The Porn Videos

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They didn't plan for that to happen, it was just a really slow day. John and Lafayette didn't work today and Alexander and Hercules took a day off to relax.

Alexander was sprawled over John in a loveseat and Lafayette and Hercules were cuddling in the couch, watching some weird French movie Lafayette had picked out. John was playing with Alexander's hair when a thought popped into his head.


All of them looked over at him lazily.

"Where is Y/N from?"

Hercules opened his mouth to answer, but quickly closed it when he realized he didn't know. Gilbert looked like he was searching every edge of his mind for an answer. Alex just shrugged.

"No one? I mean, where she grew up? Did she study? Did she have friends?" John looked at them desperately, but they just looked back at him as confused as he was.

"Guys, we invite this girl to have sex with us, to live with us, to love us, to everything. We opened up to her about everything regarding us, and just now we come to realize that we know nothing about her?" Alex sounded almost irritated. Hercules and Lafayette just shrugged in apology.

"Why don't you just google her?" Hercules said, running his hand down Lafayette's arm, only half focused in the situation at hand. 'If Y/N wanted us to know something, she would have explicitly told us by now', he thought to himself.

Alexander couldn't have taken out his laptop faster than he did. It was right at the door in his backpack. Sitting back on John's lap, he typed your name into google, basically jumping in excitement and curiosity. John was looking over Alexander's shoulder, eager to know.

"Maybe she isn't an eventful enough person to appear on google." Lafayette said, cuddling closer to Hercules' body. Having his back to them, he didn't notice their stunned looks. Both their mouths were opened in shock, Alexander's eyes were about to fall from his face. Hercules momentarily looked up from Lafayette to see why they had gone quiet.

"What is it?" He asked in a worried tone. Hercules' voice made Lafayette look back at the other two men.

Alexander was the first to crack a smile, then full on laughter a second later.

"No way. This can't be true. It's not..." Alexander was having trouble breathing with how much the boy was laughing. John sat back, his smile growing.

"I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it was definitely not that." John said in disbelief.

"Mon chaton Alex et mon lapin John, what is it?" Lafayette said desperately, getting slightly annoyed at their unwillingness to share whatever they found.

"Porn." Alex said, looking back at the confused men. "She did porn."

John motioned them to come over to where they were sitting. Hercules practically bolted, Lafayette close behind.

Alex clicked on the first video that appeared. You were dressed as a "pizza delivery girl" walking over to a house with five men who were pretending to talk about sports. You had "mixed up their order" and "didn't want to lose your job" so you had sex with all of them. It was one of those cheesy porn videos where the acting was appalling, but that didn't stop the four boys from watching the entire 30-minute video.

They had clicked on the next one, where you masturbated while a man, out of frame, praised you, this one especially had John all hot and bothered. They proceeded to another video where you had a threesome with two other successful porn stars, a man and a much older woman than you, and Hercules and Alex almost couldn't handle it. Then another, where you were getting mercilessly fucked into a white couch by a very well-endowed man. Lafayette was biting his lip close to bleeding. The boys spent the entire afternoon watching your videos, getting more and more desperate and impatient for you to get home.

When you arrived, exhausted from work, you saw the boys huddled together in the loveseat over Alexander's computer. They didn't even look up, but you didn't think twice about it as you went directly to the kitchen. You were quiet and thinking to yourself until the four boys walk into the kitchen, laptop close at hand, and sat down in the counter looking at you intensely. You wouldn't have thought anything of it if not for the tents in all their pants.

"Guys, are you okay?" You asked, looking over their eyes.

"Why didn't you tell us you did porn?" Alexander said, almost a whine, and you doubled over in laughter.

"How-How did you find out?" You said after a moment of laughing so hard. You couldn't look at their faces because it would send you through another fit of giggles.

"And not that you just did porn, but so much of it, too?" Hercules said, his chin propped between his hands. He and Lafayette were the calmest and less needy of them, but you could still tell the massive length in his pants.

Lafayette walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Not only that, ma chéri, but you were so great at it?" He said, almost a whisper right in your ear as he kissed down your jaw to the crook of your neck. You leaned into Lafayette's chest with a content smile and your head leaned to the side to give him more space to play with.

"It just never came up, I guess." You said, leaning forward and brushing a few curls away from John's flustered face. He hadn't said anything yet, but you knew how turned on he was.

"But-But that is very important information, if you ask me." Alexander was fidgety and it was obvious he wanted to have sex with you right then and there.

"Alex, it's not that big of a deal." You said, holding back a moan as Lafayette sucked on a very specific part of your neck. Lafayette's hands slid down, under your dress and he cupped the front your panties.

"It was a very big deal, actually." Hercules had appeared in front of you, his finger under your chin as he made you look up at him.

They were going to show you just how big it was.

~~The Tumblr for this one is Jumpingjackets :)~~

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