Chapter 28

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"Yes, I know I need rest." I say smiling and going into the living room and sit on the couch. I turn on the T.V. and watch the DVD Major Payne.


I slowly open my eyes and see that I fell asleep on the couch. I look around and see Josh in the recliner watching T.V.. He looks over at me.

"Hello sleepy head." He says with a smile.

"Hi, how long was I asleep?" I ask.

"Almost 9 hours. You were tierd."

"I guess I was." I say standing up.

I walk into the kitchen and get a bottle of water from the fridge. I start to walk back into the living room but then there's a pain in my stomach. I groan in pain and grip the counter. 'Whats happening..?' I thought.

I then feel something run down my legs. I look down. 'Oh my god..."

"Josh!!" I yell. He comes running into the kitchen.

"What's wrong...did you... pee yourself?" He asks looking at the floor confused.

"Josh my water just broke... oh my god...Call Cameron and Emily.."

"Oh my god...okay" he says rushing for his phone in his pocket. 

Josh's POV-

I quickly get my phone out and tell Emily and Cameron, Hallies water just broke. They replied faster then I thought, they both said they were on their way.

I look up and see Hallie holding her stomach and her eyes shut. I walk over to her.

"Baby come on, we have to try and get to the hospital.." I say holding her arm.

"I know.. stomach hurts really bad...and it's still 6 days until my actually due date...its early
..what if somethings wrong.." Hallie says worridly.

"All the more reason to go to the hospital."

I help her walk out of the kitchen and go to the door, I open the door and see Cameron and Emily walking up the steps.

"Oh my god Hallie, come on, I'm here for you." Emily says helping her to the car.

"Josh, you and Cameron grab the baby bag and everything else needed.." Hallie said getting into the car.

With that me and Cameron rush into the house, I grab the baby bag and Cameron grabs a few other things. We rush out the house, Emily is in the back with Hallie.

I put the stuff in the trunk and get in the driver's side, Josh gets in the passenger side. I speed off to the hospital.

I look in my review mirror only to see red and blue flashing lights. 'Fuck... I can't pull over, Hallie needs to get to the hospital.' I keep driving and we get to the hospital the police car fallows us all the way their.

I rush out and open the door for Hallie, Emily helps her out and starts walking with Hallie. I open the trunk and grab everything, Cameron takes the baby bag.

"Stop right their. " I heard someone say. I turn around, of course, the cop.

"Please sire I have to go, my girlfriend, she's pregnant and-"

"Don't start your fake story for speeding."  'He cut me off, that basturd .'

"Officer Please see for yourself, her water just broke, I have to be with her."

"Fine, but when you come back out, your getting a ticket.

And with that I run into the hospital and see Hallie on a patient bed.

Hallies POV-

I see Josh rush through the doors. The doctors tell him something I couldn't hear, but Josh came over to me and held my hand as the nurses and docters take me to the delivery room.

~20 minutes later~

"Push! Hallie push!" The doctor says.

I push hard but there is so much pain I'm drenched in sweat and I'm probably breaking Josh's hand from squeezing it. 

"You got this baby you can do it. " Josh says kissing my head. I keep pushing and I scream in pain. I try to control my breathing like I had practiced at the labor practicing thing.

"It hurts Josh.." I say as tears fall from my eyes.

"I know baby, but soon Jordan will be here." He says reassuringly and kisses my head.

"Hallie stop pushing right now, it's important not to push." The doctor says.

"What's wrong?" Josh asks.

"The umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck, we have to unwrap it and it can be very difficult. So Hallie do not push." He says.

I try not to push although I'm scared as hell of what might happen. I only pry they get the umbilical cord unwrapped.

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