Chapter 4: Boyfriend's In Town

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Amber's POV

Cameron and I have been hanging out all week. He and I facetime a lot. He's like my guy best friend. At least the closest thing I have to one.

Today was a half day at school and so we got out at 11am. When I opened the door I saw a guy with brown hair sitting on the couch. I assumed it was Cameron, he's been hanging out at my house a lot. My mom adores him!

Anyways... the guy sitting on the couch got up and turned around. I literally screamed and tackled him when I saw who it was!

"Hey sweetheart! I missed you so much!" Jason said. He sounded a bit out of breath cause I was squeezing as tight as I could.

"Jason! Oh my god, I missed you. How did you get here?" I replied as I gently let go of him.

"I booked a flight three days ago. I was planning on telling you, but I wanted it to be a surprise. Chicago isn't the same without you. Well, more like I'm not the same without you." he sweetly said as he wrapped his hands around my waist. A knot I had missed terribly formed in my stomach.

We kept staring at each other for like ten seconds before he started to lean towards me and our lips touched. His lips were so soft and fit perfectly with mine.

"Wanna go grab something to eat? I'm starving." Jason asked after his lips left mine.

"Sure. Taco Bell?" I asked knowing he would say yes. He loves Taco Bell and so do I. One of the things we have in common.

"How can I say no to that?" he replied as his big hazel eyes kept staring at mine. My stomach instantly filled with butterflies.

When we got to the car he opened the door, I love it when he does that. It makes me feel like a princess. For the first time in almost three weeks, I didn't have to drive! Finally! As much as I liked having the freedom to drive, it gets old after a while.

My phone buzzed. I took it out of my pocket and saw I had a message from Cameron.

From: Cam

"Hey, wanna come to my house and make vines with Nash?"

To: Cam

"Sorry, I can't. Jason's here! He totally surprised me! You should've seen my face XD"

Cameron, Nash and I have been making vines and videos all week. We've done everything from smackcams to eating challenges. I've won 3 of them... what can I say? I eat quickly.

I waited for Cam to reply but he never did. I know he read it. Why wouldn't he reply? He should be happy for me. Oh well, I have more important things right now than to worry about some stupid text.


Afted Jason and I practically ate the entire Taco Bell, we headed back to my house.

When we got there. I saw Cameron out on his driveway playing basketball with Nash.

"Hey" Nash and Cameron greeted as Jason and I got out of the car.

"Hey guys. This is Jason, my boyfriend." I replied looking at Nash and then Cameron.

"So, you're the one Amber won't shut up about? Literally." Cameron said in a truthful yet sarcastic tone.

"Yeah. Well, at least I hope so" Jason answered while laughing a bit and looking at me.

"Oh I totally forgot. Jason, this is Cameron and Nash. They have like a sort of bromance going on" I joked while Nash stuck his tongue out at me. Cameron just laughed and so did Jason.

We all watched some movies until it was about 11pm. Cameron and Nash left while my mom walked into the house and screamed and hugged Jason when saw him.

"You're finally here!" my mom said.

"Wait? You knew mom?" I asked surprised that she kept the secret that long. She's terrible at keeping secrets.

"Yeah. Of course." she replied with a huge smile on her face. Oh yeah. She's absolutely in love with Jason. She acts as if he were her son. I kept telling her that was weird, but she never listened so I stopped.

Jason and I went to bed. We heard my mom scream "There better be no funny bussiness" and we burst out laughing.

I went under the sheets were Jason was and he pulled me in closer. I wrapped my arms around him. Our lips crashed. After we finished kissing for what felt like forever (in a good way) we kept cuddling.

"So, you and Cameron." he asked insecurely.

"What? NO! Jason! I would never! I love you and only you" I told him even though it sounded as if I was telling myself more than I was telling him. Plus, I said I love him, and this time I think I really do love him. Or not. I don't know. Ugh.

"Good, cause you're mine. And for the record, I love you too Amber, I really do." Jason told me while he held me tighter. I instantly fell asleep.

Cameron's POV

Jason seemed like a nice guy, he really did. But I couldn't help but feel jealous when he touched her. This is just stupid. I can't have feelings for Amber, yet. We're just friends.

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