Make Amends

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Alessandra POV

I haven't spoken to Dominic since the phone call. I leave for new york in two days with the girls and I still have no idea if Dominic will meet us or not. My mind has been on autopilot since the phone call, it really threw me into an unsettling loop. I'm not sure how I truly feel after hearing his voice after so much time has passed. Mama told me once that you never know if you're truly healed until you face the thing that broke you. I faced Dominic when I called Dominic and I realized once the line cut, that I wasn't fully healed but I am getting there. But there's more hurt on his side. My words hurt him more than I expected. My actions cut him deeply. Dominic needs to heal before he can accept me back in his life. We both need to be healed on both sides before we can start a true relationship.


Mr. Gabbana gave me at-home assignments to do for him so I can relax in the comfort of my own home before I go off to New York. This was a blessing in disguise because my mind wasn't in the right place to go to work. I sat at my dining table with a glass of wine reviewing the contracts and every few moments my mind would drift to some thought of Dominic. My mind was cluttered and I need to declutter. 


My front door shook violently. I walked slowly to the door and peeped through the viewing hole. It was Damien. I opened the door and he barely waited before he pushed the door wide and walked in like he owned the place. Before I could lock the door behind him, Damien was in my kitchen pouring himself a glass of wine. 

"Hello Jackass, welcome to my home! Please pour yourself a glass of wine. Make yourself at home." I screamed out sarcastically. 

"Mami please don't try to steal my heart more than you have. It is unfair to your fiance." Damien smirked as he took his wine and lounged on my couch.

"Why are you here? I thought you went back home."

"I was going too but then I heard you're going to New York. How are you planning a trip to the big apple and not bring me along with you?"

"Who told you about my trip?" I was hoping he heard it from Dominic.

"Juliana. I asked her if she would like to join me on a business trip to Canada so I can show her some international pleasantries but she said she's booked a trip with you for your birthday. I was quite shocked to hear this."

"Why are you shocked?"

"I didn't think you would take your freedom around the world. It's one thing for you to leave Genoa to come back home but for you to book international trips? I'm surprised Dominic didn't come and snatch you back."

"Well... he can't really do that if I invited him to come with me."

Damien turned his head sharply to look at me with shock in his eyes. He clearly hasn't been talking to Dominic but I'm not surprised. Damien doesn't seem to be Dominic's favorite person especially since he's here in Milian with me and Dominic is not.

"YOU TALKED TO THE BRUTE?! When the fuck did this happen and why was I not informed?"

"I talked to him last week. I had a conversation with mama about the whole situation and she made a point that I couldn't keep ignoring the fact that there is a life waiting for me in Genoa. I had to face the issues with Dominic so I called him. We had an interesting conversation."

"Interesting how? What did he say?"

"He told me his giving up. He wants to let me go and he finally sees the damage he's done to me." I sat down beside Damien and hung my head low.

"Really? Dominic is giving up?? Are you sure that you were talking to the right man?"

"Yes but really hurt when he said he wanted to let me go. This break I had given me a chance to finally start healing. For the first time in a long time I can say that I am healing from all this bullshit. I did miss Dominic and once I started to fall into the routine I understood some of the things he wanted for me because I was getting those things for myself. He said he wanted me to own the world and I felt like I'm working towards that and now I feel so empowered. Every time I get up for work, I go with a smile on my face because I'm doing what I need to do for me. I needed to get over all this hurt to see the things he wanted for me and now that I see it I understand him. So when I called him and I heard those words come out of his mouth...I felt the hurt again but this was different."

"How was this time different?"

"I knew I hurt him, I would be a complete bitch if I say this toxic relationship was one-sided. I never knew how much my actions truly hurt him. You know Dominic and how he acts to things. He shows no emotions besides hate and rage. So yes I knew I made him angry, I knew I made his life a living hell just like he did to me but I didn't realize I broke him down. Who am I to preach this hurt and these issues like I am the only person feeling it? When he said he was going to announce our decoupling so he can become the monster I expected him to be that opened my eyes. There was so much toxicity within the relationship, I couldn't see anything else but my own hurt."

"I've known Dominic since we were kids. You were the most influential person in his life. When he heard about you, I knew exactly what he was going to do. Drive you insane so the marriage is broken and he walks away blame free with no repercussions. He wanted to rule with no strings attached. Having a wife especially one he cares about means a big target on his back. It is a sign of weakness. Most mafia leaders marry women and send them far away so there's no attachment, no strings, no weaknesses. His father is the first mafia leader I've known that actually kept his wife in the same house and included her in the family business. Dominic couldn't understand that. Until he met you..."

"If Dominic sent me off to live somewhere else, I think it would have been better then the rollercoaster we went on. But, I wouldn't change what happened. We needed to get to this point. Which is why I invited him to New York. I am now willing to try with no resentment and with open minds. I want him to forgive me for the things I've said too. I want to see if we can work for real."

"Did he say if he's coming or not?"

"No, he didn't say anything. Then again I didn't really give him the chance. I did lose my cool on the phone. He was making me mad when he kept saying it was over because we didn't go through all of this to call it done. Absolutely not. Call me toxic, call me crazy but I will not let this go until WE BOTH try."

"Should I work my magic and get him to come? You said it yourself that he's stubborn and he might fuck it up."

Talking out my emotions out loud cleared the dark heavy cloud in my mind. Maybe the only way to fully heal is to make amends for the mistakes that I've made as well as fully forgive Dominic. Damien has a point, Dominic might now show up because he does get stuck in his own stubborn ways and I don't want to close this chapter in my life without giving my entire effort. My frown slowly turned into a smile as an idea forms in my mind. 

"No don't force him to come but I do want you to do me a huge favor. When are you going back to Genoa soon?"

"Tonight actually. What favor do you need from me? I hope it's sexual."

"Please keep it in your pants for Juliana's sake. I need you to take me down to Genoa tonight. I want to see Dominic."



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