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The boys sat around on the couch, lounging back in the living room. You had gone out with some friends, told the boys you'd be staying over at a friend's house.

"(Y/N) gets the best gifts." John hummed, twirling the stylus you bought to go with his tablet.

"Oui." Laf agreed. "We should do something nice for her."

"When's her birthday anyways?" Alex mumbled, scribbling something in the margins of the book he was reading.

The boys all shrugged. Alex looked up. "Do we all really not know?" Alex bit his lip. "I'm calling Eliza."

Herc looked at the book Alex was reading, taking a look at the summary. John was busy drawing and Laf couldn't help but look on, admiring John's work.

"Y-You're kidding." Alex paled, got up with a start. "Shit. I-I know! I know, I -" He sighed, grabbed Herc's arm and pulled him up from the couch. Herc got up right away, gave Alex a weird look. "Y-Yes, we're going now. I owe you, Schuyler. T-Thanks."

"What's wrong, cher?" Laf said, looking up at Alex, playing with John's curls.

He hung up with a sigh, before looking at Laf.

"Her birthday's on Friday." Alex said, dragging his hands over his head.

"You're kidding."


"I'll order a cake?" John said, unsure. "Or Laf, can you make one?"

"Order one. Less stress." Herc said.

"But, it is less heartfelt, no?" Laf said unsure.

"We're running out of time." Alex grumbled. "Let's just order one. A really nice one. From that bakery? What's the one she likes?"

"Honey's." Herc pitched in again.


"What cake does she like?" John asked quickly. "Ice cream cake? Vanilla? Chocolate?"

"Just do vanilla. She'll appreciate the gesture." Herc said.

"What about balloons?" Laf mused.

"Yes! Balloons. We could decorate the apartment!" Alex lit up as another thought came to him.

"But what do we get her?"

"Oh!" Alex remembered. "S-She talked about that new thing from -"

Alex's phone went off. He practically dove to get it.

"Eliza's an angel," He breathed out. "She gave us a list of gifts to get for (Y/N)."

"Thank God," John sighed in relief. He took Laf's hand and rushed to get the car keys. "Laf and I can get decorations and the balloons."

"We'll order the cake and get the gifts."

"Don't forget cards."


"Y-You did all this for me?" You sniffed, coming into your apartment. Balloons and streamers were strung all over the place. On the dining room table was a beautiful cake, candles already lit up for you. You felt your smile grow as you saw your boys wearing party hats and blowing party horns. There were four beautifully wrapped presents on the table. "Boys."

"Happy Birthday, kid." Herc smiled, pulling you in for a hug.

"I just can't believe you remembered." You gushed, moving to hug Laf next. You squealed as he picked you up off the floor, kissed your head. "I honestly thought you forgot."

"Us?" John scoffed. "Come on."

"We'd never." Alex smiled tightly, pulling you in for a hug. He held you tight, let out a little sigh. "You're the best roommate. You put up with all of our nonsense."

"That's very true." You smiled. "Thank you, boys." You held John tight, smile only growing. "Oh my God. Did you get this cake from Honey's?"

"Mm." Laf nodded, biting back a smile.

"It's my favorite bakery!" You squealed. "I can't believe you remembered!"

The boys breathed out a sigh of relief at the excitement on your face. Somehow, they managed to pull this off. As you blew out your candles, Alex made a note to do something extra special for Eliza.

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