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"Y/N, for crying out loud, aren't you the tiniest bit curious as to who it might be? I mean, come on, you have an incomplete triangle on your wrist!" Angelica said, trying to pull up your sleeve. You swatted her hand away, pushing it back down. She always pestered you about the mark on your wrist. Since she does not have one of her own, she tells you that she lives vicariously through you.

There were only a handful of people in the world that had markings on their skin. It was what scientists called soulmate links, people you were meant to be with. Unfortunately for you, and this was your opinion, you hated being one of the few to have it. You didn't believe in people "meant to be together", and would rather just find someone that you loved for who they are, not what your skin says.

And the mark on your wrist was so small, it could just be a birthmark.

"I'm telling you, Ang, there's no such thing as soulmates. It's a fallacy made by the government to control the population. If there are people born with birthmarks in certain shapes, then they try to force these people to waste their lives looking 'for the one'. It's quite smart, actually." Angelica frowned, moving her straw in her cup in circles.

"Stop reading those conspiracy theories. They're all fake."

"So is this soulmate thing."

"Then why is yours green?" She lifted your sleeve again, showing you the shiny emerald. You stuck your tongue at her, this time moving your arm under the table.

"Don't make fun of my deformities."

"Really, Y/N? Why can't you just believe in it? Your parents are soulmates. The example is right in front of you. Don't they seem in love? They barely argue."

She was right. The loudest your mom ever yelled at your dad was when he left his socks on the floor. Even then, he gave her a pouty lip and she forgave him not too long after. Their arguments were always for fun, never serious. And yes, they were in love. But the tree mark that they had could not have been the source of it. That was real love, not some fake tattoo thing.

"I'm sure that was their first thought when they met. But they grew and began to love each other. Not just hearts in their eyes and imagining their future together. It doesn't work that way."

"Your argument is invalid. All soulmates don't love each other immediately. But they do feel this pull, and least, that's what I've read." She gave you a small smile. "Don't just throw away your chance to find the one that you are meant to be with. If I had a mark, I would at least try and look at people's wrists."

"Okay, okay. Fine. I'll ask everyone I come across to show me their wrist. Even old ladies." She rolled her eyes, and you laughed, sipping on your coffee. "And tell me if you see anyone with two lines on their arm. I'll jump on them."

"Ha ha ha, Y/N, you know only the soulmates could see it. Oh, speaking of soulmates, have you heard about the recent case in the news?"

"Are you talking about those four guys that are looking for their soulmate?"

For the past few days, the news showed four men that were in a desperate search for the last one in their group. They all had the same tattoo, but it didn't glow completely. There was still a missing piece to the puzzle, and they have been traveling all over the world to find the last one.

"Yes, isn't it amazing?" She had stars in her eyes, her eyes glazing over. "They are all meant to be together, and there's one more. How could they get four partners and I can't even get one?"

"Maybe because you threaten to kick a guy's balls when he touched your hand. You need to stop being so sensitive, Ang. That guy could have been the one you were supposed to marry."

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