Chapter XVII

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About 3 More chapters left and It's on to book 3. And book 3 will be about the kids you met in this story!


1 Month Later


It's August and Thank God! Bre is back in school.  She's a 4th grader and Jr. is at daycare with D'andre. Khari has been practicing with his team more since e the season starts in October for them. He and I are going strong and we've even announced our relationship publicly. I couldn't be even more happier.

Che'una,  Kay, and myself have went into business together. They have been hosting many fashion shows and my hair and make up teams are on the job. I decided to start selling some of my hair products in Che' and Kay's stores, so money has been pouring in. All this success isn't easy though. I  decided to hire myself an assistant.  Her name is Maleya She's fresh out of college and she's in Law School for the moment and doing an internship for a firm. Since they don' t pay her, the money she receives from me helps Alot. Especially considering she has kids to think about.

Right now, I'm on my way to my daddy's house to pick the rest of D'andre's clothes while Che'una is at work and I'm trying to sneak a nap in on my dad's and Tina's couch. Che'una and Khaymon have adopted him and I'm Just happy the baby got some parents! Momma chasing a drug dealer and daddy in jail?  God really blessed D'andre with a better family. 

"Fatherrrrrrrr of mine!  " I yelled up the stairs. He came down with some basketball shorts, a wife beater, some Jordans, and his dreads pulled to the back.  The jealousy I have for my father's contained youth. 

"What is it Chey?" he said stopping on the last step.

I gasped.  "What is it? You mean I can't take time out my day to come and see my loving father and he isn't excited enough to appreciate my presence? "

"Girl shut your dramatic ass up! You know damn Well you Just wanna sleep while the bad ass kids at school," he said laughing

I plopped down in the couch and laughed. "My children are not bad! Jr and Bre are Just energetic and love playing with their grandfather and grandmother,!"

"Whatever. Between Mikeal, LJ, Jr, Bre and D'andre,  I'M tired of being a grandfather! I Just hope that Che'una and Khaymon's kids aren't 'energetic' too! "

"Daddy, stop saying kids! They are NOT having twins! "I was so tired of arguing with my daddy about What Che' is having. He is Just so certain that she is having twins because  we're twins and Khaymon is a twin.  That doesn't mean a thing.

"I'm Just putting it out there that It's possible OK? " he said holding his hands up in defeat. 

"Yea, Yea. Where's Tina at? "

"She went to work early. She was pissed because Ky called saying she was pregnant and was getting married. She wants us to come to the wedding, but D'andre can't come because her Fiance doesn't know about him. Tina sa- "

"Y'all should go" I said cutting him off.

"Are you fucking crazy? Cheyenne, Ky'ree is marrying a Kingpin from Houston, pregnant with his child, but is denying her own for him. You want us to be happy and on some Hakuna Matata shit for her?"

"Daddy, the only beef we had with her as a family was What she did to Dre and he has a great life now.  He has a mother and a father and soon a little sister or brother. He has cousins and Mikeal and Jr are like his best friends. He has Aunts, uncles, grandparents and other family. He goes  to a great school. And most importantly he's happy. Just go to the wedding so Tina can let go of Ky'ree. " He looked at me for a moment and then he sighed.

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