Chapter 38

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(A/N I apologize for so long of not updating and I forgot what day it is so just gonna go with a Monday in July on the 6th in 2022)


I stare down at the papers in my hands. Aaron is rubbing my back as tears roll down my cheeks. I whip them away so Jordan doesn't see me crying.

"I can't believe he did this.. I don't even know why.. he walked out on us, hes not fit to be her dad hes not responsible and after all these years why now..." I whisper to Aaron

"I don't know Hallie, but listen you will win custody over her, you're her mother and you take great care of her and you have a steady job and you're just better then Josh in every way." Aaron assures me.

"I know it's just gonna be hard.. and I'm gonna need people to testify and-"

"Hallie everyone is on your side you're a great mother to her." Aaron's says calming me down.


I stand up and go into the kitchen setting the papers in a drawer and splash cold water onto my face. I sigh and lean against the sink for a moment. I walk back into the living room and pick up Jordan.

"Mom are you okay?" She asks.

"Yes princess, do you want to invite Elena over to have a little tea party?" I ask her smiling.

"Oh yes mommy yes!!" She says with excitement. I set her down and go into the kitchen and call Emily.

Riiing. Riiing.


"Hey Emily its Hallie-"

"OMG girl hey how are you its been awhile " she says excitedly.

"Yeah, and pretty..okay.. I was wondering if Elena could come over and play with Jordan?"

"Well of course silly, we'll be over in a few "

"Okay." I say and hang up the phone.

I walk into the living room seeing Aaron carrying Jordan on his shoulders. I smile while looking at them, seeing Jordan laughing and having so much fun. He sets her down by her toys and walks over to me.

"How you holding up?" He asks

"I'll be okay.." I reply.

*ding dong*

I walk over to the door and open it to see Emily with Elena I smile and invite them in. Elena is only a year older then Jordan, Emily adopted her last year with Cameron, Jordan and Elena hang out almost every week. Emily walks Elena over to jordan and they start playing together. Aaron, Emily, and I sit on the couch so we can see them.

"So what's going on Hallie? You sounded off on the phone." Emily says looking at me with concern.

"Its Josh..." I say pausing

"What about that s-c-u-m-b-a-g?" She spells out so the kids won't hear the word.

"He... he's trying to get custody.."

"What!?" She says with anger

"Yeah.. but I know I'll win because he walked out on us, he hasn't seen her in years, he hasn't helped since the day he left we've gotten nothing from him, I've worked my butt off to support us and Aaron has helped when things got hard and I know you would but you also have a cute bundle of joy to worry about... I just don't know why now.."

"I don't know either... no one has even seen him in town for years, let alone anyone knowing he's here now."  She says thinking.

"The court date is set for this Wednesday.. and... well... will you testify for my side..?"

"Oh hallie you know I will and so will Cameron and you're babysitter what's her name.. uh Taylor? And Aaron I'm sure and heck even Josh's parents. You are her mother and you're doing a great job." She says and hugs me

"Oh course I will" Aaron says

"Thank you guys so much" I say smiling some. "Emily if you want you can stay the night, I know it's a drive back home so you're welcomed to stay however long."

"Thank you and yeah me and Elena can stay a few days I suppose, I'll call Cameron to let him know." She stands up

"Tell him I said hi and that I love him"

"I will hun." She replies and walks into the kitchen to call Cameron. I rub my head from having a small headache and lean my head back. Aaron puts his arm around me so I lay my head on his chest while still rubbing my head.

"Headache?" He asks. I nod my head in response. I fell his hand on my head as he gives it a massage. My head instantly starts to feel better and I smile.

"Thank you Aaron"

"Anytime Hallie" he smiles.

Emily walks back in and sets her phone on the coffee table.

"Okay I let Cameron know and he'll be there Wednesday also he said he loves you too Hallie." She says

"Okay. And thank you again."

"Anytime, and hey I get to cook tonight" she says with a big smile on her face

"Okay you can do that" I say with a laugh.

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