Random Day

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Me: this is a holiday I just made up.

Raph: what is?

Me: Random Day. it's a day that you do things that are completely and utterly random in every way.

#MyRandomnessAwaits! (Me)

"Gurlssssss! Guess what day it is!! Guess, guess, gggggguuuuuuueeeeessssss!!!" I'm currently jumping up and down in anticipation.

"Hump day?" Luna asks confused.

"NO!!! Well yes but, NO!!!!"

"GASP!!!!!! RANDOM DAY!!!!!!!" Carrie squeals.

"WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" us girls squeal and run around the lair laughing histaricly.

"Sheesh! Did Mikey let you into the Cotton Candy again?" Raph said walking in.

"No it's Random Day!! A holiday we made up back in Cali. For the whole day you do things that are RANDOM!!!!!" Izzy said doing a crab-walk back and forth.

Me and Carrie run up to Mikey, "Oh Mikey!!! Mikey Mikey Miiiikkkkeeeeyyyy! Guess what! Guess what Guess what Guess wwwwwhhhhhaaaaattttt!"


"Hi." we burst out laughing and run away.


- later -

Leo walks in to me, Luna, and Izzy doing double-dutch.

"Uhhhh. Should I know what your doing?"


Luna does all these awesome tricks. Me and her switch out and I do even more complicated flips and tricks.

"Cupcakes!!!!" Carrie calls from the kitchen.

"WHOOoOooooOoOoO!!!!!" we scream and dash to the kitchen.

"Uhhhhh. What just happened?" Leo and Mikey ask.

I walk out, "That's just the beginning of how weird we are." I walk back.

"I don't know Leo. I don't know." Donnie says shaking his head.

- random time skip of randomness!!!! randomly!!!! -

"(walkie-talkie noise) Astronaut LightWing. Do you see the alien? (walkie-talkie noise)" I say to Luna.

Me, Luna, and Izzy have fishbowls on our heads and are acting like astronauts. Carrie is hanging upside-down and acting all alien...ie.

"(walkie-talkie noise) Affirmative Astronaut MoonWalker (walkie-talkie noise)"

"(walkie-talkie noise) Do you think we should asses the situation? (walkie-talkie noise)" Izzy (or Astronaut WindWing) asks.

"(walkie-talkie noise) We could. Or we could have a dance party with it. (walkie-talkie noise)"

I put on "Party Rock" and we all started dancing like idiots. We got in a line and started doing one of those kicking things. You know what I mean.

"AWE CRAP!!! IT'S DA POPO!!!! EVERYBODY OUT!!!" my phone plays signaling the end of Random Day.

"GUYS!!! LIVING ROOM!!! NOW!!!" Carrie commands and everyone comes'a runnin.

"Ok so, we would like to explain ,for those who didn't already know, what the hack happened." Luna told everyone.

"Back in California, we were bored so we made up a holiday. We were like 12 at the time so we were naturally dumb. But we celebrated it every year after that, but not at school."

"We made Random Day. It's a holiday where you do random things, randomly, throughout the day until my phone goes-"


"- Then you can act normal again and explain what was up to anybody who saw you acting crazy that you know."

"That explains it! It makes total sense now!" Leo says.

"You still have no idea what we were doing do you."

"Not a clue." Luna giggles at this.

"Night Turtle Knights." I yawn and head to my room.

"Funniest. Random Day. Ever." I say then fall into a dream!-filled sleep.


Me: sooooooo whatca think of my holiday??????????

DERP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X3X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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