Avengers as Dogs

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(Here is a list of everyone's dog breeds -
Tony/Ironmutt - Smithfield Collie
Steve/Captian America - Golden Retriever
Thor - Labrador
Bruce - McNab Shephard
Hulk - Green Caucasian Shephard
Natasha - American Cocker Spaniel
Clint - Harrier
Loki - Black cat
Dr. Strange - Cumberland Collie
Peter/Spider-mutt - Springer Spaniel
Wade/Dogpool - Xoloitzcuintli
Nick fury - Black and tan coonhound with an eyepatch
Ships - Stony, Strangefrost, Spiderpool, clintasha and thor x /hulk/bruce
i think that's everyone so let's get to the fic, also it's based after ragnarok and thanos is dead as well as civil war never happened and clint doesn't have a family having the full crush on natasha, basically this is the MCU mixed with AA and this is going be a happier thing)

Loki was watching space from outside the ships front window thinking about all the things that happended, asgurd was destroyed, him with thor had lost their parents and now they were heading to earth to start a new life there, loki wanted to visit earth again but at the same time he didn't since nobody likes him there after what happened a few years ago so he sighs and he puts his head on his paws still watching the window, meanwhile thor and bruce were chatting and by chatting bruce was chatting to thor while thor was trying to get bruce to play with him
"thor...why are you so happy?" bruce asked stopping himself from talking about stuff
"because i can, us asgardians are having a new life on earth and i found you again" thor says and he bites bruce's ear "i missed you and hulk, i had nobody to come to earth to wrestle and talk to" he says backing away from bruce to look at him "and even though i don't know what you're talking about half the time i like the sound of your voice and..." he was cut off when bruce licked the front of his mussel
"thank you thor" bruce says and he headbutts thor softly making thor blush
"will you two stop being mushie!" loki says all of a sudden making both dogs look at him
thor and bruce look at each other again then thor rolls his eyes while bruce giggled then thor went over to loki
"what's wrong loki? upset you don't have a lover?" thor says lying down next to his brother
"no..." loki says hiding the fact that he wish he had someone to love
"don't worry brother!" thor says in his demanding voice "you'll find someone who loves you"
"yeah" bruce says and he lies down the opposite side of thor "you'll find someone who can cope with you and you won't scratch them"
loki looked out the window and thought about it 'someone he wouldn't scratch? someone that can cope with him and his mischief?' he smiled at the thought then he was snapped out of it by thor petting his head
"loki! look! it's midgard!" thor say and he points to the window where earth was getting closer
"ah! home at last" bruce says and he smiles
thor smiles at bruce then they get ready to set on earth, when they reach earth in new york they park the ship on a big empty park of central park where thor, bruce and loki steps off the ship to be met by steve and tony as well as a lot of onlookers
"thor! bruce!" tony says happily "we're happy to see you guys again!" 
thor and bruce went over to greet tony and steve with wagging tails while loki stayed backand watch, after the reunion steve spots loki
"loki's alive!" steve says and points to loki
tony, bruce and thor look at loki and loki looked guilty
"yes, he's one mischievous cat god" thor says "but he's changed his ways now and he's sorry for all the things he did"
loki nods and he looks down still looking guilty
"how do you know? can we even trust him?" tony says
"i'm not asking you to" thor says "he just wants to be accepted"
steve and tony think about it then nod
"ok he can stay but he better behave himself or he'll be locked away on the shield ship in a cat cage" tony says
loki gives off a smile then thor smiles back and goes onto the ship, he then returns with a lot of asgardians following him, there was pure breed, cross breed and mongrels in asgardian clothing then thor steps in front of them
"fellow asgardians, this is your new home" thor says "treasure it like it was asgard and don't go into fights with anyone since the midgardians are not the brutal types" he says "now follow me and i'll show you around"
the asgardians then follow thor as he showed them around new york while loki watched them, then all of a sudden a yellow portal appears from under loki and he disappears in the portal and reappear in the house he was in last time when thor was looking for odin, he looks around then he sees the collie that he met last time
"it's you!" loki says
"yes, it's me" the collie says and he lies down "cup of tea?" he says as a tea cup appears in front of him (don't worry it's dog tea)
loki watches then he tilts his head
"aren't you going to ask why i'm back here?" loki asked as he lies down
"oh i know why" the collie says "and i took you away so i can keep an eye on you" he says and sips his tea
"i don't need babysitting, i can cope on my own" loki says and he turns his head away
"i didn't say you need babysitting, i said i want to keep an eye on you" the collie says and he goes over to loki "it's stephan strange by the way, i forgot to tell you my name"
loki looks at stephan then then he realises how cute he was, loki can tell he was a cumberland collie and he was a dog sorcerer, he can also tell that stephan looked interested in him but what was he interested in
"well...you know mine...everyone does" loki says and he puts his head back down
"aren't you going to attack me?" stephan asked "you tried to last time we met"
"don't feel like it" loki says sadly
"what's wrong?" stephan asked lying down putting his head in front of loki's
"i...i'm lonely ok!" loki says "i just...want to know...what love feels like that's not brotherly"
stephan realises that loki was love sick so stephan had an idea, he stands up and then he picks loki up by the scruff of his neck
"what are you doing?" loki asked a little annoyed yet curious
"you'll see" stephan says and he runs
he takes loki to his bedroom and when he get to his dog bed he puts loki down with loki's head on a pillow, loki moves to the bed then stephan gets in the bed too, he lies down then starts giving loki licks on his head, loki didn't get it as first but then he starting purring and then he started pummelling stephan's chest fur, after a while loki started to grow tired and he snuggles into stephan's chest, he fell asleep and stephan smiles before putting his head on loki falling asleep too
back with thor and he had shown everyone around new york with tony, steve, bruce as well as clint and natasha joining them later showing then all the landmarks and places so now all the asgardians had gone to bed in the ship since it was dark outside and they were tired out, thor decided to go to his old bedroom in the avenger tower and as he reaches the door he was met by bruce
"hi banner!" thor says happily
thor...you know you can call me bruce" bruce says
"oh sorry, hi bruce" thor says "what is the matter?"
"nothing's the matter, i just want to spend time with you" bruce says "well...by me...i mean the hulk"
"does half want to fight it out?" thor asked wagging his tail a little
"umm...yeah so...shall we go to the battle room?" bruce says
"sure let's go" thor says and he runs off with bruce not far behind
when they get there thor stands on one side of the room and bruce now the hulk on the other
"you ready hulk?" thor says
"hulk is ready to rough play" the hulk says as he wags his tail
thor always thought it was cute how much the hulk love playing and fighting with him and he wags his tail a little
"ok...go!" thor shouts and he charges
the hulk charges too and they met in the middle with hulk pushing thor down, there was a lot of bites and rough playing and after a while they stopped cause they were tired, they sat together in the middle of the room and thor lied his head on hulks arm
"hulk think thor was good today" hulk says tiredly as he lied his head between his arms
"thanks hulk" thor says and he licks hulk on the side of his mussel
after a bit both hulk and thor fell asleep in the middle of the battle room tired out then steve and tony came in the room
"huh, those two have gotten close since i last met them" steve says happily
"yeah...i never seen them so happy around each other, during the walk with the asgardians today they kept smiling, laughing and teasing each other" tony says "it was starting to get cute to watch"
"so shall we leave them here?" steve asked
"yeah" tony says "they'll be too heavy to lift up"
steve nods then they head out of the room, they make they way to the living room where they see clint and natasha talking to each other, it must been a funny talk cause natasha was smiling and laughing which she rarely does, steve and tony smile then head to steve's bedroom, clint and natasha were talking about the funny moments with the asgardians as they were showing them around
"it was so funny...they had the most funniest face" clint says as he laughed
natasha was laughing too and then after a bit they calmed down, natasha then went to clint and she licked him on the mussel making him blush
"i love you clint" natasha says with her tail wagging
"i...i love you too tasha" clint says and he licks natasha back
natasha then goes to clint and curls up close to him, she then falls asleep making clint smile then he falls asleep putting his head ontop of her, back with steve and tony and they make it to steve's bedroom
"well...i better leave you to sleep" tony says and he was about to leave when steve grabs tony's tail with his mouth
"no stay with me tonight" steve says
"you...you sure?" tony says tilting his head looking at steve
steve blushes and he nods, tony blushes a little then he goes over to steve and gives him a lick on the mussel
"your cute when you blush" tony says flirty then he heads to steve's bed
when he gets there he lies down then steve joins him lying down in front of tony, they then settle down and go to sleep, meanwhile while everyone was asleep the only person who was awake was peter aka spider-mutt since he was night hero watch, peter became night hero watch after cap and ironmutt told him to a while ago as well as fury, he also saw steve and tony as father figures since they took care of him when they went on missions together, peter was looking around while swing from building to building but he wasn't looking in front of him and he bumped into someone causing him to fall over, he shakes his head then looks up to see wade
"wade! what are you doing here?" peter asked
"i came to check on my favourite spider-mutt" wade replied and rubbed his face agents peter's
"it's nice to see you but..." peter says and pushes wade away but not to far "i got night watch to do"
"can we cuddle after?" wade asked
"...yeah sure" peter says and sighs
wade gets happy and he jumps on peter
"aren't you suppose to be killing something?" peter says
"yeah i guess" wade replies backing off from peter "i see you later baby boy" and wade disappears
peter sighs and then he carries on looking around town, after a few hours it was starting to get sunrise and spider-mutt was tired out after stopping a few robberies so he headed to his dog house, when he got there he was a bit suprised to find wade there still awake
"hi baby boy!" wade says wagging his tail seeing peter "how was the night?"
"a few attempted robberies as usual but i stopped them" peter replies then he yawns "i'm going to sleep now" he says and he heads in the dog house
wade follows peter and peter takes off his costume, he then heads to his bed and then wade joins him, they then end up falling asleep with wade having his head on peter and they were snuggled up together.
The End

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