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This will be a double upload due to the fact that I missed last week's upload and I want to get this week done. So you're welcome.


Dinner was an absolute shit show. I spent the time lying through my teeth; to the point where I want to throw up all the vile, I was spreading. I had to counter comment every lie Dominic told and every suspicious question his parents had for me. I had my guard up and was mentally prepared for anything headed my way.

Once the night was over I had hugged his parent's goodbye and waited until the front door was closed and locked before rushing back to my quarters. I didn't even use the maid this time to find my way back.

That dinner was three days ago. Since then, I've done my hardest to keep away from Dominic and not because of the reason he may think. The things he said at dinner hurt me deeply because those are the words I expect to hear from someone I love. I was never into overly romantic gestures or words. If someone tells me that they want children with me and want to spend the rest of their lives with me and share their entire world with me is enough to make me swoon. I heard those words for the first time that night but it didn't come from someone who meant it. That to me was enough to break me. Dominic had the ability to break me, he just doesn't know it.

I was lucky that Dominic was busy with business for the last 3 days that I was able to pass by without anyone caring about my whereabouts. Of course, I wasn't allowed out my room, but I had time to talk to my parents and update them on my life here. I was also able to stay away Dominic which is all I really wanted.

After the maid came to collect my tray from breakfast, she let me know that Dominic is back at the estate and is requesting my presence in the back by the rose garden. We never got the chance to discuss what went down at dinner and I guess this was the time to do it.

I changed into a teal blue spaghetti strap sunflower design dress that hung an inch off my knee. My hair was wild so I let it flow freely and my makeup was almost nonexistent. I didn't think I was leaving my room today so I didn't bother to fix up.

The maid led me to the garden. Dominic sat on the stone bench placed in front of the garden entrance. He was dressed casual, wearing black Capri dress pants with a tucked in white silk button-down shirt. He looked almost...normal. The maid left us the moment Dominic acknowledge our presence. I took the liberty to take a seat beside him. Something told me that I was going to be here for a very long time.

"Sorry I've been gone for a few days. I had some last minute arrangements to handle." He started off. His voice seemed rather shaky, what did he have to be nervous about?

"You're the boss. You don't need to explain anything to me."

"You're my soon to be wife. You should have some clue about your fiance's whereabouts if you cared." Oops, he almost caught me.

"Of course but I can't really know anything about what you do until I'm initiated. The most I can ask for is that you make it back...safely." My tongue burned as I spoke such lies.

"Hmm... Well nevertheless, I am back and we have plenty to discuss. Such as your more active role within the house. I've realized that since your going to be here, that you should come acquainted with your new home. So I am allowing you to roam somewhat freely throughout the estate, even if I am not around. Keeping in mind that I have cameras in every inch of the property and this entire street, I hope that you'll be smart with the freedom I'm granting you."

Woah... I wasn't expecting that. Dominic craves control. He has to be in control of every aspect of his life in order to feel the confidence and power he needs to run his business. It makes sense for him to keep me under lock and key where he can control me. Letting me roam is like giving up control. Even if I'm being watched, he doesn't have the power to watch me at every second of every day on the camera feeds. That possibility of a second of being completely free should be too much for him to bear.

"I wasn't expecting that, Thank you."

"You need to come comfortable with the estate and where everything is. There are rooms that are off limits but other than that the estate is free to your advantage. Also, the maid that has been bringing you your meals and escorting you throughout the house has been assigned to be your personal maid. Her name is Liliana and she is the handmaid of the estate. Considering your now a new add-on to the high priority list of the house, she is taken it upon herself to care for your needs. Clothing, personal items, food, maintenance is all under her. A phone is being installed in your room so you can get in touch with me, Liliana, and your appointed guard Samuel. I thought you would need a familiar face and considering he has kept you safe for 4 years now, he seems fit to keep his job."

Damn, he's giving me a maid and Samuel back as well? Now I know there is something going on here! No way he is giving me all these things for the kindness of his heart. There is an underlining reason and I needed to get to the bottom of things.

"You're giving me a phone, a maid, my old guard, and freedom? In exchange for what exactly? I'm sorry but all of this seems too good to be true. Our moments together leading up to this hasn't been the best. It's been downright messed the fuck up, excuse my language."

Dominic sighed loudly before jumping from his seat. His hands ran freely through his locks in stress. He was pacing back and forth before coming to a halt.

"Ally as much as you claim to not remember me, we both know our past. We both remember the lake and the cabin. We both remember how I fucked up and left before you could wake up. We both remember how that was the last time we would ever see each other again because this pact got in the way. No matter how much you want to deny us...deny our past it is there. Now I can't explain right now what is going on and I know that makes you mad. I also know how much you're trying to sabotage this wedding so you can go back to your old life...away from me. I know more than you think. I can't explain to you what and why things are happening how they are. I fucked up before. The moment in the car was taken too fucking far and I apologize for that. I'm trying to change things for the better. So please for my sake and your sanity just go along with things. Stop trying to sneak around and end things. I'm telling you this...we will be married and I will be the first and last thing you see when you close and open your eyes to the rest of your life. I can promise you that."

I was completely stunned. There wasn't a word that I could say. He took my words away. He exposed me and left me in the dark all in the same sentence! What's there to say besides I'm so fucking confused! I don't know what is a game and what is the truth.

"Dominic I need you to know something. I don't think you realize how much damage you caused me. You may not have known about me or this pact but you chose to carry it the way you did. You took me away when I wasn't ready. You brought me to near coma because of your little hissy fit about respect! You locked me in a room for days at a time because you don't trust me. Yet you want me to be okay and accept whatever the fuck you have planned for my future? That won't happen."

"I knew the fire was still inside you, you could hide all you want in your good girl act. I know that I am the only person who can bring that fiery side out of you. Ally, understand this, please. There is no way I can let this go. Soon enough you will see that everything I have done is to secure my future and most importantly yours. This life isn't anything that you've seen before. I am preparing you for the rest of your life."

Yikes let's end it off here....Hope you guys like this!


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