Rescue Mission

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(Andrew: HEY!

Me: hahahaha!)

"For the last time runt! Help me destroy the turtles!" Shredder angrily commanded.

"Never!" I spat and he stabbed me in the chest.

"We are done for today." he said and walked out.

"I know," I whispered, "They are coming. Your going to regret showing her me." I smirked.


(Me: HEY!! get off my computer!

Andrew: *running away* hahaha!)

"Come on guys! We gatta hurry!" I said, pissed off.

"Uh oh, uh guys? We don't want what happened in Cali to happen here so we better get moving." said Izzy looking at me.

"Cali?" Mikey asked.

"California and we gatta go!" Carrie explained running away.

"What are-" Raph started to say then looked at me, "Awe $hit."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" I screamed making them fall off the roof we were standing on.

"All done?" Izzy asked peeking through her energy shield.

"Yeah, but I'll do it again if you guys don't hurry!" I said walking away.

"Let's go!" Leo and Luna said.

"Can it Captain Riley." Raph looked at me funny.

"Captain Riley?" he asked.

"Female Captain Ryan."

"Oh." he understood.

We arrived at Shredder's HQ in no time flat. Luna assigned our teams. Me and Raph, her and Leo, Izzy and Donnie, and Carrie and Mikey.

"Bye Mrs. Badger-Face!" Carrie called as her and Mike ran off.

Izzy and Luna laughed.

"It's an inside joke." Izzy explained.

"Meaning you have to be inside our band to understand it!" she finished running. Luna was still laughing.

"Can it Captain Riley." I said for the second time.

We went our separate ways. But we had one thing that the other didn't, I knew where Andrew was.

"Come on this way." I called sneaking down a hallway.

"You sure?" Raph asked.


"Ok then, it's your fault if we get captured."

I rolled my eyes at him. He has a lot to learn about me.

I unlocked a secret door and there was my brother, beaton up and stabbed on the floor.

"Guys, we found him. Head outside and wait for us, I'll call if we need help." I sent a telekinetic message to the girls and went to get my bro.

I dodged lasers, tripwires, and even an invisible sword. When I got to him he looked up and smiled.

"Sup sis. How's life." he said then passed out.

I got him on my back and got out of there. I arrived outside to a surprised Raph.

"What? Growin up in Cali will teach ya a few things."

"We better hurry." I said, "No tellin when Shredhead'll get back."


Me: yay! allittle bro sis action!

PEACE!! WATER!! WOLVES!! \(^o^)/

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