Party Time

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Back again!!!! For everyone going back to school around this time I wish everyone a Happy school year, I am now fully enrolled in school so PLEASE be patient with my uploads. They might not be every week but I'll try hard too


Tedious doesn't begin to describe the amount of work Dominic and I put into our new and approved contract. We lost our way quite a bit; either he would shut down my more than reasonable request or his requests were too extreme to agree too.

But we managed to get everything completed. His demands besides his unnecessary desire for a large family were to be more active within the family, become 100% committed and vulnerable to Dominic and his needs, only male acquaintances no male close friends, participate in daily family dinners, cook dinner once a week (preferably Sundays) and get a miniature version of the family crest tattooed somewhere on my body that can be somewhat visible. I wasn't too pleased with the tattoo or the male friends but I know what type of man Dominic is. He's a prideful man who wants his woman to represent who he is and that she belongs to him always. Not saying I like or tolerate his stupid male ego pride but I understand that this is who he is.

In return for his heinous demands, he had to agree to my demands. I demanded full explanation for any and all wild anger outbursts of his before Dominic results in his famous punishments that he keeps threatening me about, freedom to go wherever I want with minimal security team, be able to have access to a car and a working non-bugged cellphone, have full access to my family and friends, to truly apologize when he is in the wrong, and to be 100% honest with me no matter how much the news will affect me.

He fought me with the phone and the freedom but I quickly reminded him that his family is the reason why I've been denied freedom for so long and continuing that will only cause me to go back to my old self. 

Once everything was written up and double checked, we sent it off to his parents and his lawyers for validation. No matter if his parents and lawyers disagree or agree with the new rules; this is what we are choosing to follow. 

After Dominic took a much-needed shower and eaten; we started ticking off some items on our list from the contract. First thing first was the females. Now the trust I had for Dominic was non-existent but now that I am trying, I need some proof to know that all of this is worth the trouble.

As we sat outside on the upstairs balcony overlooking the front of the estate, Dominic was going through his contact list on his secondary personal phone. 

"So how do you expect me to let everyone know that I am happily taken?" He smirked causally as he scrolled through his scary long female contact list.

"I don't expect you to text every female you've talked too...How many females have you talked too?!" I glanced over on his phone and quickly turned in shock when his list kept scrolling. It was never ending!

"Well, your request is 100% commitment to you. What better way to prevent what happened at the mall from happening again then sending a clever message to every woman I talked too. And don't worry, not everyone I talked too had the pleasure of sleeping with me. Only the specially picked women had that privilege."

"Hmm, I don't know and to be honest I am not in the mood for the entire country of Italia to hate me because their most precious bachelor is now off the market."

"Oh, the perfect idea popped right into my beautiful head. Hold on a momento."

Dominic stood from the bench and walked over to the railing of the fence. He dialed a number and conversed quickly and quietly in what I believed is Spanish. I didn't even know he could speak Spanish. Once he was finished he hung up and shoved his phone back into his pocket before sitting beside me again. 

"What was all that? Who were you talking too?" I questioned.

"That il mio amante was my--our family's go-to event organizer Sophia. A fiery latina quick on her feet and always plans a party in the utmost style and class; her words, not mine. Anyhow, I was thinking of a simple text or phone call won't prove how taken I am. So we will just have to throw a party. This weekend while your familia is down. I'll fly out your friends as well. It will be the party of the century!"

An engagement party so soon?! I barely got used to not hating this baboon and now we are throwing an engagement party!? What is wrong with this man! 

"You cannot be serious! An engagement party? We are barely friends! Let's not be haste. A text to your old flames will do the trick."

"Oh amore, you haven't met my 'old flames'. They are wild and crazy and will never believe a text to stay away. They will see it as a challenge. We need to show proof that not only are we engage but we are serious about this engagement."

"But a party? That is too much pressure for us right now. Won't it cause problems between us?"

"No because you will be in charge. I give full reign over to you. You and Sophia can plan and go crazy for all I care, I'll just show up. Party planning has never been my thing anyways. Here is my credit card, go crazy." Dominic handed me his platinum gold credit card.

"I don't even know how to plan a party like this? I thought I would have time and experience other parties before I start planning my own." 

"Since this is my request from our contract and I do want you to be comfortable in doing this for the future, I will fly out your friends for tomorrow so they can help assist you in planning for the party. I will fly out anyone you need. Plus my mother is always around to lend a hand. Shall I call her?"

"NO! No--I think I should do this on my own with Sophia. I think I'll start right now." I got up to leave but Dominic grabbed my hand.

"Right now, I thought we could spend the day together...maybe get comfortable with each other." He hinted with a mischievous grin. 

"As much as I would like too, I have a party to plan."

I headed towards my room ready to plan. I needed to stay in the zone for this. This is my first big party as part of the Vincenzo familia. I needed this party to be elegant, formal, and exquisite. I wanted everyone to talk about this party for awhile. I needed everyone to know that Alessandra is here to play. Plus I had something to prove to these "Wild Women" Dominic used to fool around with. They needed to stay out of my way...and I know exactly who should get the first invitation. 

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