Shell of A Man

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Hello guys long time no see! I hope everyone is staying safe and practicing SOCIAL DISTANCING during this insane and scary times. If people reading this are deeply affected during this time I hope you're doing well and I'm wishing you all the best and sending prayers to everyone during this time! I know updates are slow but quarantine has really put a halt in everything in my life especially with writing. I'm trying my best. Love you all


Damien's eyes bulged bigger than humanly possible at my request. If my mind wasn't so clear I would think I was going insane myself but I was sure of my idea. I leave for New York in two days and I don't want to go to New York with the worry of my relationship bringing me down. Dominic had a week to think about his decision and I don't know what decision he made. It's not fair to my girls or myself that I will be spending my trip waiting for Dominic to show up. It wasn't fair to Dominic to give him an ultimatum. So in the true Vincenzo spirit, I am going to do a big gesture and surprise him on his own turf to show him how serious I am to make things work.

Damien leaving tonight is a blessing in disguise. I'm already packed and ready for New York and we leave in two days. I get one in a half days to talk to Dominic and get one final effort before leaving on my trip. It may be the last minute but a last minute impulsive action is the best option I have. Telling mama or my friends that I'm thinking of going to Genoa to see Dominic, they might talk me out of it or make me lose my edge. I've gained a lot of confidence since my leaving and it's time to put it into use!

Damiens plane was smaller than Dominics but it was still very spacious enough for his pilot, co-pilot, 3 guards, and 4 flight attendants. Once we were buckled in, the plane took off. I sat in the far corner away from Damien and his men; I wanted a clear mind during this short trip. Every time the pilot would announce our destination time, my heart would skip a beat. My palms were sweating heavily, and my legs couldn't shake any harder. My nerves were getting the best of me. I don't know what I'm going to see when I get back. Dominic sounded...broken on the phone. I can only imagine what he looks like. To think that I caused him pain hurts me. No matter our issues; two wrongs don't make a right.


The flight was short but it felt like forever. As the seat belt light flashed above us I knew we were close to landing. I watched through the window as the plane made its way towards a private sector at the Genoa Airport. The same sector we landed when I first came to be with Dominic. Months ago I was forced to be here, dragged away from my family. Now I'm forcing Damien to fly me the tables have turned!

Once the pilot has announced our safe landing, I waited for Damien and his men to get up before I followed them off the plane. There was a long black limo waiting by the stairs of the plane.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Damien asked as we walked towards the limo.

"Any certainty or doubt went out the window when I boarded the plane. But it needs to be done. I'm taking control of my life and it starts with this."

Damien held my hand as I climbed into the limo. I crawled the farthest seat away from the door so there was room for him and his men. Damien was the last man to enter the car. Once he closed the door he picked up the telephone attached to the door of the car that gave him instant contact to the driver. He whispered Dominics address through the receiver and hung up quickly.

The entire drive was agony. The silence in the car made the thoughts in my head sound like my mind was screaming at me. So many different thoughts and voices ran through my head at once. I could hear my friends, mama, my brother, and Dominics voice playing and endless loop in my head. It's too much. But just as the car came to the halt so did the voices.

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