Chapter 1

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Characters Imformation-

Hallie- 15 years old, Main Character.

Emily- 16 years old, Hallie best friend.

Cameron- Hallies brother, 17 years old.

Josh- Cameron's best friend, 17 years old almost 18.

Mom- Hallie and Cameron's mom.

Aaron- Hallies crush, 16 years old.
~Friday Morning~
Beep. Beep. Beep.
I groan as I hit my alarm off. It read 6:00am. 'Another day in the hell hole' I think to myself. I slowly stretch and rub my eyes since they were blurry. I stand up and make my way to my dresser and grab my clothes.

I decided on wearing my black top and jean shorts, since it's a nice day of summer. I walk into my bathroom change, then brush my teeth. I walk over to my desk grabbing my make-up, returning to the bathroom and putting on my make-up, and fixing my hair.

I walk down stairs to be greeted by the smell of pancakes. I walk into the kitchen and see my brother Cameron sitting at the table, and mom cooking pancakes. I yawn and sit at the table across from Cameron.

"Someone's extra tired, huh?" My brother laughs.

"Shh, I just woke up, you know the drill, no talking for five minutes so I don't rip your head off," I say laughing some.

"Hallie, how many pancakes do you want?" My mom asks.

"Two is all I want." I reply.

My mom walks over and hands me and my brother our food, we say thanks.

"I won't be home until 2am, I'm working the extra shift at the hospital tonight."

"Mom, you've been doing a lot of extra shifts lately" I say stuffing pancakes in my mouth.

"Only so we have money to get through. It's been hard lately..."

"Yeah... since dad left us... he's pathetic." Cameron says.

"Cameron don't..." I say looking at him from across the table

"It's the truth."

"It's fine, Hallie. I left $45 on the counter if you guys want pizza or anything else." Mom says as she walks out the door.

I finish my pancakes and put my dishes in the sink. I go and find my backpack, putting my things in it.

"Oh, Hallie, I'm bringing Josh over tonight. I guess you can bring one of your friends, it would be fair."

"Okay, it will most likely be Emily."

"Cool, see you at school." Cameron says as he walks out the door to get in his car.

I grab my jacket, walk out the door, and lock it. Then I walk to my car and put my stuff in the back. I drive to Emily's house and see her waiting outside.

"What took so long?! If we're late, it's your fault." She says jokingly and getting in.

"Sorry, I was talking to Cameron, he's bringing Josh over tonight." I say driving towards school.


"And he said I could have you over, since it would only be fair... wanna come over after school?"

"Well of course, were besties."

"Great! " I exclaim, parking on the school parking lot. I shut the car off and grab my bag.

(A/N I am writing this on my phone and the pages look long, sorry if they are short.)

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