Tragic Past

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Me: well, here's the next one.


#ShadowWolf (Blue)

"Guys, take Luna and get out of here. NOW!" I told them and they left.

"Why'd you bring us back here? To kill us? To sell us to the Kraang? Or do you want to try to get us to join the foot again? Well I'd rather die than join you. And don't talk about fathers because I remember what you did to our parents. LEAVE US ALONE!" I yelled causing the room to shake.

"Well, I have someone you need to see." he said and pressed a button.

A wall rose up and revealed a scrawny boy with brown hair.

"ANDREW!!!" I screamed.

I felt a blow to my head and the world went black.

- 2 hours later -

I woke up with a bandage around my head and I was on a hospital bed.

I sighed, "Guess I'll have to explain everything now."

"Ya think?" a voice said from beside me.

"Please tell me she didn't say anything about our favorite shows." I said groaning.

"She did, but she didn't say anything about you-know-what." my sister said, "They're just amazed that they have their own show."

"Guys! She's up!" Luna yelled and everyone came in.

"Sooooo, what is it you didn't tell us bro?" Carrie asked crossing her arms.

"Luna, go listen to some music." I said tossing her her MP3.

"Thanks sis." she said and left.

"Ok listen up." I said and started telling the story.


My mother and father were friends with Splinter and Tang Shen back when he was human. Their names were Kāru and Kurisutaru Mizu, or Carl and Crystal Water. They had my brother at the same time Tang Shen had Miwa. They moved to California after Orako Saki killed Tang Shen and took Miwa.

Me then my sister was born and we were happy. Then, Shredder killed my parents and (I thought) my brother Andrew and we were kidnaped by him and lost our memory. We started to remember and by the time he tried to get us to join the foot, we had everything and escaped but accidentally came to your dimension. We made friends, found out about the show, became outcasts, and even formed a band. Then, we came here suddenly and everything came down on us.


"So, your Sensei is our godfather and our brother is captive of Shredder." I said looking down.

"Why didn't you tell us you were here!" Izzy exclaimed waving her arms around.

"Hey! You wouldn't of believed me!" I shot back.

"So when you said leave us alone, why did the room shake?" Leo asked crossing his arms.

"We were also experimented on by the Kraang and have powers." I said shrugging.

"Dang..." Mikey and Carrie said wide-eyed.

"You can quit eavesdropping on us!" I yelled to Luna who came in blushing.

"My sons what is this about?" Splinter asked coming in.

I smiled. His eyes-widened.

"Greetings Hamato Yoshi, we are the daughters of Kāru and Kurisutaru Mizu. Our brother is captive of Orako Saki and you are our godfather." me and Luna said together.

(Donnie: Luna and I

Me: shut up!)

He smiled, "Greetings my daughters."

"Now," I said, "Let's go get my brother."


Me: yay! I got it done!

Carrie: me and you should celebrate

Donnie and Izzy: You and I

Me: get em!

PEACE!! WATER!! WOLVES!! \(^o^)/

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