Love is for the pure

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Another blissful afternoon passes as I watched from my window. I can only imagine what the radiant sun feels on my light ivory skin or what the fresh ocean breeze feels as it grazes my hair. What extravagant wishes I had. I knew it was hopeless to wish for such luxuries. A simple task of taking a mid-afternoon summer stroll was impossible.

I've been stuck in this ivory tower since my 16th birthday. Before then, I was able to run outside as I pleased. I went to school every day, had a small group of amazing friends and we go out to the movies and parties whenever I wished. I had no bodyguards, no one to report too and best of all I wasn't trapped in my room until my 21st birthday.

That is not the case anymore. My destiny was initiated on my 16th birthday. On March 4th, my life was signed away to the Vincenzo family. I was now a liability. I am not allowed anywhere without the approval of the notorious family. I had to say goodbye to my friends, my strolls through the fields, the parties, and the movies. I had to say goodbye to my life.

"Alessandra! Come down for lunch" My mother's voice called through the speaker.

The only contact I have is with my family during meals. I wasn't allowed to leave my room unless it was for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. My parents weren't allowed in my room. We were under strict orders from the Vincenzo family. As a courtesy to me, they installed a PA system in my room that is connected to the kitchen in case my family and I needed to communicate with one another. 

Suddenly I heard my door being unlocked. Another special feature installed by the Vincenzo family. A 10 bolted door that only locked with a special code and key from the outside. I couldn't escape even if I tried. 

My guard Samuel graced my presence. He was my first guard and my only sort of friend since I cut all of mine off. He is a gentle soul; too kind to the world he was in.

"Come on princess, let's get you fed" He laughed. With him behind me, I walked down the long spiral stairs to the kitchen.

My life hasn't always been this...extreme. I was normal, my family was normal. We have lived in Milian Italy our whole lives. My father owned a successful exporting/importing company while my mother owned a small bakery right in the middle of the city. We lived simple lives. Until my father got the call the two nights before my birthday that would change everything.

He was summoned by the Vincenzo family to come to Genoa, a small city right out the border of Italy. That is where their most exclusive quarters are. We had thought that they wanted a share into my father's importing business which he was happy to negotiate but he was horribly wrong.

He was called to be reminded of the destiny that my greatest grandfather signed off many years ago. A destiny that said the 8th girl to be born from the Mortelli bloodline was to be married off to the son of the future leader of the Vincenzo family. I was to be married to the biggest mafia leader in all of Europe. My father couldn't believe it. He was never told anything about the destiny when he was a child. Girls were uncommon on my father's side of the family so it was somewhat of a curse/miracle that I was the 8th girl in the bloodline.

Out of all generations and was me who was destined for a life of captivity.


When I got to the kitchen. My mother, father and younger brother sat at the table quietly waiting for my arrival. Once Samuel did his daily search of the kitchen he gave me the signal that it was okay to hug and join my family.

"Oh honey, I feel like you've grown since breakfast!" Mama cried as she squeezed my cheeks.

"Oh come on mama, it's been only a few hours." I hugged my papa and little brother Roberto next.

We took our time eating since I wasn't too see them until dinner. This was my time to catch up with my family.

"So how was everyone's morning?" I wondered.

"Your mother and I stayed home, our businesses were running well without us so we decided to take some time to focus on some house renovations" Father spoke softly.

"I just got home from school. Babina and Juliana wanted me to tell you that they miss you" The names of my best friends almost made me burst into tears. I miss them dearly but I wasn't allowed any visitors; even family.

"Tell them I love them and I'll hopefully see them again" To be honest I don't know what will happen to me after my 21st birthday. My father was left in the dark after the news, all we know is that the Vincenzo's will be coming for me as soon as the sun rises on March 4th. I recently just celebrated my 20th birthday. I only have 8 more months until my time is up.

Eventually, lunch had to end. There was nothing else to eat and nothing else to say. I hugged each person before Samuel escorted back into my dungeon...I mean bedroom.

"I snuck another one of those romcoms to keep you company for a few days. I don't know how you can watch those." Samuel muttered as I entered the room.

I giggled as I found the stash of movies he snuck under my sheets.

"What girl doesn't love a good love story and some jokes on the side?"

"Hmm horror is where it's at but it's your life."

"Oh, whatever Samuel. Leave me be with my beautiful romcoms." He smiled at me before closing the door and locking it shut.

Looks like it's just me and Channing Tatum for the next 4-5 hours.

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