Springs in the Summer

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The creek gurgled and bubbled cool water beneath your feet as you felt the unforgiving rays of the sun inflict themselves upon your complexion. You were going to miss this place.

Today was the armies last day working in the area, with the battle already won, there was nothing left to do but pack up and move to the next location for another battle. Although being a revolutionary war nurse, you often moved from place to place, but for some strange reason, you felt this particular area resonate with you more so than any other had. The camp was surrounded by an oasis of fresh, green grass littered with colorful summer flowers and tall oak trees. However, your favorite feature was always the large creek, an astonishing seven feet deep, that cool, crisp water calmly flowed in. You stood there for a few minutes, watching the occasional fish dart by, or leaf from a nearby tree flutter through the air, then gently land on top of the current, to be swept away and deposited into the nearby pond.

You wondered how this sanctum and the revolutionary war could possibly exist in the same world, at the same time.

"Hey." a voice suddenly said behind you, making you jump at the sudden disruption.

You spun around, startled. Sure enough, it was the major general's right-hand man himself. He always seemed to be running into you.

"Alexander!" you gasped, hand clutched firmly to the front of your uniform as if to prevent your heart leaping out of your chest.

"My God, you almost scared the life out of me."

"Sorry," he replied, "I couldn't help but stop and notice the impeccable beauty."

You nodded your head in agreement. "This place truly is a work of God above."

He huffed his flirtation sailing right over your head.

"Say," he began again, "the other revolutionaries, as well as myself, are all going in for a dip in about an hour, would you like to come?" His brown, shoulder-length hair fluttered a bit in the gentle breeze.

You were taken back a bit by his request. Typically the nurses didn't take part in any of the revolutionaries' celebrations or parties. The men, they said, always were too loud and too drunk. And not to mention, wearing a swimsuit around the men would be an adventure all on its own. Most of these men had not seen a woman dressed in anything less revealing than a typical nurse uniform for months. Still, you were quite fond of Hamilton and wanted to spend your last few hours in the heavenly place with him.

"Yes," you replied. "I would like that very much."

He grinned his trademark sly grin, "Very well."

He grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles softly.

"I will see you back here in an hour's time."

He turned and walked away, the tail of his coat gently flapping behind him as he returned to his tent, probably to write. You turned back to the creek and inhaled a deep breath of fresh air, watching the water gently tumble over the smooth stones that bordered it.

This should be fun.


You could already hear a group of men splashing and laughing in the creek as you made your way towards it. It was nice to see them like this, having fun and enjoying themselves. More often than not, they were on the battlefield, risking their lives for what they believed in while seeing their comrades massacred. It was nice to see the humanity they still had in them. You couldn't help but smile to yourself as they began a splash fight, looking like little kids. You kept your hand firmly clasped on the bed sheet you had wrapped around your body that doubled as both a cover-up and towel to be used eventually. Not that you had any intentions of swimming, but just to lay on the ground and sit on while you read your book and watched the commotion. You saw Hamilton and his friends, Lafayette, Laurens and Mulligan all in the creek, appearing to be partaking in a game of chicken. Laurens sat on Lafayette's shoulders while Hamilton perched on Mulligan's, and the top half wrestled as the bottom tier tried to keep their balance, impaired by the fighting men on top of them.

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