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“We’ve got pumpkins!” You yelled, struggling to carry multiple pumpkins.

“Mon cher, I told you not to grab so many pumpkins at once!” Laf sighed behind you, his breath warming your neck.

“I didn’t want to make two trips though.” You said, dumping them on the kitchen counter.

“I’m ready to carve!” Alexander bounded into the kitchen.

“Who said we bought this pumpkins for you to carve?” You quirked a brow.

“But…” Alex’s smile dropped off his face.

“Yeah, we were planning on carving all of them ourselves.” Laf smirked, putting his arm around you.

“Ew, stop doing couple stuff!” John walked into the kitchen, covering his eyes.

“We’re barely touching.” You protested, watching him blindly walk around the kitchen.

“PDA!” Hercules screamed, covering both his and Alex’s eyes.

“We’re not touching anymore!” Laf yelled over their whining.

“But, Laf-” You began, before he put his finger over his lips and winked.

“You can uncover your eyes.” Laf said, the boys hesitantly doing so.

Once all the boys had opened their eyes, they took their time turning to look at you and Lafayette. When he had all the boys eyes on him, Laf pulled you in for a deep kiss. As you kissed you heard screams and groans from the boys.

“Can we start carving the pumpkins now?” Alex asked, horror all over his face.

“Sure.” You smiled, walking over to the counter of pumpkins. “I don’t get why that terrifies you guys so much.”

“Because you’re our best friend, kissing our other best friend.” John turned from his pumpkin to smile at you.

“Nah, I feel like she’s our little sister that’s kissing our best friend.” Hercules protested.

“Touching moment and all, but can you shut up! I’m trying to focus!” Alex said. He was carving quick jagged lines into his pumpkin. Somehow he already managed to scrape out the insides.

“How did you do that so quickly?” Your eyes widened.

“Can’t talk. Must carve.” He mumbled, never once taking his focus away from the pumpkin.

“Don’t worry, mon ange. He will tire himself out quickly.” Laf grinned, moving your head to look back at the pumpkin in front of you.

You and the rest of the boys, besides Alexander, began scraping out the insides of the pumpkin. You started to pull out the guts of the pumpkin. The cold slimy feeling made you shiver.

“Brains!” John shoved a handful of the guts in your face.

You screamed, latching yourself onto Laf’s shirt. He put a firm arm around your waist making sure you were okay. It wasn’t long till you noticed that you had covered each other with pumpkin.

“Sorry.” You laughed, trying to brush off the goop on his shirt, as he tried to do the same for you.

“Aw, how cute!” John cooed, watching the two of you.

“Not as cute as my pumpkins going to be!” Hercules exclaimed, sticking his tongue out as he carved it.

“What are you carving?” John tilted his head to look at it.

“Are you carving a bunch of vegetables?” Alex asked, shuffling away from his pumpkin to take a look.

“I don’t get it.” Laf said in confusion.

“Oh.” You said, your mouth dropping in shock. Unlike the boys, you picked up pretty quickly what he was carving.

“It’s a french girl.” Hercules said smugly, showing it off to the rest of you.

Laf quickly covered your eyes, walking you away from the pumpkin. You giggled as he muttered french words under his breath.

“Laf, I think I should be the one covering your eyes.” You laughed.

“No, mon amour. I have seen a french woman before, you have not.” He protested.

“Then how come I recognized what it was before you?” You smirked, prying his hand away from your eyes.

“Go back to your carving.” Laf rolled his eyes, picking his own carving knife up.

“What are you carving?” You peeked over Laf’s shoulder, only to have him turn the pumpkin away from you.

“Hey! That’s not fair!” You cried.

“Why is it unfair, ma moitie? Because I want it to be a surprise?” He quirked an eyebrow up at your pouting face.

“You know what I’m carving!” You pointed at your half carved pumpkin.

“And it is simply wonderful. I just want you to be surprised by what I’m carving.” Laf smiled at you.

“Fine.” You huffed, continuing to carve your pumpkin.

In the end, Alexander had carved three pumpkins, each had a different face on it. John had carved a hoard of turtles on his pumpkin. He had spent ten minutes naming all of them. Herc had carved a french woman that he loved very much, to everyone else’s horror. And you had decided to carve the face of Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas.

“Okay, Laf, we have all revealed ours. It’s your turn!” You bounced in excitement, wondering what he had put so much time into carving.

“Ta-Da!” He exclaimed, turning the pumpkin around to show all of you.

He had carved both his and your initials in the pumpkin. They were carved in what seemed to be perfect cursive. Underneath the initials he had wrote the word forever in the same curly cursive as the rest.  

“Awwww,” The boys all cooed in unison.

You laughed, walking towards Lafayette and pulling him into a hug. “That was cute. Really cheesy, but cute.” You smiled up at him.

“I try.” He leaned down to kiss you, much to the protest of the boys.

~~ Tumblr dude is imagine-the-fluff ~~

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