PPG x RRB - The Boys saved The Girls

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(this is taking place a few days after my first ppg fic so enjoy)
In the city of townsville on a sunny day everyone was minding their own business when all of a sudden a monster attacks the city, the girls are in their home playing around when their phone goes off
"hello, mayor...we're on it!" blossom says and she puts the phone down "move out girls, monster in the city"
blossom's sisters nod then they go out the window leaving a pink, light green and light blue strip, they then make it into the city in no time and then they see the monster, the monster was some sort of black mass with really red eyes and it was shaking a tower building
"i got this" buttercup says and she zooms off to punch the monster in the face
meanwhile the rowdy ruff boys were in a abandoned train line tunnel doing graffiti on the walls, both brick and butch did the usual rebellious kid thing but boomer put 'boomer x bubbles' on the wall in blue paint
"ugh boomer, you're getting mushie again" brick says seeing boomer's wall art
"sorry" boomer says realising what he did "i just...can't stop thinking about bubbles"
butch and brick look at each other then they shrugs since they know that feeling too, brick couldn't stop thinking about blossom when they weren't together and he also dreams about her sometimes, he loved how intelligent she was and how she didn't make him feel like he was the smartest guy in the room unlike when he was with his brothers, butch always loved how buttercup fought and he loved to tease her, he also loved seeing her blush in embarrassment and anger when he flirted with her, boomer loved bubbles for how bubbly and happy she was and they would always play like they were long lost siblings, they both liked each other's company when they were away from their sibling and they were happy.
as the boys daydreamed they smiled to themselves forgetting what they were doing then all of a sudden a shake was felt on the floor waking the boys up from their minds
"what...what was that?" butch says as the ground stops
"i don't know but let's check" brick says and the boys leave leaving a red, blue and green strip
they go outside and they see the black monster with a pink, light blue and light green lights going around it, the boys then realised it was their girlfriends fighting the monster
"should we go help?" boomer asked
"nah, i know they've got this" brick says and as on queue the monster was knocked down on the ground
the boys smile then they zoom off to meet the girls, the girls look at the monster on the ground then all of a sudden the monster disappears into nothing
"where did it go?" buttercup says and the other 2 shrug
then they hear a noise and then they see their boyfriends flying over
"hey babe" brick says going up to blossom
"hey brick, how are you today?" blossom says happy to see him and asks
"fine, we saw you take down that monster, it was epic" brick says happily and butch with boomer agree
"yeah, i like the way you beat that monster down, buttercup, it was cute" butch says making buttercup blush
"are you ok bubbles? did the monster hurt you" boomer says worried and bubbles giggles with a little blush
"i'm fine boomer, the monster wasn't that much of a challange" bubbles says
"yeah, we beat it down like it was nothing" buttercup says proudly and she can see butch look at her lovenly
"so...maybe next time, you can fight with us...it might be fun" blossom says just to see what brick would say
brick looks at blossom then he looks at his brothers who look like they're hoping brick will say yes
"...oh sure but...we're not saying for the victory, we don't want mojo or him to know" brick says and blossom gets giddy
she then hugs brick out of excitement and he blushes, he then looks up to see the blue and green pair giggling/chuckling on how cute the red pair were being, blossom then let's go of brick with a blush, bubbles then notices the time on the clock and it was coming up to 6pm
"blossom! it's almost dinner time" bubbles says and blossom gets shocked
"well we love to stay to hang out a bit longer but the professor will get worried" blossom says then kisses brick on the cheek "we see you tomorrow" she says and she zooms off
bubbles and buttercup do the copy blossom and then they say goodbye before zooming off, the boys then zoom off too and they were blushing, while the girls were flying back home they were being watched
"there are my jackpots" the person says evily happy then he goes into the shadows
when the girls made it back home they went though the front door and the professor were happy to see them
"hey girls, what happened?" the professor says happy to see the girls
"well, we deafeat this black mass monster with big red eyes" buttercup says
"yeah and after we did that we met the boys before we came back" bubbles says happy about seeing boomer
"that's nice girls, here is your dinner" the professor says and hands the girls a chicken meal
the girls get happy then they tuck into their meals, the professor knows about the girls and the boys relationship and he's ok with it since the girls have kissed them twice, save him with the girls from this loveoid person and they seem to like them, he was still their father figure though and he will protect the girls from the boys if he needs to and he knows the boys won't be fully boyfriend with the girls till they're all 12 so at the moment they were mini boyfriends (this is what i like to call boyfriends that are young and their relationship are like a siblings relationship toward the other but with dates, hugs and kisses)
after dinner the girls went to bed and so did the professor and in the night as the girls were sleeping a figure stood at the window, the figure then let some pink tenticals though the window and they grab the girls as they slept, the figure then runs off with the girls and then it turns out the person was dick hardly, in the morning around 10 the professor woke up and he went to check the girls
"oh girls" the professor says opening the door and see their was no girls and the bed was untidy "girls?" looking around for them "where are they?"
he knows the girls wouldn't leave the duvet messy like this, they always tidy it up before going out so where could they be? the professor then started to get worried, meanwhile the boys were in the park, brick was lying on the grass, boomer was playing with a fly and butch was skipping stones in the pond
"i wonder where the girls are?" boomer says taking his mind off the fly "i haven't seen them fly around the town all morning" he adds looking at brick
"maybe they're sleeping in" butch says turning to look at his brothers
"blossom never sleeps in" brick says still looking st the sky
"how do you know?" boomer says curious
"she's not the type to" brick says "also she told me since she with her sister have to go to school once in a while" he adds
"oh yeah, i forgot they go to school, maybe they are at school" boomer says and brick sighs
"no boomer, cause it's sunday and they go to school between monday and friday" brick says acting like a know it all
"oh...so then where are they?" boomer says with a bit of worry
"i don't know but stop worrying, they're fine" brick says looking at boomer "they can take care of themselves since they have blossom with them" he adds
"yeah and if buttercup was in danger, she'll beat everyone to the ground" butch says
"bubbles will probably shout at them" boomer says and he chuckles thinking about it
"and blossom would talk some sense into the person before kicking their butt" brick says and he smiles
"so see boomer, they're fine" butch says and boomer nods
"ok..." boomer says but he still wasn't sure and it was bugging him "but i'm going to check anyway"
"ok i guess, do what you have to" brick says "i'm not stopping you"
"me neither" butch says and boomer then takes off leaving a blue strip
"he worries to much" butch says sitting by brick
"it's not his fault, he's just cares about bubbles like you care about buttercup and me caring about blossom" brick says and butch nods understanding
meanwhile in a unknown location the girls were still asleep and then blossom was the first to wake up, she slowly opens her eyes and sees she was in some sort of glass container
"what the" blossom says looking around confused
she then notices her sisters and she also notices that they were still wearing their nighties
'we've must of been taken when we were asleep' blossom thought then she went over to bubbles "hey, bubbles...get up" she says shaking her youngest sister
"ugh...5 more minutes blossom" bubbles says rolling over but then she realised she wasnt in her bed so she woke up "huh? how did we get here?" she says looking around
"i don't know but i know we were probably taken when we were asleep last night" blossom says and then buttercup stirs
"blossom, it's to early to talk" buttercup says then she sits up as she realises she was on a cold floor "umm...forgot what i just said...where are we?" she says and asks
"ahh, i see you girls are awake" a male voice says making the girls look at where the voice was
the girls see eyes in the shadows that looked familiar to them
"what do you want with us?!" blossom says annoyed
"revenge" the male voice says "on what you and the professor did to me...i had everything...the money, the fame...but then you 3 and the professor took it all away from me and left me to die in a burning warehouse" he says then he steps out of the shadows
"*gasp* professor dick!" the girls says all at once
back in townsville and boomer makes it to the professor's house, he brings out milli the millipede and then he goes to the door, he knocks then the professor opens the door and the professor had a worried face
"oh! hi boomer" the professor says seeing the blue coloured boy
"hi mister...i mean professor, i was umm...wondering where bubbles was?" boomer says a little shy
"oh...i thought she with her sisters were either out or with you and your brothers" the professor says confused
"no...i haven't seen her all morning so thats why i came here" boomer says hugging milli
"oh no...i knew something was up when the girls' bed was left untidy" the professor says "they always tidy up before they go out"
"so...are you saying they were kidnapped" boomer says "oh no! poor bubbles" he says hugging milli tightly
"boomer, can you go grab brick and butch, we need to go on a search and rescue mission" the professor says
"ok!" boomer says and he flies off leaving a blue strip going to the park to retrieve his brothers
back with the girls and they were shocked to see that dick hardly was the one who kidnapped them, dick still looked like that green monster with the pink tenticals, blond hair in a ponytail, glasses on his eyes and wearing ripped trousers but he had burn marks in places like around his left eye, on his right arm, patches in his chest and his hair had a patch of hair missing
"what do you want? we thought you died in the fire" buttercup says annoyed
"no...i survived and now...i'm here to restart my powerpuff girls brand" dick says evily
"the professor won't be happy with this" bubbles says "and he'll come and find us"
"i don't care what the professor thinks or does, you 3 will be gone by the time he gets here" dick says evily and he pulls a switch
all of a sudden the girls power starts getting drained and it was really painful, back with the professor and he was with the boys in the living room
"now...who could of taken them?" the professor says worried
"we know it wasn't mojo since he would of boasted about it by now" brick says thinking
"same goes for all the other villains" the professor says
"do you think someone took them that took them before?" butch says also thinking
"well duh, all the villains have taken the girls more then once" brick says a little annoyed at his green brother
"maybe...someone took then to sell them" boomer says and brick was about to tell off boomer when the professor gasps
"i know who took them!" the professor says "but...i thought he died in the fire"
"who?" brick says confused
"it's a story but...a while ago i had my old collage roommate over and he saw the girls and tried to make me sell them, i refused but he used the girls to make his own, he then kept making loads of then selling them all over the world putting less and less care on what these girls looked like and the girl we know didn't like this, they then went to storm the place but they got caught and i had to step in to save them" the professor says "the then ended up fine thanks to the clone girls and then we erased it from out minds so we can never think of that event again...but...it looks like he came back"
"don't worry professor, me and my brothers will help you to get them back" boomer says
"thanks boys" the professor says with a smirk "but...i don't know where to look"
"maybe they're in the old warehouse" brick says "we should check there first"
"good idea" the professor says and he heads to the car
the boys also get in the car and then the professor takes off as fast as he could causing the car ride to be very bumpy, back at the unknown location with the girl and the girls were lying on the floor unconsious looking the way like they did last time dick drained them, dick laughs evily then all of a sudden the professor's car appears smashing in the wall, the professor and the boys then get out of the car and then boomer sees bubbles
"*gasp* bubbles!" boomer says going over to bubbles
brick and butch follow boomer and then butch tries smashing the glass
"so...we meet again dick" the professor says seeing his mutated old roommate
"nice to see you too professor but it too late, your 'girls' are now to weak to do anything" dick says then he sees the boys trying to smash the glass "oh! i see you have boy versions of the girls, hmm...with them i can make both the boys and the girls and they'll be known as the powerpuff kids" he says then laughs
"you won't dick" the professor says angry "now let them free or the boys will have to deal with you" he says
"yeah let buttercup go or my fist will be happy to meet your face" butch says mad turning to dick while still punching the glass which hasn't even got a dent in it
"yeah, you'll pay for what you did to bubbles" boomer says looking mad after looking at bubbles sadly
"i make sure you'll regret taking blossom away" brick says also mad for what dick did to the girls
"sure, i let them go but there is nothing you can do for them" dick says and the glass pulls up "they are to weak to even hear you"
"girls! are you ok?" the professor says but the girls didn't reply "girls?..."
dick laughs evily then he goes off to start making his girl clones again, the boys then go off to sort him out and they do in a matter of seconds tying him up and sticking him on a hook in the roof
"girls! speak to me please" the professor says giving all the love he has to the girls but nothing
the professor then tears up and then cried putting his head on his hands, the boys then goes to the girls while the professor cried and they sighed
"bubbles...please don't go" boomer says looking at bubbles "me and your dad are going to miss you and...i'm going to miss the happy times we had, milli and octi are going to miss you too so...don't go" he says starting to tear up
"buttercup...don't go" butch says looking at buttercup "if you do who am i going to have battles with, i know i have my brothers but fighting you is like...having a wrestling match which ends up in a tie everytime, just...don't go ok?" he says trying not to cry
"blossom...don't go, we need you" brick says looking at blossom "being with you makes me feel like i'm not the only smart person in the room, i like your company when i need to take a breather from my brothers and you always make me have a smile on my face when we talk" he says trying not to cry
"bubbles/buttercup/blossom...i love you" the boys says and they kiss the girls on the cheek
boomer then hugged bubbles as he cried in silence, butch closes his eyes and punch the ground and brick put his head on blossom's chest hugging her, then all of a sudden the girls colour stated to come back yo then and when the green spots were gone they open their eyes, bubbles looks around and she sees that boomer was crying with his eyes closed
"b...boomie?" bubbles says making boomer look st her suprised
"bubbles!" boomer says happily and he hugs her
bubbles then smiles and she hugs back, when blossom opens her eyes she sees brick with his head on her chest and she smiles, she then strokes brick's cheek with her hand and then brick looks at her
"hi..." blossom says quietly
"hi blossom" brick says getting happy then he hugs her
she then hugs back and she snuggles into him, when buttercup opened her eyes she sees butch looking angry and sad, she then smirks and then punches butch in the arm lightly causing him to look at her
"did i miss something?" buttercup says with a smirk
butch didn't reply and just hugged her, she didn't know what to do so then she gave in and hugged him back, after the hug all 3 girls pulled away from their boyfriends then they see their dad looking sad
"professor!" the girls says causing the professor to look up
"oh girls!" the professor says and the girls hug him
the boys get happy at the family reunion then the professor look at the boys, he then rolls his eyes and then he pulls the boys into the hug too, the boys then realised that they were accepted into the family and they join in with the family hug, after the group hug the boys and the girls laugh then their attention was turned to dick
"hey...umm...can you get me down?" dick says acting innocent
"what do you say butch, shall we teach him a lesson?" buttercup asked her boyfriend
"yeah and then he can detention afterwards" butch says and the green pair get their fists ready
"how long should the detention be for?" brick asked his girlfriend
"oh for about 20 years or so" blossom says grinning evily at brick who grins back evily
"and if he comes back?" bubbles asks
"then we'll knock him over to jail so they can deal with him" boomer say
the girls and the boys then look at each other then take off to beat dick like a piñata and the professor watches with a happy tear in his eye, after dick got arrested the professor drives him and the kids home and when they get home the professor head in the house to start dinner while the girls and boys were outside
"thanks for saving us" blossom says to brick
"your welcome babe" brick says with a smile
blossom smiles back with a blush then she kisses him on the cheek
"see you tommorow?" blossom asks still with a little blush
"sure we'll be in the park, just make sure you don't get kidnapped in the night" brick says smiling
"we won't" blossom says and she flies in the house
"you were very brave" bubbles says to boomer
"aww! thanks bubbles" boomer says blushing
she then gives him a hug and a kiss on the cheek
"see you tomorrow" bubbles says happily
"yeah and if you get kidnapped again, leave a note" boomer says and bubbles giggles
"i'll try" bubbles says and she enters the house
"did you have fun beating up that dick guy?" buttercup asks butch
"sure did and you were amazing" butch says happily
"you wanna beat up another bad guy some day?" buttercup asks with a small blush
"yeah, yeah, yeah" butch says happy
buttercup smiles then she kisses butch on the cheek
"see you tomorrow" buttercup says and she enters the house
all three boys then leave and they were happy and blushing on the girls kissing them, the girls were also blushing on realising that the boys kissed them to bring them back and then they giggled
The End

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