Family Drift

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BIG BIG BIG NEWS COMING YOUR WAY! Well not too big of news but much-needed news. After re-reading this book I know I have to make some big edits and change a few details. Which is why I am re-editing the story completely. I won't take down the chapters but I might unpublish and republish chapters. With every one NEW chapter posted, at least 2 chapters will be republished. I suggest re-reading the story again!

Anyways back to the new chapter 

BTW this is a super long chapter so you're welcome. 


Getting ready for the day was an adventure with Dominic by my side. He insisted on using the bathroom at the same time as I did. There was more than enough space for both of us to use the bathroom without crashing but that's something I need to warm up too. So like a gentleman, he waited until I was showered and dressed before using the bathroom. I waited for Dominic to close the bathroom door behind him before leaving the bedroom. I wanted to wait for Dominic to at least finish showering but I had an important call to make. 

I walked over to my old room and used the house phone that Dominic had installed for me.  I had this phone installed for a while now but I never made an attempt to call my parents. Deep down I was avoiding them especially my father. Now, I have to face my fear. 

I dialed my parent's number. Surprisingly, my mother answered as soon as I dialed.

"Ciao? Who's this?" My mother wondered curiously.

"Ciao mama, it's Alessandra."

"Bambina! How are you? We've been trying to call you on the cellphone but you never answer! What's happening?" 

"I'm ok, mama but I can't use that cellphone anymore. Dominic found it and let's just say things didn't go well. I was calling to let you know that Dominic has a plane set up to fly you down tomorrow."

"Fly us? For what?" From the confusion in her voice, something told me that my father failed to mention my intentions to go through with the marriage.

"Well mama, I've planned an engagement party with Dominic for this weekend. I want you guys to come in early and help me plan while meeting Dominic's family as well. Have you received my invitation in the mail?"

"Invitation...marriage?! Why am I just hearing about this now! We haven't received any mail and Samuel has been MIA since you've left. You're marrying into the Vincenzo family after everything they put you through?"

"I told papa on the phone a few weeks back. I sent out the invitations but something tells me papa discarded it before you had the chance to see it. I know this doesn't make any sense mama but there is a reason why I'm doing this. I'm not as trapped as you think I am. A lot of things happened while I've been here and I want to share everything with person. I really need you here mama."

"Your papa knew about this marriage and didn't tell me! Cazzo, this is why he's been acting so strange lately. He always works late nights when he has secrets that he doesn't want to share with me. Is that the reason you stopped contacting us?"

"Somewhat. I learned some things being here and It's been a process trying to understand and adjust here. Which is why I need you to be here so I can show you and actually spend quality time with you, please mama. I know you're not happy about the wedding or my decision but I need you here more than anything."

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