Siblings Reunited!

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Me: sooo I'm gonna LUV dis chappie!

Raph: why?

Me: you'll see...



"Tyler! Oliver! Get down now!" I yelled to my little brothers.

Yep, little brothers. The guys found them in a Kraang place along with their friends, Bella and Rose.

Tyler is a popular but he's not a jerky football star. He has blonde hair and playful silver eyes. He's outgoing and courageous and nice, but don't mess with his brother! He is a mutant and he controls weather.

Oliver is a bit shy and nerdy at times. He has silver hair, yellow-brown eyes, and glasses. He might seem weak at first glance, but mess with ANY of his friends and your in for it! He controls anything that has to do with the arctic.

Both boys are very playful and fun. But please don't start a prank war with them!

Annabella, or Bella, is also a popular but defiantly NOT like the others. She has brown hair that fades to magenta and mesmerizing magenta eyes. She is SUPER protective and is not afraid to throw a punch. She is a mutant wolf and controls colors.

Rosalyn, or Rose, is VERY shy. She has strawberry-blonde hair with silver highlights and bubblegum-pink eyes. She is usually with one of her friends so the pops don't mess with her. She is also a mutant wolf and controls ice.

All four of them are best friends, but the girls live in an orphanage because they don't know anything but their names and that they have two older sisters.

"Hmm. What da ya say Ollie? Should we listen to her and never meet her friends or should we stay up here till we do?" Tyler asked his brother.

"Stay up here. We need to meet our sisters friends Ty." Ollie said crossing his arms.

"You heard da man sis. He won't leave till we meet em and I won't leave till he does." Ty shrugged.

By the way, they never saw the guys when we rescued them so.


April's ringtone started playing so I flipped out my phone.

"Hey April, what's up?" I asked wondering why she called me.

"My brothers actually, they won't come down from the top of Lady Liberty till they meet you guys." she grumbled from the other end.

"I then we'll be right over, wait, is it ok if we bring some friends?" I asked knowing that the girls would love to meet April.

"Sure, I'll call Rose and Bella." she hung up.

"Hey guys and girls! April's little brothers won't come off of Liberty until they meet us so let's go! Oh and girls you can come to." I said smiling.

"Come on then! What are we waiting for!" said Blue and Carrie rushing to the shellraiser.

"Little brothers? We never saw anything about little brothers." said Luna.

"It was in one of the new episodes we never got to watch." Izzy explained.

"Oooh." she said.


"Um, hi." I said to the four girls infront of me.

"Hi." one said and walked off.

"Huh. Well that never happened before." another said.

"I'll tell you later." another girl whispered to me.

"Hi! We just came here from another dimension today. I'm Luna and this is Carrie and Blue and the one over there is Izzy." the girl, Luna, explained.


"Guys, you comin or what?" Izzy asked. We all gasped.

"Dude! You have WINGS!!!" Carrie said wide-eyed.

"Oh, did I forget to tell ya you guys have powers now?" I asked cocking my head to the side.

"YES!!" the girls screamed.

"Oopsie." I said smiling sheepishly.

"Last one to the top is a rotten pizza!" I yelled zooming up on a water surfboard.

"Hey!" they all screamed after me.

"Hiya boys! I just met your sister." I greeted the two boys before me.

"Hi! Are her other friends down there?" the blonde one asked.

"Yup! Come on let's go see them shall we?" I fake bowed.

They followed me down, one on a cloud and the other on a giant iceberg.

"Hey Ty?"

"Yes Ollie."

"Do you see the flippin awesome turtles to?"


"AWESOME!!" the boys screamed smiling.

"We have arrived!" two girls the same age as the boys said.

Once they saw the girls, Carrie and Izzy's jaws dropped.

"Annabella, Rosalyn?" they asked not sure if they were seeing correctly.

The girls' eyes widened, "Izzabeth, Caroline?"

They all ran together and hugged and started crying.

"Ok, is anyone else confused?" April asked. We all raised our hand.

"Ok then."

"Guys these are our long-lost little sisters, but how did you guys get here?" Izzy said looking at them.

"Well..." Rose said.

"Tell them." Bella commanded.

"Yay! Ok so we were kidnaped by the Kraang and brought here. They mutated us into this and we 'lost' our memory and were found by April and the turtles. We are now best friends with April's bros." Rose said loud and true, much to the surprise of Tyler, Oliver, and April.

"What?" Rose asked seeing the strange looks.

"That's the most I've ever heard you say." April said.

"Anyway, we have a person to save! Remember!" I said getting annoyed.


Me: so, how ya like it so far? COMMENT PLZ!

PEACE!! WATER!! WOLVES!! \(^o^)/

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