Armani Dresses

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Hey guys, I'm back once again to bless everyone with a new chapter!!! This book is almost coming to an end. I need to rush through this book because I don't want it to be too long.

Anyways everyone knows what to do...





I barely made it out the hallway before a large familiar yet comforting hand gripped my arm. I didn't turn around but Dominic took it upon himself to pull me back into the office and pushed me onto the leather couch in the corner. He sat beside me and pulled me onto his lap. I never fought against him. Once I felt his arms wrap around my waist tightly, the tears I held back fell instantly and intensely. I pushed my head into his neck and sobbed uncontrollably.

This was all too much for me. The wedding, the double life, the secrecy. I don't know who to trust anymore. Papa was my rock, he is the type of man I am looking for in a husband. Now I don't know what type of man he truly was. I thought he was kind and gentle but can be protective and stern when necessary. Now he was another greedy power hungry business mogul like the rest of these businessmen out here.

Does my mother know, does my brother know? My brother wanted to take over the business more than I did. I wanted to take after my mother. I don't want my brother to become like my Dominic. To think business is more important than morals and family.

No words were spoken through this time. I cried quietly into Dominic's neck and he rubbed my back in gentle circular motions until I calmed down. Eventually, my streaming tears turned into hiccups. I leaned away to face Dominic once I was completely calmed down. He kept rubbing my back until I was okay enough to speak.

"Everything is a lie..." I whispered quietly.

"Not necessarily a lie, more like hidden truths. You're not ready to face the ugly of the world."

"I would rather know everything than nothing at all. I feel completely lost."

Dominic became quiet and deep in thought. He looked as if he was contemplating telling me his secrets he thinks I'm not ready for. After a long moment, he continues to rub my back and shakes his head of the thought of confession. Right now, I wasn't in any position to hear any more secrets.

"People hide the ugly side because that's all people remember. You rarely remember a dream but you always remember the nightmare. Sometimes nightmares are best kept in the dark." Dominic said cryptically.

I always forget how smart Dominic can be. He always knew what to say and how to say it even at the most awkward of times. He wasn't the affectionate type. The only emotions I've seen from him is anger and horniness. But here he is now, rubbing my back and soothing me down with kind words. He was still stiff and his brows scrunched in hesitation but he still kept trying to make me feel better.

This is the Stephan I knew. This is the Stephan I fell for back when I was 16. The question is...he this Stephan stay or disappear forever?

After our cute moment in the office, Dominic decided it was best to take me out of the estate to the city to do some shopping for our upcoming events. I needed outfits for the dinners and parties he had planned for us.

We took a smaller car. His driver/Bodyguard drove the BMW while we sat in the backseat. I barely paid attention to Dominic, my attention was on the ride to town. I haven't been out since I left the castle and even then I didn't take in the world around me. Although I was still under lockdown, this is my first real taste of freedom. The fresh air, the people, the smell of the beautiful blooming flowers...everything I missed I get to see again.

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