Shot at Love

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I'm back again guys!!! I'm going to try my hardest to make sure there aren't months in between updates 


The first night went smoother than anticipated. Mama let her anger go enough to enjoy the luxuries Dominic has provided for the famgila. Dominic allowed everyone to travel around the house and get settled. After Mimosa hour, everyone found a room in the house that they were obsessed with. For Mama and Nonna, it was the rose garden. They spent the entire afternoon and evening admiring the flowers. Nonno fell in love with the endless antique car collection Dominic and his father have in the 12 door garage. Babina and Juliana spent their entire day by the Olympic size infinity pool either frolicking in the water or tanning on the beach chairs. And of course, Roberto spent the entire time cooped up in the entertainment room. There's an endless amount of game consoles, arcade games, and a wall-size projector with surround sound. I was surprised that Roberto even came out to join us for dinner. 

There is only one day left before the engagement party and the nerves that were once out of control are now taking over my entire existence. My night's rest was the worst I've ever had. I barely slept a wink. Dominic, however, slept peacefully beside me; his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist and his head placed lightly on my chest. Watching him rest soundly was relaxing for me. Sleeping might be the only time he lets his guard down. I snuck out of bed the moment Dominic's arms loosen his grip. For someone who sleeps deeply, he has a talent for having a death grip. I rushed to the bathroom to get ready for the day before Dominic woke up. By the time I was finished it was 8 am. I know Mama would be up right now, she hates sleeping in and right now would be the perfect time to explain to her what is happening with Dominic and me with no interruptions. I left a note on Dominic's bedside table and left to find Mama.

I found Mama having tea and biscuits by the garden with Nonna. They were gossiping quietly to themselves before they notice my presence. 

"Ah, my daughter up before 10 am? I am surprised." Mama smirked.

"I couldn't sleep. Tomorrow's a big day for me." I sat on the bench across from Mama and Nonna.

"So are you ready to explain to me what in God's name got into you?"

"Mama...I'm happy. Well...not exactly happy but I'm at peace with what I'm doing."

"That's what I don't understand Tereso. When you left, you looked like your heart was being ripped out of your chest. That first phone call you sounded so determined to find your way back to us. I thought all this time you were plotting to come back home. Now I hear you're willing to marry the brute?"

"That was the case at first Mama. I didn't want to marry him. All I wanted was my life back. To be home with you and papa and be with my friends again. I was fighting at first. I didn't want to be here but believe it or not, Dominic and I have a past beyond this stupid contract. We met for the first time a long time ago. I really liked him back then even though it was only for the day. He was different back then. A gentleman with charm. I haven't seen him since."

"Scusa? You met Dominic before, when?" (Excuse me).

"When I went down to the beach with Babina and Juliana one summer. I was 16. He was down visiting and we spent the entire day and night together. I woke up that day and he was gone. I had no phone number or way of contacting him. It was like a beautiful dream. Then once I came back home I was trapped in the tower and 4 years later I'm looking at the man who my heart skipped a beat for. Dominic has been trying to prove to me that he's still the same boy from the lake and I decided to give him a chance."

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