to see where I was going to land.
And all of a sudden, it stopped.


I pushed the top open and crawled out, looking around. There were tall brown objects and the ground was soft and green. I laid on the ground, happy that I was finally out of that launch pad.
"Who are you? State your gem!" A voice snapped from above me.
I looked up to see a tall gem, red, but no Quartz I've ever seen.
"You're a fusion," I said. "Of what gems?"
"Sapphire and Ruby," the fusion said. "I'm-" then she shook her head. "Why are you here?!"
I had to think of a lie. "I'm a Crystal Gem..."
"You came out of a Honeworld launch pad," the fusion said. "You're a spy."
"Oh please!" I snapped, brushing myself off. "I left because I said Pink Diamond would be shattered sixteen years ago Lego-Lady," I hissed. "I want my gem fixed. Her name is Rose."
The fusion looked at me, then sighed. "You're purple."
"I'm special, unlike the Sapphire you're fused with," I mocked. "I can make futures, you can see them."
"You can make futures? Fine, make one right now!" The fusion hissed. "Make us win the war!"
"I can't! See?!" I showed my gem. "My gem is cracked, and I can't make any futures if it's cracked."
"So, what's the real reason you came here," the fusion said.
"To get my gem fixed, to get away from Pink Diamond," I said.
"Pink Diamond has been gone for ten years," the fusion said, looking down. "I'm going to have to bubble you in order to bring you to Rose."
Suddenly the slammed me in the head and everything went black.


I felt my gem floating in the air, thinking of a new outfit. Instead of a dress, I wore a suit, kind of like the one the fusion was wearing. I didn't know what else Crystal Gems wore.
I fell to the ground, and quickly stood up, seeing a tall pink figure standing above me.
"Is this the Purple Sapphire?" A soft voice said.
"Yes," the fusion said.
"Thank you Garnet," the soft voice said.
I stood up and watched the fusion called Garnet walk to the side of the room.
"Garnet tells me you have a special power," a Rose Quartz said, bending down to my level. "Is it true you made me kill Pink Diamond?"
I took a deep breath. "Not you specifically. I didn't really know you belonged to Pink Diamond. I mean I knew you did, but I didn't choose you."
Rose stood up. "Garnet also said you wanted me to heal your gem?"
"I'll be out of your log pink hair," I said. "I won't bother you again, I just need my gem to be fixed."
Rose sighed. "I'm afraid I can't do that."
"You've chosen a very bad future over rage for me and Pink Diamond. When you loose yourself you tend to make a terrible futures for others. I don't want you to make a terrible future for us. I hope you can understand-"
"You mean I dragged my purple ass here for sixteen years just to get a no?" I snapped.
"You can't expect me to let something like you, handing out bad futures like a free gift, around here. We're in the middle of a war," Rose said. "Find someone else to fix someone else to fix your gem."
"Let's go," Garnet said, picking me up and bringing me out of the cave.
"That's enough!" Garnet snapped, throwing me out of the cave. "You minus as well head back to homeworld, you're not welcome here."

What will Purple Sapphire do now that Rose Quartz won't heal her gem?
Find out next chapter! :P

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