Chapter 53: Reign of the Ultra Beasts

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Alex's POV

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Alex's POV

I sat next to Zeno's grave on Mahalo Trail. Hau and Lillie had already left for Iki Town, the only safe place left on Melemele, but Robert had stayed behind.

He knelt next to me. "How are you holding up?"

"It's been a week," I said bitterly. "I'm fine."

"Alex," he began, placing his hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged his hand off. "Go back to Iki Town Robert. I'll be fine."

He sighed but respected my wishes. After a couple more minutes, I stood. I made my way further up the trail until I reached the newly constructed bridge to the Ruins of Conflict.

I picked up a rock and flung it towards the Ruins. "WHY!? WHY DID YOU CHOOSE HIM!?"

I picked up another rock, but I fell to my hands and knees, the rock slipping from my fingers. I dug my fingers into the dirt and let my tears fall.

"Why did you do it Zeno?" I sobbed. "Why did you go? Why did you leave me?"

He was thinking about me though, but he was also thinking about all of Alola, the world. He accepted his destiny and fought to save everyone, even if it meant his own death.

"Get ahold of yourself Alex," I said fiercely. "You have a job to do."

I stood and dried my tears. I let out Ninetales and felt comforted by the heat she gave off.

"C'mon girl," I said. "Let's get back to Iki Town."


Once back in town, I took notice of Zeno's Pokémon. Decidueye, Kabutops, and Mimi were helping with setting up more defenses around Iki Town while Gyarados and Lycanroc patrolled the area. Mahina was training with Gladion's Silvally off to the side, but there was no sign of Arcanine. As soon as he realized his trainer was dead a few days ago, he took off and no one's seen him since.

Someone came running into the village, shouting. "THEY'RE HERE!"

Immediately people began running into their houses as trainers of all ages stood their ground alongside their Pokémon.

I saw Hau and Lillie near one of the houses with Robert running to join them.

"Are you focused?" a voice to my right asked.

I turned and saw Gladion there with Silvally and Mahina.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned.

He raised an eyebrow. "Just make sure to concentrate on the fight. Put everything else off your mind."

I clenched a fist. "Do you think-!"

The sound of crashing wood and beastly roars diverted my attention from Gladion to the Ultra Beasts breaking into Iki Town. A large, two-legged tree Ultra Beast with a gaping mouth, craggily, branches, vines, and no eyes tore up the ground with roots. There was also a large bulky humanoid figure covered in muddy water and seaweed close behind it.

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