Old Jerk Returns

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Me: BTW I named this guy after a guy that I hate that moved (ps I never dated him, I just needed a character name that the girls and guys hate and I hate him)

Raph: he comes anywhere near you and he's gonna get it

Me: thanks Red ^_^



"Let's go kick some foot @$$!" I yelled.

It was the night where the girls FINALLY get to go on patrol with the guys. I practically SKIPPED dinner.

"Wait!" Leo and Splinter called after us girls.

"Yes father, yes teacher's-pet?" I asked causing Raph to snicker.

"You will need masks and clothes to conceal you. Go get dressed in these." Father said handing us hand-picked ninja outfits.

I had a aqua tank-top, a crimson leather-jacket, dark jeans, boots, crimson fingerless-gloves, and an aqua lace-mask. I completed the outfit by putting my mid-back length hair in a pony-tail, putting my katana and tessen holders, and sharpening my claws and fangs.

Luna had a knee-length sky-blue dress, midnight boots and gloves, and a sky-blue lace-mask. She had her holder on and claws out to take down any foes in her wake.

Andrew had a midnight-blue ninja suit with a same colored mask. He was ready for action.

Izzy had on a lavender tank-top, a purple skirt, a dark-purple jean-jacket, and some purple boots. She had her hair in a French-braid and she had contacts and a lavender lace-mask.

Carrie had a yellow ninja top, dark-brown jeans, dark-green boots, and a yellow lace-mask. Her hair was normal (ponytail) and she had her weapons ready to go.

Rose had a bubblegum-pink dress with a silver trim and boots. She also had her long hair in pig-tails, and a bubblegum-pink lace-mask.

Bella was wearing a magenta ninja suit and a rainbow belt. She had her hair in a double-braid and a magenta lace-mask.

Tyler and Oliver were both in silver ninja suits with silver lace-masks.

"Let's do dis!!" I yelled taking off.

- at a warehouse -

"Hey boss, you sure dis gonna work?" asked a foot ninja.

"Positive, by the end of the night, Shredder will have the girl." said one with a familiar voice.

"Not gonna happen." Leo said dropping down.

"Nice to see you again Blue." the one said and took off his mask.

"Dylan, so my suspicions were correct. This is not a different dimension, we just were taken here." I stated causing everyone but the foot to gasp.

"Yeah well the boss wants ya, I'm just a bonus. It's gonna be fun!" Dylan said. Me and Raph growled, I told him about Dylan.

"Why don't you just crawl back to the hell-hole you came from!" Carrie snarled.

"Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if Courtney popped out just to follow her Diwy." Izzy scoffed.

"I want you to get away from my sister NOW!" Luna yelled causing everyone but the four of us to jump.

"Dude! I didn't know she could DO that!" Mikey whispered to Donnie.

"I can and I WILL." she said causing Miley to smile sheepishly.

"Foot ATTACK!"

Dylan went straight for me, I knocked him down and got out my katana. He unsheathed his and we were in a full on battle. Swipe, Slash! We kept at this for five minutes! I finally got bored and got my twin tessen. He landed a fist to my stomach.

"Oh he did NOT just do that." I said.

"I think he just did." Raph answered.

The others were finished with the foot so they came to watch.

"Wanna show him what happens to people who do that?"

"With pleasure!" I said and started bounding towards Raph.

He boosted me into the air and I tackled Dylan punching him and kicking him.

"Don't," Luna said putting a hand on my shoulder, "He's not worth it."

"Hey Blue! We're a good team." Raph said walking to me.

"Wait! Hold up! Who are you and what have you done with my brother!?" Mikey said swinging his Knunchucks.

"I am from the plant korton and I have taken your brother's brain!" Raph said in an alien voice and started chasing a screaming Mikey.

"Chilax dude! He's just messin wit ya! Right Red?" I asked him.

"Yeah bro!"

- at the lair -

"Ok Blue," Leo said shining the light on me, "You're not leaving till you tell the rest of us you the shell that guy was."

"Dude, ya know ya don't have ta do dis. I just told Raph because we were training and we had some time afterwards I we were talking that's all it took."

"Then who is he?"

"His name's Dylan Smith (A/N yes that is his real name I said that cause I don't care if you go to his house and kill him good!) I did date him until he cheated on me for the biggest slut in the school and one of the girls that peed me off and he knew that! He was making out with her right in the middle of the cafeteria in the middle of lunch! So I dumped his @$$ and we started hating him, I now find that he was only dating me, 1, for my body, 2, cause I'm a target of Shredder. But I gave him what he diserved."

"What'd ya do Dudette?" Mikey asked wide-eyed with wonder.


"DUDE! She jacked UP his ride AND his face! He was in surgery for TWO MONTHS just to get it the way it was before! Oh sorry girl, couldn't help myself." Carrie apologized.

"It's alright. I remember the look on his face after what I did to his truck and BEFORE I messed up his face!" I said laughing.

"Night dudes of the sewers, I hittin the bed." I called going to my room.

I had a flashback of after I told Raph about Dylan cheating on me.


"I guess nobody loves me. I mean, he's the only one that EVER asked me out. I guess I'm just not the type to have a love-life." I said looking at the ground.

"Dude, that's not true. I bet once you guys start going to Ape's school you'll have to beat the boys back with a stick!" Raph exclaimed trying to make me feel better.

"Ha ha." I looked at him.

He was the one I liked from the 2nd part of the first episode of the show. I knew that behind that big tough-guy attitude there was a great guy and a softie in there. These past two months had proven that.

"Thanks." I said pecking him on the cheek, "Let's go home."

I swear before I started walking I saw him blush.

Maybe this WIIL work out.


Me: so? how ya like it so far?

Carrie: did you like what she did to his car/face? I know I did!

Me: I WENT GANGSTA ON DAT BI- female dog


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