Chapter 27: The Dark Past of Alola

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Olivia led us back into the Ruins of Life and we walked down a passageway

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Olivia led us back into the Ruins of Life and we walked down a passageway. "I only discovered this room recently. It's... It's changed my perspective on history quite a bit."

We found ourselves in a circular room. To be honest, I had enough of circular rooms for one lifetime. On the wall were hundreds of drawings and ancient writing of the past. Scattered across the floor were a bunch of scrolls.

Olivia picked up a scroll and dusted it off. "I don't know how these survived over a thousand years, but they provided a lot of insight."

I crossed my arms. "Just tell us what you know about Alola's history."

She hesitated. "It's not just Alola's history. It's its secrets, a dark history that is better left forgotten."

"That's not your decision to make," Alex said and I shot her a grateful look.

Olivia nodded. "I suppose you're right."

She sat in the middle of the room with her legs crossed. "It all started with a prophecy..."


Kahuna Mavrior watched as the Prowler's eyes glowed as did her golden coat of fur. She spoke in a clear voice that sounded like life itself.

"As darkness rises
Age old enemies return
A Hero Born of Darkness
Chosen by the Creator
Must conquer his past
So the Shadow may fall
Betrayal lies..."

Then her eyes turned black and a deeper, almost crystal like voice spoke. "My world was plunged into darkness by the Shadow's hand. I have been imprisoned, blamed for what has happened. But one day my power will return. I, the Blinding One, shall return and take back the light."

The Prowler fell to her side, breathing heavily.

Mavrior looked pale. "The Shadow and the Tapus at the same time. How can we hope to survive!?"

The Prowler slowly got to her feet. "I don't know Mavrior. I don't know."


Kahuna Mavrior met with the other Kahunas atop Mount Lanakila. Kahuna Kress of the Melemele Tribe stood to one side and Kahuna Callie of the Poni Tribe stood next to him. Kahuna Dreg of the Ula'Ula Tribe accompanied Mavrior up the mountain.

"Why have we been summoned here?" Asked Kress in a gruff voice.

"Because," Callie said. "Mavrior suspects they're beginning to realize."

She looked at the Kahuna of the Akala Tribe and he nodded. "The gods are desperately looking for ways to prepare for the Shadow and the Tapus. But I also think they're beginning to suspect we have something to do with the betrayal part of the prophecy."

Mavrior looked at his fellow Kahunas. "If they realize we're the ones betraying them, we can't help the Tapus rise."

The Kahunas shared glances, worried expressions on all their faces.

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