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You cuddled to the cold space beside you, expecting Gilbert to be there. Groaning, you lazily picked yourself up and grabbed the nearest shirt you can reach. Realizing it was his shirt you grabbed, you inhaled the scent you always loved about him. What happened the night before might explain why all your clothes were in a shitstorm on the floor.

You got out of the bedroom and went immediatly to the kitchen, hearing some cooking going on. From behind, you wrap your arms around Lafayette, who’s intensely focused on his cooking.

“What are you cooking, babe?” You ask, nuzzling your face between his shoulder blades.

“Breakfast, mon amour. Last night must have exhausted you.” He chuckled, placing a soft kiss on your temple. His morning voice was just one of the reasons why you love waking up.

“Uhuh. Still amazing though.” You say, now walking towards the refrigerator. You hear him chuckle again, slightly shaking his head.

“You did phenomenal as well.” He answers. You walk back to the counter beside him and jumped on this. Watching Gilbert cook made him 10 times hotter than he already is.

“Y/N, what are you eating?” He asks, noticing the small bucket of ice cream in your hand.

“Breakfast.” You smirk, mocking what he said earlier. You slowly put the spoon with ice cream in your mouth.

“It’s early morning. That’s bad for your health, mon ange.” He says, glancing back at you, not wanting to ruin his cooking.

“I don’t want you as my nutritionist, Gilbert. Being my boyfriend is enough.” You smile, knowing that disobeying him annoys Laf.

“Y/N.” Gilbert says, showing a stern expression on his face.

“What are you gonna do about it?” You tease him once again. Lafayette turns off the stove and moved in between your legs. His face dangerously(or not) close to yours. He examines you from head to toe, finally looking back to your eyes with a smirk on his face.

“You’re wearing my shirt.” He whispers, placing his hands on your thighs.

“I don’t care.” You put your arms around his neck.

“Yeah keep it on. My shirts look hot on you.” He says, before finally placing a passionate kiss on your lips. You grab the nape of his neck and move to the edge of the counter to deepen the already hot kiss. You hear him moan softly making you smirk into the kiss. He places his hands on your back, pulling you closer.

After a few minutes, which only felt like seconds to both of you, he pulled away. He softly placed his forehead on yours.

“Coffee crumble tastes better when it’s on your lips, amour.” He chuckles. You lightly slap his shoulder.

“Jesus fucking christ, Laf. You’re disgusting.” You push him away. He kissed you again, sweeter and less intense than the last.

“And yet you love me.” He winks, continuing his cooking.

You couldn’t help but agree. You wouldn’t want anyone else except him.

~~ Tumblr dude is hamilbroke ~~

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