10th Doctor x Master (Simm) - Safe and Sound

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(This a an AU in the end of time where the master doesn't dissappear, the doctor doesn't regenerate and wilf is safe outside with the others so enjoy this fic 😋)
The doctor woke up from passing out from what happened, he shot the device that was behind the master sending the gallifreyians back to being dead and he was about to get the impact by the leaders glove when the master told him to move out the way like he did to him, he moved and the master used all his energy to stop the leader and that's when the doctor passed out, he looked around the room and then he sees the master leaning agents a wall unconscious, he goes over to him and check if he was all right and his check to find his double heartbeat was there, he smiles and he gave the master a hug of delight
"ok, don't get to sentimental" the master mumbles from the doctor's chest
he lets go from the hug and looks at the master
"what are you doing here?" the doctor says "i mean i thought you were going with them?"
"yeah i was" the master says "but it was your mum who told me to stay"
"my mum?" the doctor says remembering the lady he stared at was his mum
"yeah she said to me that you need me...to keep you company" the master says "your mum was a kind, sweet lady and she knew our friendship was strong since she met me"
"yeah..." the doctor says smiling at his enemie/best friend "she knew that our friendship was keeping us together, even after all these years"
the master smirks and the doctor smiles back happy to see his friend was all right
"so...can i come with you?" the master says after a long pause "i promise i won't steal the TARDIS to take over the world"
the doctor just laughed then he felt concerned
"how are you first?" the doctor says "can you still hear the drums or do you still have you electric hands?"
"no...no i can't" the master says "oh wait, it's very faint"
"oh good and the hands" the doctor says and grabs one of the master's hand
"the power's gone, used up" the master says "so does that mean i'm dead"
"...no...no it don't" the doctor says softly "i'm guessing my mum gave you the gift to live again"
the master just smiled at the news then starts to tear up, the doctor then open his arms to see if the master wants a hug and the master gladly takes it, that was one thing he liked about the doctor that he was very affectionate liking hugs and kisses and he was a good best friend, he was just being dominate, teasey and pushy with him so he can test his limits, after the hug the master looks at the doctor
"you know, the way you entered was pretty cool" the master says
"yeah, well...i didn't have much time to go though the front door" the doctor replied and smiled
"but your face is got cuts on it now" the master says pointing to the cuts
the doctor smiled and thought on how caring the master has become, he think his mum must gave him a caring nature as she was quite a caring person herself
"oh you know they'll heal" the doctor says
then guards came in and surrounded the doctor and master, then the president, his daughter and wilfred came in behind them
"doctor!" wilf says "are you alright?"
"yeah..." the doctor replied "just a bit...bashed and bruised"
the doctor then stand up helping the master up too
"well...we'll be going now" the doctor says and both the doctor and master head out of the door "ta-ta" and they were gone
wilf decided to leave too so he goes to the same door the doctor and master left thought and he goes to where the doctor parked his TARDIS, when he gets there the doctor was waiting outside the door for him and keeping an eye on the master who was sitting in the drivers chair
"is he safe?" wilf asked approaching the doctor
"oh yeah" the doctor replied "i think he's changed"
"oh good...so...mind taking me back home" wilf asked
"sure, come in" the doctor says and wilf enters
the doctor takes wilf back home and the doctor was at the door as wilf stepped outside
"i guess this is goodbye" wilf said
"yeah...take care of donna, you and i know she's a brilliant girl" the doctor says
"yeah...well...bye" he says, gives the doctor a salute and goes home
the doctor shuts the door and he goes over to his control panel, he looks at the master who was still zoned out and he pull a lever
"who's donna?" the master says all of a sudden
"oh she was the companion i had after martha, very sassy girl, bit full of herself but she was brilliant" the doctor says remembering her "and everytime we went somewhere, people thought we were a couple don't know why"
"was she...like a sister to you?" the master asked
"yeah in a way, she always protected me, helped me and had fun with me like a sister would do" the doctor says sitting down next to the master
"well i'm going to be like a brother to you" he says smiling "we will have...a bromance" he said
"and where did you learn that word from?" the doctor says confused
"that lady who was with the bald guy" the master says
"you mean the presidents daughter" the doctor says
"yeah her" the master says "she said that you and me had a bromance going on"
"when?!" the doctor says
"before you came in and i changed everyone into me" the master says
"ok...do you know what 'bromance' means?" the doctor says
"umm...no" the master says
"it means brotherly romance" the doctor says "and she not wrong, well i'm making a cup of tea want one? it might help you to recover"
"...sure" the master says and he goes off to the kitchen
the doctor was still weird out that this was the master he was talking to, the one who turned him old and electrocuted his heart but he headbutts him softly and saves his life so he shrugs it off and heads to the kitchen, when he gets there he sees the master sitting at the kitchen table, the doctor smiles then turns the kettle on, after he makes the tea he puts the master's cup in front of him and the doctor sits next to him with his cup and a biscuit, he takes a sip and then the master copies, they both then went of to dreamland and said nothing for felt like hours
the master was thinking about the fun time him and the doctor had as kids like when they played hide and think, it was like hide and seek but they used their minds as a radar to find the other and they like to pretend a lot too, the master also remembers how much of a big apitite the doctor had and his favourite food was a gallifrayian version of a banana, it was red except to yellow and inside was pink, the taste was a mixture of sweet and sugary and the doctor always loved sweet and sugary things, he also remembers one time for his 165 birthday that the doctor brought him a gift that he always wanted
"i found it on sale at the store" kid doctor says in the master's mind "and i knew you wanted it so...happy birthday!"
the master smiled at the thought and he was lucky the doctor didn't see cause he was busy eating a biscuit, as the master thought the more sleepy he became and he leaned onto the doctor's arm, the doctor does feel this and he takes a quick glance before shuffling more close to him so he can feel comfy, the doctor was in a thought of his own before the master leaned onto him, he was thinking about everything he done and what the ood said about the knocking, the knocking never happened so did he change history and his reward was the master, he smiled then ate a bit of his biscuit, he was happy he had the master with him again and he then thought on what to do with him since the doctor is an adventurous type and from the looks of the master he isn't, he was thinking about it when he feels his arm getting heavier, he glances over to see the master on his arm with his eyes closed and the doctor smiles before shuffling over to him a bit more
after a bit the master was fast asleep on the doctor's arm and the doctor was about to drift off himself when he decided to head to bed so he picked up the master and went to his bedroom, when he got there he put the master on his bed and he took of his jacket, shoes, tie and trousers just leaving his shirt and his underpants, he climbs into bed and he falls asleep with him on one side of the bed and the master on the other, during the sleep the master woke up from a dream he had about lucy and he looks around the room to see where he is, he the sees the doctor sleeping in the bed next to him with his right hand on his tummy and his left over and above his head, he then decided to take of his hoodie, shoes and trousers before climbing back into bed and he fell asleep with his head touching the doctor's so they can share a dream.
The End
(I will do a christmas one-shot soon but first i want to try a 10th doctor x donna one 😊)

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