Brothers Rivalry

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Inuyasha glared at Sesshomaru angrily. Everyone was pushed behind Aris and Gaara with their sand while Aris held Shippo protectively. Hard stayed behind Inuyasha and drew her own Katana, the Fokkusu.
"I thought I smelled the wretched scent of another half demon." Sesshomaru said. Then a little Toad Imp, Jayken, appeared.
"Aw great, another filthy half breed." It said. Haru growled lowly with Inuyasha and stepped out from behind, her eyes slit angrily.
"Who you calling filthy you ugly toad!" She roared. She lifted her sword in her right, (Haru:I'm right handed by the way. Me:Yep), hand and shouted.
"Fox's rage!" Then she swiped her sword at Jayken, but Sesshomaru grabbed him before the attack could kill him. They all looked at the ground which now had what looked like claw mark that had red chakra burning like flames in them. Inuyasha looked at her in shock, That attack was a lot like the Wind Scar from Tessaiga. Damn, I'm glad I'm on her side. He thought. Sesshomaru stared at Haru in shock and admiration? Oh boy. I didn't expect that, even from a half demon. That attack was as powerful as the Wind Scar. She's amazing. Sesshomaru thought. Aris sweatdropped, I don't like where that train of thought is going. Sesshomaru rushed at Inuyasha his poison laced claws aiming for the kill. Inuyasha prepared to fight back but then as Sesshomaru's claws reached him Haru was in front of Inuyasha and she grabbed Sesshomaru's wrist, with her left hand, stopping it from moving. Both of the brothers looked at her shocked.  Haru's eyes held anger as they glared at Sesshomaru.
"Keep your filthy hand off of him!" She shouted. Then she flung him away like nothing, him landing several feet away. Inuyasha stared at Haru in shock. "Haru?" He breathed out. She didn't turned, only said,
"No one harms you or my family. No one." Sesshomaru got back up and attacked with his acid whip. Haru smirked and rushed at him, Inuyasha close behind.
"Wind Claw!" she yelled, claws of wind attacking.
"Wind Scar!" Inuyasha shouted as well. Sesshomaru barely got out of of the way. Suddenly Jayken threw a fire ball at Haru knocking her away.
"Haru!!" Inuyasha yelled going after her, but before he could even get to her, Sesshomaru grabbed Haru and ran off.
"Inuyasha!" She yelled as Sesshomaru took her away.
"Haru!" Even though he lost sight of them he ran after them determined to get Haru back, the others close behind.
Sesshomaru landed in a clearing and stopped. He put Haru on her feet only for her to attack him. He dodged her attacks easily. Haru glared at him angrily.
"Just who do you think my you are?! Well?!" She growled. Haru attacked again.
"You think you cam just show up, attack Inuyasha for no reason and kidnap me you bastard! I don't know what grudge you hold against Inuyasha, but that doesn't give you the right to do what you did to him! I can understand why he hates you!" She shouted still attacking. Sesshomaru grabbed her sword hand then pinned her against a tree.
"You act as if you know us. You think my younger brother is a saint don't you." Sesshomaru said getting in her face but wearing no expression.
"I don't know you but I know Inuyasha! And I know Inuyasha isn't a Saint, no one is! He's a better person then you are! He a good person, and I won't stand for anyone saying differently!" She shouted right in his face. Sesshomaru glared at her.
"You care for him." Haru gasped anf blushed.
"I...So what if do? What's it to you?!" She said. He leaned closer and Haru turned her head away from him. Then he whispered in her ear.
"He will not have you." Haru's eyes widened and fought back harder.
"Get the hell off me! Let me go! Now!" She screamed. But she couldn't get loose but she smell Inuyasha was really close.
"Inuyasha!" She screamed. Inuyasha came into the clearing gaining Sesshomaru's attention.
"Let her go!" Haru used this distraction and kicked Sesshomaru in the gut then punched him in the face. She ram in Inuyasha's direction, who hugged her in relief.
"Are you okay?" He said worried. Hard nodded.
"Yeah I'm okay-LOOK OUT!" She said pushing him away so Sesshomaru wouldn't hit him. The two began to fight each other.
"Haru!" She looked over to see Aris and the others.
"Are you okay?" Kakashi asked. Haru nodded and looked back at Inuyasha's and Sesshomaru. She then sniffed the air and looked up. Her eyes widened seeing hundreds of demons coming outta no where. Oh no. I have to stop those two from fighting. They'll both get hurt! She thought. Two of her tails got longer and wrapped around both of then and yanked them towards her.
"Haru, what are you doing?" Inuyasha questioned.
"You two can fight later, we have bigger problems right now." She said pointing to the hordes of demons coming towards them. They both turned to each other then turned to the demons ready to fight but Haru raised a hand to stop them. She raised her sword and ran towards the horde. When Haru got close enough she raised her sword.
"Soul Reaper!" She shouted. As she swung her sword at the demons, several red tornadoes came at the horde with what looked like a Nine-Tailed Fox behind them. The attack hit the demon horde, obliterating all of 'em. Haru stood there panting slightly. She sheathed Fokkuso back in it's sheath on her back. Then walked back to the others. Shippo jumped on Inuyasha's shoulder.
"Woah that was amazing, right Inuyasha?" he said. Inuyasha blinked and nodded numbly. He was in awe of Haru. She had told him about the power of her sword but to see it in person was amazing. She's amazing. He thought. Even Sesshomaru was dumbstruck. Jayken came running towards him, with a little girl behind him.
"My lord Sesshomaru! Your badly injured! But I see you got a few hits on that filthy-" Jayken got cut off by Haru putting Fokkuso's tip to hid throat. The ugly little toad gulped.
"I mean on Inuyasha." He corrected. Haru looked at the ground and noticed small demons keeping their wounds from closing. She glared at them and cut them all in half with Fokkuso making them dissipate into air. In doing so she healed both Inuyasha's and Sesshomaru's wounds. Myõga appeared on Haru's shoulder.
"Haru, how does your sword have that kind of power?! It's as deadly as Inuyasha's sword the Tessiage and yet it can heal in one swipe like Sesshomaru's sword Tenseiga! How is that possible?!" Myõga looked about ready to pass out. Haru sighed.
"My father gave me Fokkuso. It was made by a great swordsmith
bathed in the blood of both my parents, and made from my father's fang. My mother's and father's chakra were bound into this sword along with my own blood and chakra no one can use it without my consent." She explained. Myõga sweat dropped.
"That sounds like Kurama." he said. Haru raised an eyebrow.
"You know my old geaser of a father?" She asked. Then said bijuu appeared beside Naruto.
"Who ya calling Old Geaser?!" He roared.

Haru lightly chuckled

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Haru lightly chuckled. Myõga jumped onto Kurama's shoulder.
"Just like Tõga, always being crafty. I hope you remember he had such swords for his sons as well." Myõga said. Kurama smirked.
"I not stupid. It's the reason I had Tõtõsai make one for Haru as well. Geez Tõga had wanted my daughter to mate with one of his sons. But they'd have to beat her in battle first. If they could at least survive a battle with her, I'd consider it. But that was a long time ago. Now I want her to choose for herself but I still have to approve." he said explained. Naruto looked at Haru and slightly paled.
"Uh, Kurama?" he said. Kurama looked at him then where Naruto was pointing and gulped. Haru was standing there her face was completely red her mouth was wide open. Inuyasha was the same, Sesshomaru was wide eyed and slightly red. Myõga chuckled. "I guess you forgot they were there Kurama." Kurama facepalmed at himself.
"Dammit! I wasn't even gonna tell her." He grumbled. He looked Haru and he paled. Haru had big irk mark and she looked pissed. She disappeared and reappeared right next to Kurama and bonked him on the head. Haru then sighed and walked away. She looked up and noticed the sun was setting.
"There's a cave about a mile from here. We can make camp for the night. I assume your probably gonna follow us Sesshomaru. That's fine, but don't you dare cause trouble." She said. Inuyasha ran up to walk beside her. He looked up at the sky and noticed the waning Crescent moon. Time was running out before.....the new moon. He turned to Haru.
"Hey, how long until we get to Suna?" He asked. Haru raised an eyebrow at him.
"About a day, maybe two. Why?" She asked. Inuyasha bit his lip. Damn how am I gonna tell her? What is she gonna say?
"Uh, no reason. It's nothing." He said nervously.  Haru narrowed her eyes. What is he hiding from me? She wondered. They got to the cave and set up camp. Everyone was asleep, even Sesshomaru and his group. Only Inuyasha and Haru remained awake. Inuyasha stared at the moon anxiously. Haru stared at Inuyasha in concern. Then she thought about a question that had been bothering her for awhile, but she hadn't brought it up. Well it might take his mind off of whatever is bothering him. But it make him feel bad. But I know one, sometimes you just need to talk to someone to feel better. Okay here it goes.
"Um hey, Inuyasha?" He looked her and raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, Haru? What is it?" Haru sighed and frowned slightly.
"Well I've been meaning to ask you but, I was afraid to push you to much. So I was hoping......If you could tell me about Kikyo and Sunõ." She said.
I'm gonna stop the chapter here. Next time will be when they finally get to Suna. Vote, Comment and Enjoy!
Ja Ne!

Half Demon meets Nine Tailed Fox(Inuyasha/Naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now