New York

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Back again!! SO I REALIZED SOMETHING LMFAO. I wrote an official kiss scene in the notebook version of the book but I guess I never wrote in the chapter so I'm going to write edit the kiss scene into the chapter that it was supposed to be in.  So I have to go back after I post it to rewrite the chapter. I'll let you know when the edit is up. ALSO... I realized there are way too many chapters for this book so I'm going to be combining the previous chapters.


I spent the last 2 days in Genoa rekindling a relationship with Dominic. We were all alone to spend the most time with each other. The guards and maids have been hiding and only been out when they've been requested by Dominic. His parents have been requesting to come to the main house to see us but his guards have kept them away upon Dominic's request. From our days together, we realized that a relationship can work when we are alone. Dominic spent most morning and afternoon locked up in his office working, while I wandered around the estate or kept myself busy with my laptop or phone. During the evenings we would find somewhere in the house to cuddle up and talk. We talk about the future, our pasts, random was exactly what we needed. 

Now it's time to put our relationship to the test. 

We leave for New York today. I had to call my girls last night and explain to them they'll be flying alone and I'll meet them at JFK airport. They wanted a better explanation as to why I wasn't home and why my mother has called them claiming I've been kidnapped but I felt like an explanation would be better in person. 

Dominic and I left for the airport bright and early. We had to fly earlier to meet the girls on time in New York. He wanted to pick them up in Milian but I needed to prepare myself for the yelling and beating I'm going to receive when they find out. 

We arrived at the private tarmac and waited for the guards to get our luggage from airport security before loading the plane. Dante and two other guards were picked to come on the trip with us. I was the first person on the plane. Memories of the first day I came to Genoa flashed in my mind. This was the same plane we took. I'm guessing this was his plane. I can't believe it was normal enough for someone to own their plane! 

I took a window seat by the door that leads to the private quarters. Dominic sat beside me after his conversation with Dante. He took my hand in his and leaned back into his seat. 

"Nervous?" He wondered as he closed his eyes and loosened his tie with his other free hand.

"Understatement," I said shakily. 

"About us, about your mother, your friends, or the trip?"

"All the above. My friends will accept the choice I make so that's not my biggest concern. I haven't traveled outside Italy so going to New York is a crazy big step. My mother...I sent her a text showing her that I'm safe, alive, and well but I don't want to explain more than that until I come back from my trip."

"Relax, if I have too I'll take the heat. It's your birthday week."

"No, You won't be the bad guy anymore. Not with my family, not with my friends, not with me. I'm going to enjoy this trip and enjoy my birthday."

The flight wasn't terrible. There was quite a bit of turbulence so Dominic had to hold my hand and soothe me while we got through the patchy air flight. We landed at JFK half an hour before the girl's plane. I had Dominic wait outside the terminal and order a car for us and the guards while I waited by customs for my friends. 

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