Games or Sex?

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Hamilton, Mulligan,Lafayette and Laurens had been playing video games non-stop for the past 72 hours. You had tried everything in your will power to not pull the plug, because it was the final boss battle in Zelda, and you knew how hard it was to beat.

Yet sitting there for 72 hours straight, (each having 1 go each once the other died) not sleeping but having small portions of food and water worried you. Cus the only time you saw them like this was when Alex was working his ass off and everyone was too worried about him to eat. After the 1st day you got lonely in bed by yourself, not surrounded by the men you loved. By the 2nd day you were practically depressed. 3rd day in, no attention. It made you needy. So here you are…4th day and your ass was pulled into some skin tight jeans and a cleavage showing shirt. You tried everything else but nothing seemed to work, this was the one stratergy you hadn't tried. Jealousy.

James and Jefferson agreed to help you out, only because they were the only people who actually pissed off your group enough to get their attentions away from anything.

“So thats it hu?-”

Alex took a quick glance at the doorway to see you, Jefferson and Madison laughing and talking casually. The man grew curious but was pulled back into the game when Laurens died and let out a loud groan. Your laugh sounded again but it was more… Erotic?

Mulligan looked over now, seeing you with the two men and Jeffersons arm slowly sliding around your waist. “Why dont you come in? The boys are too busy playing Zelda to notice you’re both here,” You said, loud enough so they heard, yet no one seemed

to be in any interest of that. You internally groaned and led the two men to the kitchen, where you almost lost your shit.

“Wow, this is fucking low” James started, “Even for Hamilton,” Jefferson finished, Linking his hands with James. The sigh that left your lips was filled with sadness as tears began to cloud your vision. James pulled you into a hug as you silently sobbed into their chests, resting your head between their arms.  "I’ve tried everything… and not even this is working,“ Eventually defeat overcame you, and you just pulled yourself up onto the island counter and dragging your knees to your forehead. Jefferson quickly made a glass of water while Madison soothingly rubbed your back.

Alex yelling a string of curse words sounded from the living room, and it made you feel even more shit. Not only are your lovers ignoring you for a game, but they chose the game over you when you need it the most.

"How bout this,” Madison started, putting an arm around your shoulders, letting you sip your water. You look up, mascara slightly running down your once pink cheeks.

“We go out for the day, ignore the boys,” He smiled warmly and put down your cup, allowing you to slip off the counter and onto the tilled floor. Ignore the boys? For how long?

“Only for like a few days, like they have done to you,” Thomas basically read your mind. “Now go get changed into some decent clothes and we can go,” Jefferson flicked your boob slightly, making you giggle and shy away.

“I’m going!” You laughed and began to run upstairs, that is when your eyes caught sight of the boys you love. They were there, concentrated on the game instead of loving you. Instead of arguing with the gay couple in the kitchen. Gay? Oh i meant ‘Super Bisexual’.

Once you had changed into a nice, comfy (F/C) Hoodie and some blue jeggings, you got your purse and yelled a goodbye to the boys and left.

Walking out into the middle of the street with James and Jefferson was weird but you liked it. Slipping in one earphone, you chose the song 'Birds’ By Thomas Sander and Dodie Clark. Madison nudged you and nodded, humming the tune slightly. You smile and carry on walking towards the coffee shop.

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