One Night In

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You had been so stressed out lately, you hadn’t seen the boys all together in over a week. It was killing you, all you wanted to do was cuddle together. You grabbed the keys and unlocked the door, using your foot to shut the front door behind you.

“(Y/n)!” You heard someone, you assumed it was John since you couldn’t see who it was over the two big boxes you where carrying.

“Hello.” You beamed and tilted your head, you felt one of the boxes lifted off of the first one. You smiled as Laurens grinning face appeared from behind the box.

“Glad to see you’re home, I have a surprise for you!” John said a laugh could be heard in his voice.

“A surprise?” You echoed furrowing your eyebrows together.

“Yes, now come here.” He grinned and took the second box, setting them both on the table by the door. He turned to you and motioned for you to come closer, you came closer and hugged him happily.

He chuckled and nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, he kissed your neck slowly and lightly nipped making you laugh softly and he let go grinning at you.

“Now, turn around.” Laurens said and placed his hands on your shoulders, forcing you to turn around and he wrapped his hands over your eyes making you basically go blind.

“Now, start walking.” He said and ushered you forward slightly, you sighed but decided to trust him, just hoping it wasn’t a prank. He led you forward and took a right turn towards the living room, you nearly tripped over your own feet.

He nearly fell onto you laughing how you almost tripped only not face planting because he caught you. Which led him to nearly drop you since he was laughing so hard.

“You’re so mean” you whined playfully and nuzzled against him.

“Sorry, but we are almost there, come on. Get back up and let me cover your eyes.” He said still stifling laughter.

“Fine, fine.” You grumbled, standing back up, he covered your eyes again and lead you up the stairs slowly.

You held the rail, your fingers grazing it as he led you up towards your guys’ bedroom.

“Ta dah!” He yelled removing his hands, inside your guys’ bedroom, was decorated. Like some Pinterest dream room stuff. Fairy lights that twinkled like little stairs where strung all across the ceiling.

“Oh my.” You whispered clasping your hand over your mouth as you gazed around noticing more and more that they had done.

They made a giant fort out of your guys bed and stuff, a projector, a movie screen that was hung up, three boxes of pizza, a giant bowl of popcorn, a giant selection of drinks including all of your favorites, and so much more.

“It’s gorgeous!” You gasped and john leaned his head on your shoulder, gazing around at the room as well.

“We’re glad you enjoy it!” Lafayette said appearing from the giant fort made of pillows, blankets, and much more to hold it together.

Hercules and Alexander emerged after him, all of them looking around before looking at you and Laurens.

“It’s perfect.” You said throwing your hands up, running towards the three pulling john after you, pulling them all into a group hug. Kissed and snuggles where passed around like snacks, you nuzzled closer to them all before you all took off towards the fort.

It was precious, the inside was big enough for you all, though many of you where on top of someone else. You where currently on top of Lafayette as he sat comfortably against the headboard which was the back of the fort.

Hercules was holding john and Alexander was between you all, sitting in the middle happily surrounded by the ones he loves.

“Which movie?” Herc asked as he held the remote and search across Netflix and stuff like that.

“All of our favorites?” You suggested nuzzling against Laf as he lightly played with your hair.

“Sounds good” Alex agreed quickly and happily.

“I agree” Lafayette grinned kissing your shoulder softly and playfully.

“Pizza please!” John piped up as everyone began to eat the food and drink the drinks.


After nearly 4 movies, you all where almost knocked out, Alex and you being the only ones awake. During the movies, you all switched around a bunch, Alexander was now holding john as you where in the middle, Herc holding Lafayette as they both slept.

“This was the best night.” You whispered looking over at Alex as he held Laurens.

“We wanted to do this, for you, we’ve all been so busy. And we love you, and we love each other. So we thought we might as well have the best date night we could.” Alexander muttered in response, his hair splayed out across his shoulders and back instead of his normal ponytail.

“Can I do your hair?” You suddenly asked, he tilted his head as he looked over at you.

“I guess.” He chuckled and slowly shifted around till his back was facing you, careful to not wake up John.

You began to run your fingers through it, careful to not tug it. Soon you took a few hair bands and began braid and twist it, you did the best you could to braid it around too the back from the sides and put it together with a little twist.

“Perfect.” You said, you yawned and leaned onto his back. He slowly turned till he was facing the screen again, his favorite movie still playing, he pulled you halfway on to him as well as john. He held you both close as he muttered softly too you.

“Rest, once I finish this movie I’ll sleep as well.” He promised and kissed your cheek softly, you smiled and nodded nuzzling against him. You closed your eyes, listening to the sounds all around you.

Alexander’s steady heartbeat, John’s peaceful breathing, Hercules’ gentle breathing, Lafayette’s light snoring, and the movies background noise which you barely noticed. You focused on your boys as you began to lull into sleep, holding onto Alex as he swayed slightly nearly rocking you and Laurens.

Soon enough, sleep began to consume you. Once you where asleep, you felt like that was possibly the best you had slept in years…..

~~ Tumblr dude is poly-hamilsquad-reader ~~

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