In the Works

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Guys this book is almost coming to an end!!! I am so happy because it means that I can start book 2!!! Give me some titles for the second Installments in the comments below 


   Dominic had only given me a few days to plan the engagement party and I had plenty of work ahead of me. Luckily, Dominic had an extra laptop laying around that he could give me to work. Although his help is well needed and desired, he left me alone in his personal office to get started on the work. All he left was Sophia's number, his number, and an extremely long list of contacts that should be added to the guest list. 

First thing I got started on is the invitation design. I wanted the invitations to match the theme of the party and our wedding if possible. I gave a rang to Dominic's number because even if he doesn't like planning these things he needs to be involved. 

He joined me in the office in a quick manner. He seemed puzzled about what I called him in for.

"You requested me?"

"Yes, I need you to plan with me. I want us to be 50/50 on everything. This is your wedding as much as mine." He shot me an instant smile and joined me at his desk.

"Okay amore, what do you want to tackle first?"

"The Invitations. I want them to be designed on a theme but I want the theme to match the party and relate to our wedding." 

"Theme...what theme were you thinking?" 

"I don't have any ideas! What is a good theme?"

"Hmm... well traditional themes have been played out. Let's go classic. Old Disney. The masks, ball, bands... the whole nine yards. Let's make the night something to remember."

"Old the Beauty and the Beast style? Okay, I can work with that. Maybe we can do a scroll invitation? Yes! Let's do that old vintage scroll style invitation."

"Classy, I like it. Jot it down for Sophia. What's next?" 

I smiled at Dominic before turning to the laptop and jot down the ideas and schemes we expected on the invitations. 

"Venue. We need some venues and dedicate a day to see those venues."

"Venues are done. Sophia has all the hot spots. You tell her the theme she will find the venue and come to get you to see it."

"Okay, I'll leave decorations, caterers, menus, and booking entertainment to Sophia. I want to focus on the layout of the party."

"Plan away, party planner." 

"Well, our families should be in the room to welcome the guests and get acquainted. We should be presented as a unit. Once we get introduced and we make our way to the table, food will be served and entertainment will be had. There will be time for dancing and mingling and speeches of course. Only certain people will be allowed to even do speeches, I don't need any drama happening tonight."

"Impressive. It's like you've been attending these parties all your life."

"So everything is okay? The layout, itinerary, guest list; you approve of it all?" 

"Yes, despite what you may think of me, I am quite easy to please. You just refuse to please me." 

"Don't push your luck, you freak. I can see your subliminal messages from a mile away." I rolled my eyes.

"A man can try. It seems that you got everything that needs to be done finished so why don't you finish typing that up, send it in and meet me upstairs in our quarters."

I watched him heavily as he got up and left me in the office. He shot me a smile that made me weak in the knees then disappeared into the dark hallway. The moment Dominic disappeared from my sight, I felt a sudden wave of content wash over me. It was odd. Us planning this engagement was our first true test to see if we can even coexist together. It seems like we passed. He was different around me. He seemed relaxed with his guard almost completely down. Making jokes with me, flirting... It reminds me of Stephan from the lake. 

I went back to finishing the planning of the engagement party so I could meet Dominic upstairs. The anticipation of what Dominic had planned for us inspired me to work faster. Within half an hour, everything was typed up sent to Sophia. She replied back to me instantly promising that by tomorrow everything will be put into place. 

I found myself by our quarters waiting for Dominic. I heard soft music coming from my room and my door left ajar. I pushed my door open to find Dominic sitting on my bed with a small radio playing soft jazz music on my bedside dresser. 

"What are you doing in my room?" I questioned.

"I don't like this arrangement." He spoke flatly.


"Relax Principessa, I never meant the arrangement of our engagement. I meant the sleeping arrangement. I want to add another rule to our contract."

"Oh...okay. What do you want to add? And what's wrong with the sleeping arrangement?"

"For us to actually become a real married couple, we must get comfortable with each other."

"I thought we were, we just spent a nice afternoon together planning our engagement party. The day is still young, we can go out for dinner later tonight or stay in and plan something else."

Dominic huffed his breath in frustration. He ran his fingers through his hair for a long moment before trying to speak again. I had no idea why he was so frustrated, was there something I'm missing?

"You're too innocent for your own good. I wasn't talking about spending quality time with each other. We have that covered. I want the sleeping arrangement to change. Sleeping in separate bedrooms is not only unnecessary but a pain in the ass." 

"Excuse me? You're the one who gave me this room now you want me to give it up and sleep with you?"

"Yes. I only gave you this room because I knew you would be difficult when you got here. And quite frankly, I had no trust in you not to try to kill me in my sleep. Now that we got over that phase in our relationship, I want this bedroom empty by tonight."

"You're insane and about to be disappointed because I am not moving anywhere. As you said, I am too innocent and I can't trust you to keep your hands to yourself. We are moving on a good path. Let's keep the bedroom situation the same and later on we can talk about it."

Dominic stood from my bed. His face was stone cold in anger and his hands fished into his pocket. Oh lord, this is going to be my life for now on. One step forward 2 steps back. I can't believe the mafia god is a big freaking baby!

"I. want. one. bedroom. I'm not asking again."

"Good then don't ask again because it's not happening. Now let's forget this whole conversation before you piss me off. You go back to your room and I'll stay here and then we can decide what we want to do for dinner."

Dominic showed no interest in moving or dropping the conversation. I took the initiative to go behind him and physically push him out of my room. He fought with me as I pushed against his back but once I got him in the hallway I shot him a cute smile and locked my door shut.

Let's hope this is the end of that conversation for a while.

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