Throwback p1

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Now I know you're wondering when will I explain the story of when Alessandra and Dominic first truly met when they were young. Well... here it is. Well, at least Dominic's version.

Which also means...


*Let me warn you this is a long ASS CHAPTER*

OKAY let's just jump right into it.


Dominic POV

It's been 2 long days since I brought Ally back to the estate. There has been no progressive with her waking up. She's been improving since she's been admitted. Her color has been restored, her skin was back to its natural tan glow and my favorite, her seductive plumped lips were red and in full effect. Now All she needed to do was wake the fuck up! There had been some pressure in her brain but doc assured that it was all treated, there should be no reason why she is still sleeping! The spare moments I had I visited Ally in the infirmary to display "my spousal support" as well to make sure that little miss actress isn't pretending to sleep.

As if I didn't have my hands full, the estate has been in distress with all the new changes. Now that my father resigned rather quickly, it was up to me to make sure every business venture and outdoor guard on duty knew that I took the throne from my father. Father resigning also meant him and mother were going to move out of the main mansion and inhabit another small additional home on the estate. It became a rule for the older leaders to move out so that the new leaders have a chance to reap all the benefits and perks. My parents relocated to the farthest house on the estate but it held 5 luxurious bedrooms and baths.

My parent's moving out was the least of my worries. In all honesty, I was more than excited to know my parents won't be around when Ally wakes up. I still needed to figure out my game plan for when she wakes up... the girl is unbelievably lucky to have fainted. Just thinking about what type of hell I will go through when she wakes up would give me a headache. When she wakes up, not only do I have to introduce her to my parents at the annual dinner but then immediately I would have to start planning The last thing I needed was to plan a wedding with a girl who will probably try to slit my throat in my sleep. I mean... who would want to marry the guy who left them all alone 4 years ago?

4 years ago...

It was mid-July when my parents allowed me to visit Milian with family for the summer. Usually, I wasn't allowed to go anywhere without my Father but he decided after hours of begging as an early birthday gift he would allow me to travel by myself. I stayed with my uncle's family with his two twin sons Luca and Mauricio for 2 weeks. It was fun to be able to run around town creating trouble wherever I went with no repercussions. I had no responsibilities and threats to me.

A few days before I had to go back, Luca suggested we go down to Ticino River; the wildest teen hangout spot for the summer. The river was the main attraction, it extended all the way across the country with a nice amount of beach on either side. Luca insisted that all the babes of Milian would be there.

Uncle agreed to drop us off for the day by the river. It was a long ass journey from the main roads to the river but once we made it... I never wanted to leave. The river was huge raging waters surfing down the grand storm to god knows where... but I was focused on the babes that were all over the river.

Mauricio said it the annual end-of-the-year party that happens every July by the river. Majority of the high schools banned together to throw some wicked party for the entire weekend. Which meant for the whole weekend I would be surrounded by hundreds of smoking hot chicks.

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