Chapter 30

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~5:35am Two hours later~

I wake up again to hear Jordan crying. I get out of bed tierdly. I walk into her room and pick her up. 'Well diapers good.' I go downstairs and make her some formula milk. I give it to her and she starts to drink it. I sit down on a chair while feeding her.

She drinks the whole bottle. I put the bottle in the sink and walk around lightly patting her back burping her. She burps a few times, I walk up stairs and rock her in my arms until she gose to sleep. I lightly put her in her crib tucking her in. I walk back into mine and Joshs bedroom. I try to get in bed with out waking Josh. I hear him mumbling something, but I can't make it out. I get comfortable and fall asleep slowly.


I slowly open my eyes and see Josh isn't beside me. I sit up and stretch, I then  stand up walk into the nursery,  only to see Josh in the rocking chair holding Jordan, smiling at her.

"Hey," I say smiling. He looks over at me.

"Hey, she was crying at 9am and I was up at like 8:40 something, you looked so peaceful when you were sleeping. So I got her, changed her diaper and feed her. She's not quit asleep yet, but she's getting tierd." He says smiling.

"Thanks for getting her, I was so tierd, I woke up like 2 times, 2 something and 5 something. But I don't care, I love her, I would stay up all night and day for her." I say smiling.

"Yeah me too. I love her, and, I love you," He says smiling, getting up and setting Jordan in her bed. He tucks her in gently, as if he were going to break her. He walks over and kisses me, "I really love you, so danm much."

" I love you too." I say smiling. I walk down stairs with Josh. He sits at the table and I look in the fridge for something to make for breakfast. I grab some bacon and eggs.

I get the skillet ready, and start making the food. Once the food is done I put it on two plates one for me, and for Josh. I give him his plate.

"Thanks babe." He says smiling.

"Yep." I say smiling back and sitting down to eat.

~6pm later that Night ~

I sit on the couch after putting Jordan back to sleep. Josh is out with his friends he said he would be back in 2 hours.

Ding Dong

I flinch when I hear the door bell. Because it surprised me. 'Who could this be?' I think to myself. I get up and walk over to the door. I open it, my eyes widen. I try to slam the door but it just pushes open. I fall to the ground.

"What do you want Alex!?"

"I told you, I was gonna get you back. I was in jail for a month when you reported me." Alex says slamming the door and locking it.

"Alex please, I had no other choice... you need to leave.... I have a new life a better boyfriend-" I get cut off.

"Yes. Your brothers best friend, Josh, right? And you just had his baby, say, where is she? I'd like to meet her."

"You're not going near her!" I say standing up.

"I know Josh isn't her to protect you, or her. So this is the perfect opportunity. " he says, then he pulls out a gun.

"Wh-what are you d-doing Alex..."

"You are gonna do everything I say understood?"

"No, fuck you Alex!" I say and start running up the stairs.

Bang. I freeze when I hear the gun go off.

"Don't you move,  you try to run, scream, or fight me. I will kill your precious daughter, understood?"

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