The Avengers and Stony - Baby Peter

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It was a normal day at the tower, tony decided he wanted to be alone for the day so he make the avengers have a day off to do what they want so clint and natasha decided to go to the shield base to see if fury had anything for them to do, the hulk went off to do his daily outdoor thing and Thor went to asguard to check up on his dad and his mates but the only one who didn't leave the base was steve, he decided to stay in the base and do his favourite things like drawing and training but his real reason he stayed behind so he could keep an eye on tony, he knows tony so well so he knows that tony doesn't keep an eye on his well being very well and he worries over him like a mother, deep down steve keeps an eye on tony for his sake and tony's dad since he couldn't thank him for what he did all those years ago when he was turned into the super soldier he is and given his trademark shield everyone knows him by today, another thing is why steve cares about tony is that he has a crush on tony and he doesn't know but tony has a crush on him so they both really care about each other without knowing the truth.
steve was drawing a picture of cute golden retriever that he saw while on his morning run cause natasha told him he should draw more cute things so he decided to draw the dog, when he finished he decided to check on tony to see if he's eaten anything or he might of fallen asleep on his worktop and when he gets to tony's workshop the doors open and steve sees tony lying back on his chair playing with his pencil
"oh! hi cap" tony says turning around his chair to look at steve "didn't think you were still here, what's up?"
"i came to check if you were hungry and wanted anything to eat" steve says walking over to tony
"yeah i am a bit now you bring it up" tony says "what is there to eat?"
"well i was thinking i could make-" steve says but he was cut off by an alarm
"sorry for cutting the talk sirs but there is an emergency" JARVIS says "it taking place here sir" a screen comes up showing the location of the event
"looks like only you and me can take care of this, cap" tony says "get ready and i'll fly us over there"
steve nods and he runs to his room to grab his shield and his hood, he puts up the hood and runs to the helipad where tony in his ironman suit is
"you ready?" tony says and steve nods
ironman then flies and grabs steve by his hands, they fly over to the place and when they get there they can see what's going on, there were 2 guy who just robbed the bank holding out machine guns to the crowd, ironman and cap drop in front of the guy
"fellas" ironman says "can we please put the guns down and go the police over there that would be a big help"
the 2 guys had their guns pointed at ironman and cap while the police were arriving, then out of nowhere a black baby stroller comes out of the crowd with a lady running trying to catch it, one of the guys freak out on seeing the lady come out of nowhere and pulls the trigger on his gun, the bullet then hits the lady and killing her, cap then throws his shield knocking the 2 guys out and ironman goes after the stroller
"well...that didn't go as planned" ironman says to cap on the communicator
"no it never does" cap says as he ran over to the lady
he checked to see if she had a pulse but it was gone, ironman then came over with the stroller
"she's dead sadly" cap says quietly
" least the baby's ok" ironman says after a bit
cap looked at the baby while ironman looks at the 2 guys getting put into the police truck, the baby looked to be quite young he was asleep so it had his eyes closed and he had a spider toy next to him
"we should take him to the tower" ironman says "maybe we can find out if he's got any other family members to take him"
"yeah" cap says and he picks up the stroller
ironman then grabs him and they fly back to the tower, when they get there...somehow they take the stroller with the baby inside and tony uses his computer and a finger print from the baby to look him up
"...i got it sir" JARVIS says
"and?" tony replies with steve kneeling on the stroller
"it appears his name is peter parker, he's a month old and sadly all his family members are...dead, sir" JARVIS says "his mum and dad died in a car crash a day after he was born so his aunt and uncle took him in, but then his uncle died of an illness and...well...we know what happened to his auntie"
"that's sad" steve says "he's an orphan now" and he rubs his finger on peters cheek
peter then stirred from the cheek tickle and he wakes up to see steve
"hi peter" steve says and tony came over to look at peter
peter then looks at tony then notices his arch reactor on tony's chest and it reminded him of his mobile back home that shines blue when its nighttime and yellow when it's daytime, so he reaches out his hands and tries to grab it
"i think he like the reactor" steve says looking at tony and pointing to the blue light
tony then slowly goes to peter and picks him up, tony hold peter close to him and peter was touching the arch reactor
"so what do you want to do with him?" steve says putting his finger out and peter grab it "we can give him to a foster home so they can look after him"
tony thought about it then looked down at peter who was using steve's finger as a dummy (pacifie)
"no!" tony says "i, with the others help, are going to raise him"
"really?! that's a big responsibility tony" steve says
"yeah i know but i not getting any younger and i've always wanted a child" tony says
steve didn't say anything for a bit and he watched peter suckle on his finger and he just smiles
"ok, i'll help you" steve says looking at tony "i'll help you look after him"
"thanks steve" tony says smiling at his 'buddy'
"but when he's older, isn't he going to ask why he's got a dad but not a mom" steve says
"oh that's easy to fix" tony says without thinking it "your his mom"
"...what?!" steve says
"no what i mean is" tony says "your his dad too"
"so he's going to have 2 dads who aren't a couple" steve says confused
"who says we aren't a couple" tony says then kisses steve on the cheek
steve blushes after the kiss and looks at tony
"are you me?" steve says after a while of silence
"...yeah...i guess...i am" tony says smiling and blushing
steve and tony look at each other with new found love for each other and then peter starts to wine
"i better go out and find some baby things if we're keeping him" steve says and he removed his finger from peter's mouth
"ok but remember to got get caught by the press or anything" tony say
"while i do that you make lunch, i'm starving" steve says and he leaves the room
tony watches steve leave and when he was gone he looked at peter
"welcome to the avenger family "peter parker stark-rodgers" tony says and he kisses peter on the head making peter laugh
a hour and a half later, steve returned with lots of baby things like a cot, baby toys, baby clothes, dummies (pacifier), baby bottles, nappies (diapers), rattle, baby bath and other baby things, luckily tony had an empty room right by the the living room so that became peters bedroom and nursery, after steve and tony ate they got to work on doing the baby room and after 3 and a half hour doing it, it was done and both steve and tony were tired out
"there...all done" tony says smiling but tiredly
"yeah it looks great" steve says tiredly
while they were doing the room they left peter in the living room in his stroller, they went to him now and again to comfort him, feed him and changed him once but now he's fallen asleep, steve and tony go to him, push the stroller to the room, take peter out and put him in his new cot, they then went to the nearest room (which was steve's) and fell asleep on his bed cuddling up to each other, before tony went to bed he made a recorded message to the other so when they got back the message will play about peter and where've they gone, the first 2 to get back was clint and nastasha
"oh today was so awesome with the cool shots and all that action" clint says walking into the living room
"looks like we're the firsts ones back" nastasha says "hey JARVIS where is everyone"
master stark and captain rodgers have gone to bed but master stark left this message before going to bed" JARVIS says "it's really important and i suggest you listen to it"
"ok JARVIS, play it" clint says and the recording starts
"hey guys, if you want to know why i recorded this message, it's cause we'll be asleep by the time we get back and we wanted to tell you in person but we were to exhausted to stay up for that long" tony on the recording says "but we have big news and it's that we have now a new member of the team and it's my new son, peter"
"tony's got a son now?" clint says confused
"me and steve went out to a mission and successfully captured the bad guys but during the event peter's aunt was killed and he has no family members to go to so i decided to take him in, steve is going to help too and i...i mean we were hoping you all could help too and you all could be peter's aunts and uncles"
"aunt nastasha" clint says "that's suits you"
"yeah so does uncle clint" nastasha says emotionless
"that was all said in the message" JARVIS says
"ok we will tell the other when they get back, thanks JARVIS" nastasha says
"last thing" clint says "where is the baby?"
master peter is located in the first room when you leave the living room" JARVIS says
"ok thanks" clint says and leaves the living room
nastasha tags along and they find peter's room easily cause the door has peter's name on it, they open the door and walk over to the cot where peter was asleep
"he's adorable" nastasha says quietly so she doesn't wake peter
"yeah" clint says agreeing
"he also looks like tony" natasha says looking at him closer
"does that mean we're going to have a mini tony running around" clint says a little annoyed
"no i think he'll be half steve too so he'll look like tony but act like steve" natasha says
"i'm going to say it'll be 50/50" clint says and he puts his hand on natasha's shoulder "come on, let's leave the little tyke alone and let's eat, i'm staving"
they walk out the room and head to the kitchen where clint grabbed a pizza from the freezer, he stuck it in the over and after 10 minutes it s ready he tucked into it, then the hulk and thor came back
"hello eyes of hawk and widow" thor say in his viking voice "what has happen when i was gone"
"well sit down and we'll tell you" natasha says and thor with hulk sat down oppisite clint and natasha
"was there any smashing while i was gone" hulk says
"no something better" clint says "tony has decided with cap to become parents"
thor and hulk looked confused and natasha tapped clint on the face
"JARVIS play the recording" natasha says and the recording tony made started to play
after the recording thor and hulk look at each other
"so does that mean i'm a uncle now" hulk says
"yep and you too thor" clint says
"i will be the best uncle in asguard" thor says
"that's good thor" natasha says "well i'm off to bed, got another busy day tomorrow introducing myself to peter, night" and she walks off
"yeah i'm off too" clint says "night you heavyweights" and clint leaves
thor and hulk go quiet to think than thor speaks after a while
"do you think i will be a good uncle?" thor says out of nowhere
"hulk think thor will be best asguard uncle" hulk says "while i'll be best smash uncle"
"you are right there green brother" thor says "now let's feast before we snooze"
so hulk and thor feasted on some food that thor brought back with him and then fell asleep on the sofa snoring loudly, and after that day everyone loved peter in the avengers family and now they can't think on what if they didn't find him.
The End (For now)

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