Halloween, Deal With It

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Me: I gots and IDEA!!!!!!!!!

Mikey: What is it?

Me: you'll see... MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

$ Story $

"This is Halloween! This is Halloween! Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween!" I sang dancing like and idiot.

"What is up sewer bros!" Carrie calls to the people of the lair.

"What's got you even more hyper than normal?" Raph asks putting an arm around me.

"Oh nothing, just my favorite day of the year! Besides my birthday." Drew closed his mouth.

"Guess what day Thursday is!!!!" before they could answer I yelled, "HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!"

"We've already got all the non-turtles' costumes. Wolves, non of the costumes we got have anything to do with wolves so we have to keep our necklaces on. Turtles, it's Halloween so you guys can go out as yourselves."

Everybody got their costume and went to try it on. Later they each (turtles not included) came out as a hero.

"Hero roll-call!"

"Batman!" Andy said.

"Hawk Girl!" Izzy sings.

"Super Girl!" Luna shouts.

"Miss Martian!" Carrie says.

"I'm Bat Girl, deal with it." I said smirking.

"Izzy, you can grow your wings without having to take off your necklace."


"TIME SKIP!!!!!" I declare pointing my finger in the air.

"Ummmm, nothing happened?" Carrie said.

"Darn you gods!! I thought it would work this time." I slouch.

- TIME SKIP!! (Im evil aren't I?) -

"WHOOoOOooooooooOOoOO!!!!!" Carrie yells speeding through the lair.

"Mush my turtle pony! Mush!" I giggle as Raph carries me piggy-back style.

"Ugh! Who's idea was it to give you sugar again?"

"Ours!" me and Carrie laugh.

Two hours later I'm passed out on top of Raph on the couch and Carrie is sleeping on Mikey's back on the floor.

- Morining -

"Let's agree never to give me sugar again." I groan, holding an icepack to my head.

"Agreed." everyone chorused, but that's probably not gonna happen. After all,

I always find a way.


So, whatca think? this idea came from me getting a batgirl costume and saying, "Im BatGirl, deal with it." and that's where this came from! well, peace! (\/)

Laters! ~ Blue

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