"Hanging Out"

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Me: BOYAKASHA!!! I hope you like this chappie but its time for a PD beat down!

Raph: Let's get the heck outta here!

#Meeeeeeeeeeeeep!! (Me)

"So Raph. What should we do now?" I ask him bored out of my mind.

It was several days after Random Day so I was kinda pooped. Me and Raph just finished our weekly training session for his powers and there hasn't been any mishaps. Except for this one time he almost exploded the toaster, but that was BEFORE Random Day.

"Hey, wanna hang with Casey? He's probly at the ice-rink so we'll be able to find him."

"Sure! I don't think Case has seen us yet so ya might have ta fill him in. Plus, I wanna test out my skills on de ice! Let's go!"

- skating through the time to ice -

"Whoooo!" I run through the place and jump over the wall to the rink.

I the air I press a button on my sneakers and they turn into ice skates. I do a few advanced moves then skate to the side where a jaw-dropped dude was. He had spikey, kinda-long, black hair and brown eyes. He was wearing hockey gear so he must've played. Beside him I saw Raph.

"Yo! Raphie! Put da dang tag on so he can see ya!" I call laughing cause he was just standing there gaping.


As soon as the words registered in my head I put the tag around my neck and whacked Casey up da head.

"Sup Case. Like my new look." He looked at me.

"Do I know you?"

"Dude! It's me Raph!"

"No your smiling, you can't be Raph."

"Why I outta!" I pounce in him and he laughs.

"Yep you Raph!" I get up realizing what he did.

"Case dat's Blue. Her and her buds been livin wit us for few months." I pointed at her.

"Dude! You had a babe at da lair and didn't tell me!"

"Back off she's mine." I whisper to him growling slightly. He puts his hands up in surrender.

"Awe Raphie isn't being mean is he?" Blue teases leaning on the wall.

"Sup da name's Blue. Word of wisdom don't get me mad. I'm thinking that makes two people. Hey Raph, I'd advise you not to go on the ice." Blue says winking at me.

I remembered my powers, "I think I can control it enough for me to be able to skate."

"Ok but if you melt the ice don't blame it on me." she says and skates away.

- time flies when your having fun -

"Guys, are we ready?" I ask looking at them.

"Ready steady!" replyed a very hyper Blue.

"Why did we give her sugar!!! She's even worse than Mikey!!!!" Casey complaines.

"Hey your the one who gave it to her!" I said to him.

"Guess what I heard on the internet once! ''A friend will calm you down when your angry, but a best friend will skip beside you with a baseball bat singing 'Someone's gonna get it!'''" Blue sung smiling like she was brain dead.

"Oh Raphie! Follow me I gots to show you something!" Blue says skipping into a dark alley.

"Help me!" I whisper to Casey and slowly follow her.

"What is it-" my eyes widen as she kisses me.

I think back to a few days after we found them.


"Hey guys I should stop now before I go crazy." Blue said getting up.

"Sugar makes ya crazy?" I ask popping another cube into my mouth.

"Yes, and it also makes me not think. Period. As in my brain turns off and I have no idea what happened when it turns back on."

"Good to know." I say sitting up.


She went limp in my arms.

"What happened?" Casey asks when he sees me.

"Trust me you don't wanna know. Tell no-one about tonight got it?"

"Yes sir turtle sir!" Casey said mock-saluting.


Me: soooooooo whata thank?

Raph: *facepalms*

PEACE!! WATER!! WOLVES!! ( ^ω^ )

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