Loving Five

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The club was alive with music and you felt the thrum of the music run through your veins like fire. You weren’t sure what was more intoxicating, the beat  or the cocktail you had downed earlier. All you really knew was you loved the feeling of Lafayette grinding against your ass.

Your other three boyfriends had decided to sit out, they all watched Laf and you’re grinding on the dance floor. Alex’s hand gripped his glass so hard that it might break, his erection growing at the sight of you two. Hercules couldn’t keep his eyes off you two, he really regretted agreeing to this club thing, because he wanted to claim the two of you in the centre of the floor. John too was aroused, but unlike his boyfriends he decided the best course of action was to join you.

John appeared in front of you, grinding in tempo with you and Laf, he faced you with a dangerous smirk on his lips, you smiled back at him. He then leaned over your shoulder to kiss Laf, sandwiched between the two you could feel their hard on’s growing at the kiss. After a few minutes they pulled apart, and damn it was hot to see John’s parted lips and his chest panting.

You wasted no time to kiss at his neck, which caused a delicious gasp from the boy in front of you. Laf pulled you impossibly closet, as you reached down John’s pants, cupping his bulge through the fabric of his jeans.

The show in front of him finally got Alex to move, “Get the car Herc, We need to go home now.” Alex growled, his voice causing a shiver to run down Hercules’ back and he quickly complied, wanting to get his lover’s home as soon as possible.

Alex stormed over to the three of you, you were a tangle of limbs, with Laf’s hands creeping up your tight dress, your hands wandering down John’s pants, and John’s hands tangled in Laf’s curls. The shortest of the group pulled John away from you and Laf, leaving your hands cold wanting to explore more, you were about to complain to Alex when you you saw Alex’s lust blown pupils. You smirked at the sight of his so disheveled.

“Going home so soon?” You asked with a devilish smile, disentangling yourself from Laf who grunted in annoyance.

“Yeah. Home. Now.” Alex ground off, and you giggled, while John slowly kissed Alex. The short man grabbed his freckled boyfriend by the hand and pulled him out to the entrance of the club. You and Laf followed behind laughing at Alex’s possessiveness.

When the four of you got outside Hercules was already idling outside. Alex forced Laf into the front, knowing that if you and the Frenchman were left together you would begin having sex in the backseat. He wanted to wait for you all to be together, and you were notorious for being able to get the boys all hot and heavy.

Being in the back next to Alex didn’t qualm your sex drive, instead of buckling you straddled Alex’s wait and began leaving sloppy kisses along his neck. He moaned, and Hercules’ breath hitched, knowing he couldn’t turn to look at you two even though it was quite a show. Slowly you ran your hands down Alex’s chest, and he sighed pulling you closer by the hips, and you could feel his erection. You smiled against his neck, you hands inching further down, reaching for the buckle on his belt, but a hand was placed over your own before you could remove the belt from the pants.

“Not until we get home. Have to do it all together.” Alex ground out, and you could hear Hercules sigh in relief.

“Fine.” You huffed, before resuming you sloppy kisses down his neck. When you finally got home, you almost didn’t want to get out of the car because of the sweet noises that Alex was making for you. He surprised you by putting his hand firmly under your ass and lifting you out of the car, Alex may be small, but damn he is strong.

Alex carried you to the front door where John was hastily attempting to unlock the door. You didn’t stop sucking on Alex’s neck, and he squeezed you ass hard, you let out a gasp, which caused Alex to chuckle. John finally got the door open and he wasted no time pulling the rest of you in. He immediately slammed himself against Herc, who has been sorely missing affection, leaving Laf alone to watch the rest of you. His erection growing harder by the second.

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