Let Us Know

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You loved Sunday mornings. They were your favorite day of the week. Mostly because it was all your boys day off and you all got to sleep late. You loved waking up wrapped up with all your boys. It never failed to make you smile and fill you with joy.

This particular Sunday morning you were woken up by Johns soft lips pressing gentle kisses to your neck. You smile with your eyes still closed and run your fingers through his hair.

He looks up at you a smile gracing his sweet freckled face.

"Good morning lover girl, you're looking beautiful as always," he says nuzzling your neck and giving you more kisses.

You giggle and shake your head.

"I don't think I look beautiful at all, but thank you," you pull his face to yours and place a soft kiss of your own on his lips.

Lafayette starts stir beside you, "I want morning kisses too, ma petit colombe."

You smile and turn to him.

"Well, Johnny here decided to steal his morning kisses from me."

John nods pecking your cheek as you smile. Laf looks serious in thought, before wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you towards him.

"I guess, I'll have to steal mine too," he says placing kisses all over your face.

"Gil," you giggle.

He smiles down at you, and places a long, toe curling kiss on your lips. He pulls away when John clears his throat. Laf looks at John.

"You want on too, ma douce?"

John nods and Laf gives him kiss just like yours. They pull apart and you can see the love in their eyes and it makes your heart swell.

"Don't mind me boys, I'm just going to move out of the way," you say jokingly, trying to scoot out from between them. Before you can really get anywhere, Lafs hands are on your hips again, holding you still.

"Non, mon ange, we're not done with you yet."

You look from him to John and see their matching smirks and purse your lips.

"Are you sure you don't want to wake up the other boys?" you ask, thinking the suggestion might distract them.

"We will, in just a few minutes," Laf says as he starts kissing your neck and John kisses that ticklish spot on your ribs.

You start to squirm, trying to move. When you hear Alex begin to stir.

"Alex, honey, good morning. Look, boys Alex is awake," you say and they both cease for a moment and chuckle.

"Are you bothering our dear (Y/N) already?"

"Non, mon amour, we're stealing morning kisses," Laf says while wiggling his eyebrows at Alex.

"Well, in that case," and without warning Alex jumps over John and is on top of you within seconds.

"Alex," you say in a warning tone.

"Yes, my love?" he asks a smirk at his lips as he leans over you.

"Don't you think I should go make breakfast?"

"Of course, right after I steal my morning kisses," and with that his lips are on yours.

He places a passionate kiss on your lips and then a gentle kiss, before moving down to your collar bone. Meanwhile, John and Laf had taken to kissing your hands and wrists. Leaving you no way of escape.

"Boys I think you've stolen more than enough," you say breathlessly.

"Are you sure, mon ange?"

"I disagree baby girl."

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