Art of Seduction

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You watched with furrowed brows and pouting lips, waiting for Angelica and Eliza to stop their hysterical laughing.

“It’s not funny.” You spat.

“Sorry, you’re right. It’s not funny.” Angelica said, collecting herself before dissolving back into more hysterical laughter. “It’s absolutely hilarious!”

“Only you could do all that, then break your arm trying to get off the bed!” commented Eliza, who was laughing so hard that she was tearing up.

“Hahaha. Knock it off already!” You state dryly. “And stop hogging it, Peggy.”

“I can’t help that I want it all for myself. It’s so tempting~” The youngest Schuyler sister chimed.

“Well it’s MY arm you’re drawing on so knock it off already!” You said, snatching the marker from Peggy. She was taking up all the room on your cast with animal, rainbow, and flower doodles. “I promised John and Herc that they could decorate it.”

When Eliza and Angelica finally calmed down, all of you were able to get back to your coffee time. It had been a week since you tried to seduce your boyfriends.

“So how are things with the guys?” asked Angelica, saying what they were all thinking.

You blushed, taking a swig of your hot chocolate. “Well, besides the whole breaking my arm thing…Things have never been better sex wise. Turns out I just got the seduction techniques mixed up.”

“Oh, I gotta hear this!~” Peggy beamed as her and her sisters leaned in, wanting to hear all the juicy dirty details. “Lay all the dirty, depraved, nasty details on us, girl~”

You shyly smiled back at the girls and nervously tucked your hair behind her ear, not knowing where to begin. Now that you had gotten over most of your nervousness and shyness, all of you were to be a lot more open with each other. You were able to share fantasies and kinks that you had kept hidden, which lead to a lot of crazy good sex and experiences.

Every conceivable position had been explored after you overcame natural shyness. Your boys had taught you to ask for exactly what you wanted, no matter how strange it may seem; they saying how they preferred to know if there was anything they could do. The hardest part of all for you was to actually gather enough confidence and courage to make your fantasies a reality.


“Ready for dessert, mon belle?” asked Laf, nearly choking on his words. He watched as you swiped some whipped cream down the center of his six pack before dropping lower and pressing your lips to his skin.

“I always have room for my favorite french chocolat.” You purred, drawing a whipped cream heart over the delectable muscles of Laf’s chest, slowly licking him clean, savoring his godly chest.

You felt Laf shudder beneath you, aware of every movement your tongue made. He watched you move, feeling like he was floating on a giant marshmallow.

“That t-tickles…” Laf panted.

You muttered your answer, your tongue working over his warm skin as you licked at the cream, savoring the essence of him underneath the sweetness. You grabbed hold of his hips to balance yourself, grinning when you felt the bump of his cock becoming hard against your chest while your tongue kept on licking him clean. You felt his hands lay on your shoulders, admiring his expression, enjoying how his pupils were blown wide with desire. It seemed Laf had gotten hooked on being dominated as much you did.

“I see something even tastier right here~” You gently grasped Laf’s straining cock. Without a minute to squander, you wrap your lips around the tip of his smooth cock and sucked long and hard. He tosses his head once more into the cushions with a moan, and you take considerably a greater amount of his throbbing length into the depths of your warm and wet mouth.

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