Or Do I Go...

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Here is part 2.


There wasn't much time to clear the room of my things before Dominic comes back. We all split up to pack different sections of the room. Bambina cleaned out the closest of my things, Juliana was in charge of scanning the room of my things, and I cleared out the bathroom. Once all the bags were packed and there were no more traces of me, we took all the suitcases and placed them in the girl's room for safekeeping.

"Can we discuss last night please?" Bambina asked as we placed the last of the suitcases by the beds.

"What would you like to discuss, a lot has happened."

"Can we talk about the fact that some skank basically declared her love for Dominic in front of everyone and he accepted her with open arms? Or maybe the big fact engagement ring on your finger right now, or maybe we can talk about the sexy beast on your arm the entire night that was not Dominic? Any of those topics would be good." Juliana asked sarcastically.

"Well, that handsome skank is Veronica. Believe it or not, this isn't the first time she has overstepped her boundaries and Dominic doing nothing to stop it. At least the first time this happened, he didn't say anything. Now he's embracing her. The ring...I totally forgot the ring was on my finger. I didn't know he was going to propose I guess. This must have been a surprise before our fight. And Damon...I met him last night and honestly without him I probably would have had a mental breakdown. I think you two would be cute together actually. He wanted me to give you his number, I left it in my room."

I stared at the beautiful engagement ring on my finger. The constant memory of last night will always resurface whenever I look at this ring. This ring represents hate and sadness. This isn't a symbol of love.

"After last night, I'm surprised you even came back! I couldn't believe how Dominic treated you. He literally sat at his table on his phone the entire night. Then he wants to spend the night with that Veronica woman? Do you know how hard it was for us to keep your mama and nonna from attacking the life out of him?" Bambina spoke.

"Can you believe this is my relationship? My first relationship and this is how I'm treated. Now you see the decision I have to make. Where is mama anyways?"

"Your mama and your grandparents went out to shop before we have to leave tonight. They are taking advantage of the free no limit of carryons they can bring onto a plane. We might have an issue when we land in Genoa." Bambina giggled.

"Hold on, hold on, HOLD ON. You're just going to drop a bomb like that and move past it like it isn't a big deal?! You talked to him about me and he gave you his number for me! What the hell, ally!" Juliana barked out.

"I thought you guys would be perfect together. He's the type of guy who I know will annoy the crap out of you but the only type that can challenge in a way that pleases you. I told him about you and he gave me an extra card to give you. You should call him, I know from unfortunate knowledge that he is packing quite nice."

"You're insane. If he had to be with anyone I would rather it be you. The way you two looked as you mingled...I haven't seen you that happy since we've been here. The way you two laughed, and finished each other sentences, it's like you two knew each other forever."

Juliana has a point. I felt extremely comfortable around Damon which made me happy. That's how I know I am not asking for too much when it comes to Dominic. If I feel comfortable and relaxed around you, I am ultimately happy. From the outside looking in, it might have been weird to see me mingling alongside Damon but they don't know what I had to deal with leading up the engagement.

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