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I know some of you guys must feel like I am abandoning My Alpha because of all the recent updates with this book but...I have never felt so good about a book. I think about writing these chapters on a day to day basis. I haven't felt that for My Alpha in a long time. I will keep pushing for both books...Just know that Destined For The King will have more frequent updates.

Alessandra POV

I couldn't bear to look at my famiglia as I drove off. A quick glance at them in the mirrors brought streams and streams of tears. I hated showing emotions when Dominic was around. He didn't deserve to see any emotion but hatred from me. He caused this and knowing him, he doesn't give a damn.

The rest of the ride was silent. No one dared to speak nor breathe in the presence of Dominic. When he sighed his men relaxed but when he clenched his jaw his men became cruel statues. It was amazing how much power he gained from his little time in power. He is truly trying to replace the power his father once had.

Too bad I won't be around to see him accomplish his goal.

The ride lasted longer than I expected. I dozed off maybe 30 minutes into the ride and when I woke, we were driving in an open field towards a small jet plane. I should have known this asshole was going to find the most expensive and unnecessary way to get back to Genoa. We could have taken the train or a commercial flight like normal people but no...He had to show off.

Once the car stopped I hoped right out. I didn't wait for any orders from anyone. Dominic climbed out right after me and shot me a glare but I ignored him and walked towards the other cars in search of my suitcase. I had 4 large suitcases packed but the one I mostly cared about was the black smaller suitcase. This is the bag my father and brother hid all my necessities. I needed it in my grasp.

It was in the last car. I had to wait for all the cars to pull up before I opened the trunk. The guards watched me in confusion as they saw me struggle to obtain my stuff.

"Ma'am we will do that for you." One guard spoke and tried to push me out the way. I gave my bag a hard jerk and yanked my suitcase out the trunk before he could touch it.

"That's okay, I got this one. You can assist me with the rest though," I gave him a confident smile and walked towards the plane.

Dominic was chatting with what seems like the pilot and I took that as a cue to walk right on to the jet. The jet was completely over the top as expected. As soon as you walk on, there was an open lounge design. Black and white satin couches were lined up on one side of the plan and on the other where matching love seats with a table for one chair and a footrest for another. I noticed there were two doors at the back of the plane, I'm betting it leads to a master bedroom, bathroom and or closet.

I took a look around the lounge before settling in the very back armchair next to the window, mysterious door and fireplace. Like seriously, who needs a fireplace and a plasma TV on a plane?


It wasn't long before Dominic and a few of his men joined us on the plane. I watched as the brute that tried to take my bag unloaded my suitcase into the plane and drive off with other guards. I guess everyone can't fit on the plane.

How unfortunate.

His men looked shocked to see where I sat as they made their way past me to the mysterious back door behind my chair. I watched as they disappeared into a dark hallway.

"Guards sit there. We sit up front." Dominic's voice brought so much hatred from within me, it was crazy! Just his breathing can make me go crazy.

"I'm fine where I am thank you." I turned to look at the window. Dominic's footsteps shook the plane as he walked towards me. It didn't stop until he was literally towering over me. He made a statement as he slowly crouches down over me; placing his two strong arms on either armrest.

"Listen closely...Ally. You can choose to ignore me all you want. I will not have you disrespect me in my front of my men. Do you Understand me?"  His dark-voiced fanned my ear, making all the hair on my body stand up.

"Like I said, you ruin my life...I think it's only fair to repay you...Dominic. And call me Ally again, I will personally make sure the whole world knows what type of man you truly are." I didn't back down from his heated gaze.

We stayed completely still. Dominic's face still inches from mine, his eyes connected with mine and his hands deadly gripped my armrests. No one moved. If you move, you lose your confidence and it was easy for Dominic to manipulate you when you let your guard down. I know that from experience.

Oh man, I cannot believe that Dominic was Stephan... I wonder if he knew all along who I was. There was no way he didn't know. Coincidences don't just happen like that. One minute you're 15 about to turn 16 and you meet the boy you think you will fall in love with and be married to forever only to have him disappear from thin air and show up 4 years later claiming to be my new arranged husband? That sounds too...fairytale and my life is everything but a fairytale.

"Uhmm Sir, we are ready to take off if you are." A soft seductive voiced called out from behind Dominic. We both turned to see a very beautiful Brazilian flight attendant standing the door leading to the cockpit. She was stunning. Curvacious body, long pitch black curls and deep blue sea-colored eyes. Hell, If I was lesbian...she would be my everything.

A girl like that working for one of the richest families in Europe, she must be one of Dominic's flings or in line to become his next sexual toy.

Poor dumb girl.

Dominic turned to me after flashing his award creepy smile to her.

"Whatever you're planning, whatever you're thinking...cut it out now. Nothing will work. You will never crack me. I would be shot dead before I become the reason why this pact is broken. So put on your good girl panties and join the ride. You're going to be on for quite awhile."

Dominic walked over to the armchair in front of me and sat. I knew he wanted to sit in the large armrest with the table and footrest but because I challenged him, he wanted to make a statement.

I opened my suitcase and pulled out my journal and picture of my familia.  I needed to blow off some steam before I landed in Genoa.


The flight was a short yet tortuous ride but I was thankful when I felt the wheels hit the catwalk. Once again we landed in an open field but not too far ahead could I see a small private airport. I guess these were one of those exclusively extravagant private airlines that celebrities and millionaires use.

I was more than ecstatic to get off that wretchedly beautiful plane. Dominic made it his mission to bother my entire existence from the moment we got into the air. At first, I decided to write in my journal until I fell asleep but Dominic had to have a very loud and annoying conversation with a business vendor in New York. When I went to the bathroom to secretly get away from him, he followed me and forced me out because he had the sudden urge to use the bathroom. I knew this plane had more than one bathroom but he insisted that he had to use the one I was in. I let him have it and went back to the lounge to take advantage of the 3 minutes free of Dominic. Unfortunately, his little flight attendant had to make her rounds around the lounge. She made her presence known with her snarky sighs and her stomping of heels.

This 2-hour plane ride felt like a 30+ hour flight to hell.

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