Her Truth

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After two more months, when her legs and arms cleared up, Liv returned to work.
"Liv! We missed you!" Fin said only looking at her eyes.
"It's nice to have yah back." Amanda said looking her up and down really quick before hugging her. Everyone greeted me and hugged me except Nick who was sitting at our desks. "Why hello to you too." I laughed. "Oh! Hey Liv." He said glancing at her hair. "What don't like it?" She asked smiling. "Eh, it'll grow back." He replied in a normal tone. She laughed as she sat down and began some paper work Nick handed her.

Around one Nick and Liv took a lunch break. "So Liv, I don't know what happened, and you don't have to tell me, but if you ever wanna talk or something I'm here." He said sounding serious. She glanced at him "Nick, what you're doing now, acting the same, treating me like nothing happened with jokes and stuff, that is all I want. Just keep doing that." "Alright I got chu." He said pointing at her and laughing. "I love your dumbass." She said laughing.

That night she didn't get home until ten, Elliot was already there and had put Eli to sleep. She walked in their room, "Hey Liv." "Hey...Everything okay?" Liv asked him. "Sure. You just, you reconnected with Amaro so easily back there. Like you guys talked normal and everything. Cmon." He motioned for her to follow. They ended up calling Kathleen to stay with Eli and they drove to some restaurant in New Jersey.

After dinner they started walking in a park with very few people. "Did you tell him what happened?" He asked sounding slightly jealous. "What? No we're friends and he said he didn't wanna know." She said as she shook her head. "Well I wanna know Liv." "Oh well, look it's probably bett-" "Okay, there you go again." He said suddenly stoping in front of her "Keeping secrets, holding out on me. Why?" "What do you mean why? Why do you wanna know so bad?" "Because Liv, I know like nothing about this guy or what he did to you. And he seems to have a big effect on you, you cut your hair, you won't change in front of me, you won't let me touch you in certain places, you won't go on dates with me I had to secretly take you on this one, you're having nightmares, you won't have sex wi-" "Hold on. We never had sex before El." "Yeah cause we weren't dating that long but now, you won't even change your shirt in front of me." "Yeah Elliot because.." "Because what Liv?!" "You're gonna get people's attention." She said in a low voice. He walked over, grabbed her hand and walked to a bench with no one around. "Because what?" He asked as he grabbed her arms. "Because Elliot, Lewis...wasn't only a killer." "Okay and." He said in a very rude and sarcastic voice. "Elliot you dumbass why else would we have investigated him?! He was a fucking rapist." He stopped and stared at her. "Liv I'm...I'm sorry I didn't know." "Of course you didn't. How could you they didn't release that information and I asked everyone to keep it from you." "But why?" "Because then I'd have to do a lot of explaining Elliot!" She yelled as she stood up and rubbed her forehead. "I didn't want to say any of the things that happened to me out loud. But," she took a pause "I..will tell you." "Olivia you don't have to." "No. It's okay. " she took a deep breath and sat down without looking him in the eyes "I got my hair cut because he used to put his fingers through it and pull it. I didn't want to go on any dates because I know we'll drink and he force fed me alcohol and drugs. I won't change in front of you because of the scars I have around...those areas. I didn't want you to touch me because I didn't know if you would feel the scars and react bad. The nightmares, they're because of everything he did and I re-live it every. Single. Night. Sex? I was too scared to even think about it. But I know you wouldn't hurt me." "Olivia I...I want to know what happened." He said softly. She swallowed her spit "He only burned me and hit me until the fourth week. Then the rape and real beating happened. He beat me with, something I..I can't remember what, all I know is that it was wood. He made me take all kinds of drugs, alcohol, he made me use a bong. He r-" she stopped to catch her breath "he forced me in every way he could. Over, and over, and over again. I hated to look at myself El and I thought you would too so I tried to push you away." She looked up at him "But now I know I had the best thing in the world with you and I would've loved to make love to you because I know that you would've taken care of me. I love you so much Elliot and all I can say is I'm sorry. I should've been better towards you and told you before. I'm so sorry." She stood up and started walking away.

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