Rapunzel Rapunzel...

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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE <3<3<3 I hope everyone's holidays were bomb ASF and you guys are ready for a triple UPLOAD!!?!?!?! Yes, hopefully by tonight, all three of my stories will have a nice juicy new chapter so prepare! So, sit back enjoy and don't forget too...



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Dominic's POV

I vanished from the estate for a few days after my carnation. The massive bombshell my father decided to drop on the most important day of my life was too much too bear. So, Veronica and I hopped onto the family Jet and flew to Spain for a quick spa/relaxation weekend up in my expensive and exclusive vacation home.

How could my father possibly think that I would want to be married? I was born a playboy. I crave the touch of a different woman every week. I am practically the sex god of Italy; no woman could ever resist my presence. He made me this way! He made me the playboy that every man envies and every woman yearns for. He told me a life of love and peace isn't a life I could have. He made me give that up! Now he expects me to forget that because of some destiny I had no part in?

Alessandra... she's probably some thirsty Sicilian wannabe princess fake to the bone! Why would I want someone like that as a bride? If I were to pick anyone to be my bride it would be my longest companion; Veronica. Her body screams seduction and pleasure. She is a walking sex-dream. No man could resist her, but of course, she has fallen for me. Being with her makes sense, we both are sexually compatible, and she knows how to obey me. But to train a whole new woman to obey me...is not what I had planned.

I returned to Genoa only after a few days of my 'vacation'. Whenever I had to escape, my first place was Spain to our vacation home. No matter how bad life was going, nothing could fix my mood better than the Spanish atmosphere.  I had a past with Spain. The happiest and saddest moment of my youth was in Spain. That's the reason why I had my parents build a vacation home here. This was the first time the Latin culture couldn't relieve my anxiety. I had a beautiful and very naked Veronica parading around the villa, music surrounding the home, even the finest chef cooking food you could only dream about... yet my mind was on edge the entire time!

Father made a blood oath that I cannot break. He signed away my future to a woman who could be repulsing and vile. I finally came to terms with the fact that my playboy days might need to be pushed aside for a while until I can find a way to undo this mess. Yet, the only way to know how much of a mess I am truly in is to find my bride and demand her to come live in her new hell.

"Ah Son, back so soon?" My father's voice radiated throughout the estate as he marched down the grand staircase.

"Trust me I don't want to be back but, I have business to handle." I dropped my luggage at the front door as I headed straight to father's office.

"I need the name of my...bride and address of my bride."

"Why?" Father questioned.

"I want her brought now. I don't have time to wait for a year. Tell me so I can go collect her."

Father spun back quickly to look at me. He wasn't pleased with my confession. The deal our ancestors made was that I must wait till she is 21. It is the perfect fertile age for the woman and she is old enough to understand and accept her responsibility as a Mafia Wife. Alessandra only turned 20 a 2 months ago. She must still have a mind of a child and is probably nowhere near ready to be a Mafia wife, which is what I'm counting for. If she fails, my father is forcing to renounce the blood oath; she disappears, and I go back to my lavish single lifestyle.

"No, she must be 21. I told her family that she will be picked up a day after her 21st birthday. Why do you want her so badly anyway? I thought you couldn't stand the idea of marriage?" My father knew me well. If I was scheming, there was a good chance he would find out about it. We think alike so it was always harder to convince my father of anything.

"I want to get this over with. I refuse to wait. If you won't tell me, I will find out myself. If I don't get her here, I'll go back to my old ways father... you know I am not afraid to break some stupid oath our ancestors made years ago."

My father glared at me. He hated whenever I would threaten our family name just, so I would get my way because he knew I wasn't bluffing. I never really cared about my image, so if I had to act out to get my way I will.

"You're making a big mistake son," Father spoke out as he went to his desk. In a locked hidden compartment behind the drawer of his desk hid a locked box safe containing all the information of Alessandra and her family. All I needed was her address.

He tossed me the box and the key and turned away from me. I was taking a risk by demanding information from my father. Although I am now the leader, he will always have a higher reign than I could ever obtain. People respect him, I respect him, but I also respect myself. I come first, I always come first. I will do anything to stop anyone or anything that tries to control my lifestyle.

I left his office and went straight to mine. There I called upon my men and the maids for a meeting. Once everyone gathered I began my speech.

"Listen well because I don't like to repeat myself. My future wife will be coming to the estate sooner than planned. So, ladies, I will need you to prepare a room for her, preferably closer to my chambers. She will need clothes, shoes and other intimates. A list has been drawn up of everything that she can possibly need. I need it all here in 3 days. Don't disappoint me." I handed the head maid Liliana the list of all the items and watched as the maids followed her out of my office.

"Men, as you know I am going off schedule. I don't have time to wait for this girl, so I am going to claim what is apparently mine. We leave by nightfall tonight to Milan where she resides. I want her brought back in one piece which should be no issue. Pack and prepare, I expect everyone down by the front gates by 6 pm. Capisce?"

My henchmen nodded and dispersed from the room. I turned to look at the now unlocked box on my desk. Everything about her lineage is found in this box. All I cared about was her current address and a picture. Surprisingly there wasn't a photo of Alessandra, just a picture of a tall tower home and her address. I guess this is where my father kept her locked up for so long.

Don't worry my sweet, sweet Rapunzel. I will break you out of your tower soon enough.

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