Chapter 1: Alola to Alola

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I awoke being hauled onto a fishing boat, the smell of salty air filling my nose

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I awoke being hauled onto a fishing boat, the smell of salty air filling my nose. Two fishermen untangled me from the net I was stuck in and I began to throw up seawater on the swaying ship.

One of the fishermen nodded to a Poliwhirl. "Good job fishing him up, Poli."

The other guy helped me into a sitting position, his voice gruff. "How'd you end up in the ocean?"

I looked around, finally realizing where I was. Somewhere in the ocean with no land in sight. How did I get out here from the river?

The fisherman handed me a blanket and I wrapped myself in it. "Fell off a cliff into the river from the storm last night."

The fishermen exchanged looks. "Last night? The storm was two days ago."

I was bewildered. How was that storm two days ago and only now I end up found? Never mind that, how was I alive?

I began to shake more and one of the fishermen opened a pokeball, releasing a Magmar. "Hey Magmar, mind warming up the kid?"

Magmar nodded. "Mag."

The Fire type heated it's body and sat close to me. I began to feel better. My hand went down to my waist where my belt was. I sighed in relief, feeling the smooth surface of my pokeball. Thank Arceus it was still there.

The other fisherman headed to the cabin. "Where do you need to go kid?"

"Just to the docks." I said, my teeth chattering. "That'll be fine."

He nodded and went into the cabin to steer the boat to the mainland, which I hoped was close. After an hour, I could see the docks and I was fully dried and free of the chills. I heard a splash of water from behind the boat and went to investigate. I leaned over the railing, feeling the salty breeze whip my hair about, my hands clinging to the metal. I could see a small blue body in the water when it surfaced.

"Manaphy." It cried, it's head having two orbs hanging from it's body.

I was surprised. A Manaphy was a rare find.

The mythical Pokemon sank back into the water, but I heard a bubbly voice in my head. "Go Hero Born of Darkness, to Alola. I may have been able to save you once, but now your destiny is in your hands alone."

"Wait!" I cried desperately. "What does that mean!? I'm no hero...!" My voice trailed off as Manaphy sank out of sight. The fisherman who wasn't steering the boat looked at me with concern written all over his face.

"You okay there kid?" He asked.

I sighed and nodded, the fisherman probably thinking there was something wrong with me in the head. 

I stared at the water. What the Manaphy said bothered me. The darkness part I understood, but me a hero? There was no way I could be given my past. And my past was linked to that darkness. Also, my destiny was in my hands? Wasn't it already?

Besides that, what Manaphy also said made sense. It must have saved me from drowning and waited till someone came along. And going to Alola? I've heard of that place before, but I never researched it at all. But if it was far away from Kanto and Team Rocket, then it would be the ideal place to start over.

I looked away from the water and saw that we were nearing land. I checked my pockets just to make sure I still had the plastic bag of money they gave me. It was there, so that meant I wouldn't have to beg to get on a ship. Soon, I would be away on a ship from Kanto and Team Rocket.


When the boat docked, I disembarked, thanking the two fishermen.

They nodded. "You sure you don't need anymore help?"

I smiled. "I'm sure. You guys helped me enough. Good fishing to both of you."

They grinned and steered the boat away. I turned away and walked to the main part of the harbor. I saw a sign that read: "Cinnabar Island Harbor." 

I groaned. Team Rocket could easily get here to look for me. Then again, it's been a couple days, so maybe not.

I walked around until I saw a sign that showed the boat schedules, a world map, and a clock. I studied the map and surprise surprise. Looks like the region of Alola was a pretty good distance away from Kanto.

I sighed. Would I regret following Manaphy's words? Maybe, maybe not. But I did feel drawn to that spot in the map and had no idea why. I checked the boat schedule and the nearest boat would leave to Alola in a couple hours. Enough time to get a change of clothes.


I stepped out of a clothes shop, feeling good about myself. I got a good deal, but the person at the check-out was kinda giving me the stink eye at my crinkled and kinda damp money.

Now I was dressed in a fresh black shirt, pants, and a fitting trench coat. Looking in a mirror, I realized my medium length black hair was in need of desperate cleaning. 

Checking a nearby clock, I realized I still had an hour left to kill, so I decided to go to a nearby park. I took out my pokeball and opened it, releasing my Growlithe.

He yipped, obviously happy to see me. I took a bag out of my trench pocket filled with Pokemon food that I had bought earlier. I took a handful and let him eat. After a minute he began to jump around happily. I smiled. Growlithe always managed to cheer me up.

We played in the park for almost an hour, then made our way back to the harbor. I bought our tickets for Alola and climbed on the designated boat. It would take a couple days to reach Alola so Growlithe and I made ourselves comfortable in our room and waited till it was time to go eat.


Days later, the region was in sight. I grinned. "Alola."

Growlithe barked and I chuckled. Smiling sadly, I stared at the islands that were slowly growing bigger. This was it. Our new beginning.

As the ship neared Melemele Island, the ship's intercom crackled to life and a man's voice spoke through the boat's intercom. "We are nearing our final destination. Passengers, say alola to Alola."

Feel free to those who read my fanfic to leave comments. It would help me fix mistakes and whatnot if any were made. And in all honesty, I didn't expect to get views this fast. Thank you to those who have read my fic. It means a lot.

 It means a lot

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