Wearing Stockings

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Your last guest left. Alex shut the door in excitement before coming back over to you. You were nervous. They'd probably corner you now, knowing exactly what they wanted. You still retreated to the kitchen in a hope to delay what was about to happen. You were walking as quickly as you could in your heels and pretending to look busy. Besides, there was all this food you had leftover. Someone needed to put it away.

Somehow you ended up in between John and Alex. John had started to help you clean up, but his real intentions were made known as he massaged your lower back and began to kiss you. You melted under his touch, especially as he moved to your neck, gently nibbling against your soft skin. 

"Baby girl," he hummed, pushing your legs open a bit with his hands. Alex slipped onto your other side and that was when you knew, you were stuck. John was always such a sweetie–pampering you and treating you until you came. He could be just as rough, when he wanted to. Alex was an expert at dirty talking. Him and Laf could leave you speechless in a matter of moments. There were times when Alex loved to sub–on the rare occasion, he might act as a dom. He aimed to please and was dangerously good at oral.

He kissed you on the lips to warm you up, hand traveling south fast while John kneaded your breasts. You moaned against Alex's lips, giving him the chance to deepen the kiss and add tongue. He'd began to massage your clit, taking you by surprise as you felt your legs get weak. You were still in these heels and stockings.

"We saw you teasing, darling." Alex said huskily.

"N-No, I didn't. I swear!"

"Did you just lie? Straight to our faces?" John pulled away but not before pinching one of your nipples. You bit your lip to suppress your moan, no longer feeling Alex and John.

"We saw you walking around, moving your hips a little too much."

"She's so wet. Maybe we should just leave her like this." Alex took a swipe along your pussy, your underwear promptly removed to give him better access. "Look, John." He brought his fingers up to yours and John's view, noticing the slickness and how wet you really were.

"No. P-Please." You whimpered and Alex perked up at this.

He spread your butt cheeks apart, having you lean against the counter. "Begging already?"

"She's desperate. No wonder you put these on in the first place, huh, kitten?" He slowly inserted a finger into your wet heat.

You moaned softly as he pumped his fingers into you. You needed more though. "Johnny? Mon chou?" Laf called out nonchalantly, walking into the kitchen and looking around as if you weren't there. You were half leaning against the counter–-Alex's finger in your pussy and John's lips on yours to keep you from being too loud. Your hand started to trail down to his waistband of his pants. You could tell he was getting hard. He smiled at you as you unzipped his pants. He attacked you with more kisses, and more playful love bites, until you managed to get his dick out. You could feel his length in your hands, and you knew what to do. Laf smiled at the sight.

It should always be like this. You were always the willing sub and he loved you for it.

"You look beautiful like this. So willing for us." Laf smiled, running a hand down your back before smacking your ass. "Look at my boys." Laf said with pride. "Dominating their girl."

Alex added another finger, making you gasp out in surprise. You moaned against John's dick, sending sweet vibrations there. Laf gently pulled your mouth off his dick and Alex removed his fingers. Laf had you stand up straight, admiring your frame.

"That's better, no?" He hummed, helping you out of your dress and helping you out of your heels. "But I like you in these." He rubbed your inner thighs, admiring your legs. You were in nothing, but the lovely stockings. You instinctively covered your chest but Laf stopped you, moving your hands away and licking his lips in want. He leaned in close, whispering in your ear.

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